Squeezing a smart dog – rules, methods, dog training tips

April 5, 2023
Dog Training
Squeezing a smart dog - rules, methods, dog training tips

Fundamentals of independent training of dogs and puppies of different breeds

In order to educate a smart and obedient dog that performs all the commands of the owner, training is needed. In many cities there are special training courses conducted by professional dog lines. But since this service costs money and, as a rule, is more often in demand among breeders of elite breeds of dogs prepared for various competitions and exhibitions, many owners conduct training animals at home, resorting to simple and understandable recommendations of specialists.

In the article, we will talk about the rules and methods of training dogs of large, small and medium breeds, at what age and how often it is necessary to conduct classes with a puppy, whether an adult dog can be trained, the main mistakes made by the owners in training, the tips for training from specialists.

Why train a dog

Any dog, like a child, needs education. Unaccounted dogs do not obey the owner, spoil different things in the house, go where they get to the toilet, run away on a walk, chase cats and mongrels, and indeed they deliver a lot of trouble and problems to their owner.

In order for your dog to behave culturally, implicitly performed all the given commands, understood its place in the house and did not do stupid acts during the walk, we need training.

Top 10 Cool Tricks To Teach Your Dog

Where to do dog training

Dog training involves teaching an animal to different commands. The simplest and most common: “sit”, “Down”, “stand”, “Heel”, “Come / Come here”, “Speak”, “Place”, “Shake (Paw)”, “Stop that! ” And etc.

It is better to train the dog on the street. It is advisable to choose a calm and spacious place. It is important that it is familiar to the pet. There should be no other animals Heel that will distract the dog. The presence of strangers is also undesirable. The dog should be completely passionate about the master and be as concentrated as possible on his speech, and not on extraneous sounds.

How much the dog needs to be trained: the frequency of classes

It is recommended to train the dog every day. The duration of the first classes is 30-40 minutes, further time increases to 1-1. 5 hours. If a puppy is trained up to 6 months, the duration of classes should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

If the owner has the opportunity to enroll a dog for training in a specialized club, you can agree on 1-2 classes per week. The owner can follow the learning process, memorize various nuances, and on other days train the animal on his own at home, honing the skills acquired by the dog.

At what age can you train a puppy at home

Some experts recommend starting training dogs from 6-7 months. However, according to experienced breeders, many dog breeds are ready for training as early as 3-4 months of age. Puppies lend themselves well to training, are quickly trained and remember commands well. They grow up smart and obedient dogs.

Preparing for training: where to start

In order for dog training to lead to positive results, you need the right preparation for the learning process. You should start by preparing the dog.

Recommendations for preparing the animal:

  1. Before training, you can not feed the dog, because after feeding it must rest. In addition, active movement on a full stomach increases the likelihood of volvulus and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Before training, the owner needs to establish contact with the dog, play with it, pet it.
  3. In order for the dog to fully concentrate on the learning process, you must first release it to the toilet to satisfy natural needs.
  4. To train a dog on the street, you will need some ammunition items: a soft leather collar, a leash (length from 1 to 15 meters), a treat for motivation and encouragement for following commands. Dogs of medium and large breeds will also need a muzzle.

Basic rules and methods of dog training

There are some rules and training methods that will help novice dog breeders bring up all the necessary qualities in pets.

Basic rules of training:

  • One person should teach the dog to the commands. Do not educate the pet to all family members.
  • You need to train the dog in a good mood. The negative emotions and irritability of the owner will not allow to establish friendly contact with the dog and achieve positive results in training.
  • Consider the training program, given the nature of the animal.
  • Training can only be carried out when the dog is in good physical shape. You cannot train new pets with a sluggish look and any health problems.
  • Finish the training praise for every success and, of course, do not forget to encourage the dog with your favorite treat. She will definitely appreciate this and will wait for the next lesson.

There are many methods of training dogs: guidance, hiding, imitation, gaming and defensive behavior, passive inflection, reduction of a behavioral act, etcch methods are more often used by professional dog handlers.

An ordinary dog breeder who wants to teach his pet to different commands can choose the easiest way to teach – motivation with the income to perform a certain action, where a tasty treat or a favorite dog’s favorite toy is a motivational element.

The imitation method is relevant for learning puppies if the family already has an adult trained dog that will give a good example to follow the younger generation.

Features of dog training of different breeds

Each dog breed has its own characteristics of behavior and character. This is important to consider, drawing up a training program for a particular animal.

