Goals of dog training

March 31, 2023
Dog Training
Goals of dog training

The main goal of training is to establish a close bond between the owner and the dog. Despite the fact that the learning process will be time-consuming, the result is worth the time spent:

  • Training accustoms a pet to discipline: he understands and follows the rules established in the house;
  • The dog knows the boundaries of what is permitted, for example, sleeps only on his couch and goes to the toilet exclusively on the street;
  • Command processing is an additional physical and intellectual load;
  • A well-mannered pet will not be bored to get under the feet of family members in search of entertainment;
  • A trained dog can be safely left at home alone: it will not spoil things and furniture and will not bother neighbors with loud barking or a drawn-out howl;
  • A disciplined pet is a pleasant companion on a walk, on business trips, visiting, traveling, and even at a table in a cafe.

How to prepare your dog for training

For the lesson to be successful, the pet must be prepared for it. Here are a few simple steps to help make every session productive:

  • Training should be carried out 1. 5-2 hours after eating, since physical activity on a full stomach can lead to volvulus;
  • Before starting classes, make sure that the dog goes to the toilet: then she will be able to concentrate on working out the commands;
  • To set up a pet for training, it is recommended that you first play with him, caress, talk;
  • For classes, treats or dry dog food should also be prepared to reward success, a soft collar, a leash, a muzzle, toys, sports equipment, a bottle of water.

Basic learning rules

Regardless of the age of the dog, it can and should be trained. Puppy education should begin at 2-3 months, since during this period the pet already perceives information and is able to execute the command. An adult pet is also trainable, just training will take more time and require a certain approach.

There are a number of simple and effective rules:

  • Conduct classes regularly, at the same time;
  • Develop a training program and follow it;
  • Conduct classes in familiar territory or allow the pet to pre-explore a new place;
  • One person must do the training;
  • Start training with enthusiasm and a positive attitude;
  • Monitor the well-being and physical shape of the animal;
  • During classes, especially in hot weather, give the dog water to drink:
  • Clearly pronounce commands;
  • Change intonation so that the pet distinguishes between orders and praise;
  • Repeat the command no more than two times in a row, otherwise the dog will decide that the owner’s demand can be fulfilled on the tenth attempt;
  • Repeat memorized commands daily to consolidate skills;
  • Do not be angry and in no case do not punish the dog physically;
  • Praise and treat the student for each executed command.

Photo the dog runs

How to teach a dog to commands

The training should be approached patiently and tune in that it will take time. Do not wait for quick results, but you should not abandon what has begun either. The main thing is regularity and perseverance.

In the learning process to any command:

  • Say the command clearly, loudly;
  • Show with a gesture what exactly is required from the animal: if the command is “Down”, then you should sit down near the dog and lower the hand with a treat clamped in a fist;
  • Each lesson should begin with the repetition of past commands so that the pet is used to “automatically” to fulfill them;
  • Gradually, teach the dog to work in a lesson not for treating, but do not forget to praise it;
  • Sincerely rejoice at communicating with your pet, so that classes bring pleasure to both of you.

We talk about 7 basic commands and 1 trick, which you can independently train the dog.


A command that is considered the simplest and on which other useful commands and tricks are based.

  1. Click a piece of goodies in a fist and bring your hand to the dog’s nose so that it smells.
  2. Raise your hand so that the pet sees it, but could not get it.
  3. Wait until the dog sits on the floor, watching your hand inseparably. You can easily press on the cereal of the animal if it does not sit.
  4. When the pet sinks onto the hind legs, clearly command to “sit” and pamper him with something delicious for the work done.


The command will come in handy at the appointment of a veterinarian, as well as official breeds.

  1. Show the pet with a treat, hold a piece in a fist and lower your hand to the ground so that the animal reaches down.
  2. Press the dog on the withers with a light movement so that she lay down evenly, not falling on her side.
  3. Clearly command the “Down” and treat the student with a delicacy as praise.

An important command that prohibits the pet. Helps the owner to call the dog to order so that it stops barking, rush to passers-by, bite, select garbage, food and unfamiliar objects from the floor.

  1. To work out the command, you will need a short leash.
  2. With undesirable actions on the part of the dog, you should sharply pull the leash on itself and command “Stop that! ”.
  3. Movement and intonation should be sharp in order to cause negative associations in the pet.

The Fu command is also necessary to wean the dog from the floor or from the ground. On the street or in the park, the animal can try anything on the tooth: from falling to toxic substances. You can read about poisoning