Small-breed puppies training

Dogs of small breeds belong to the decorative group. They have small weight, up to 10 kg, miniature dimensions. It is convenient to keep such animals in city apartments, they do not create a lot of trouble, they eat little and do not pose a particular danger to others. But this does not exclude the need to educate the dog, so that further communication and living with it bring only joy and pleasure to the owner.

What should a small breed dog know and be able to:

Squeezing a smart dog - rules, methods, dog training tips and remember commands

Why is dog training so expensive?

  1. Know your place in the house.
  2. Perform the command “Place”, “Come / Come here” and “Down”.
  3. To be accustomed to the collar and leash.
  4. Listen to the owner and stop his actions by hearing the command "Stop that! " Or "Stop".
  5. Go to the toilet on a special tray or during walking on the street.
  6. Do not show aggression when the owner conducts the necessary therapeutic and hygienic manipulations over it.
  7. The dog should not beg from the owner of the delicacy from the table. It must be accustomed to the diet-2-4 times a day, depending on age.
  8. On walks, the dog should not run far from the owner, chase other animals or people.

In order for a small dog to perform all the necessary actions, it needs to be trained from an early age, to educate in it obedience and good behavior.

Training of medium and large breeds

For dogs of medium and large breeds, an individual training program is compiled, taking into account their features and character.

For example, shepherds and other dog dogs are considered smart animals, and their intellectual abilities have been manifested from the first months of life. If the owner starts training in time, such a dog will become the most devoted and obedient, ready to unquestioningly perform all the commands of the owner.

Dogs of fighting breeds require special upbringing and training. They are aggressive and can be dangerous to others. In learning, it is necessary to show the willpower and iron character, which will help to educate an obedient and socially non-gas dog.

Is it possible to train an adult dog

Many people believe that you can’t teach the commands an adult dog, but this opinion is erroneous. With the right approach in training, you can educate and discipline even an elderly animal. The only nuance: dog training with already established manners of behavior and character is a longer process that requires persistence, patience and self-control from the owner. It is unacceptable to show aggression, only friendly contact will prompt the animal to fulfill the assignments of the owner.

Dog training errors

Inexperienced dog breeders often make mistakes in the training of pets, due to which the learning process is complicated or does not give results at all. Consider the most common.

Errors in training:

  1. The desire to “humanize” the dog, presenting to it increased and impossible for animal requirements. A person must subjectively evaluate the capabilities of the dog, the features of its behavior and intelligence. You cannot demand and try to instill in animal skills typical of humans.
  2. The lack of an individual approach in the training process. Each dog is individual, therefore, developing a training strategy for training, the owner must take into account the breed of the dog, its character, age and other personality criteria.
  3. The desire to work as much skills as possible in one training process. The lack of a sequence in the study of various techniques, careless development of the acquired skillsch training does not give good results. Any new skill must be worked out, bringing it to automatism. It is imperative to comply with a strict sequence – from simple techniques to more complex.
  4. Front, associated with excessively frequent classes and a very long learning process at a time, which entails overwork of the nervous system of the animal. The owner needs to control the time of classes and not force it to perform the same action more than 2-3 times. Also, do not work several times a day. The dog must allocate time for relaxation.
  5. The abuse of the delicacy issued for the purpose of encouragement. Dogglers do not recommend giving a delicious dog to the dog after performing each reception. She quickly eats and ceases to obey the owner. You can thank the dog for obedience with a kind word or stroking.

Useful tips and recommendations from specialists

Inexperienced dog breeders planning to engage in the training of a pet, we recommend that you study useful tips and recommendations from experienced dog handlers.

Dog training tips:

  1. Commands need to be pronounced loudly, briefly, with confident intonation.
  2. You cannot be too strict in communication with the animal. Have patience and control your emotions. You can’t beat and brutally punish the dog for disobedience.
  3. Each technique should be repeated in each lesson, working out the resulting skill.
  4. The training system is built from simple to complex. Gradually increases the load and time of classes.
  5. For obedience and fulfilling new commands, the dog needs to be encouraged with a delicious treat, but in moderation.
  6. Observe the sequence and adhere to a single tactic. If you make any prohibitions, follow them always, otherwise the dog will cease to obey you.

The basic rules in compliance with the educational process technique will allow you to extract a home dog of any breed and age. Stock up and be prepared to spend a lot of time and effort on the training process, but these efforts will be uncertain!


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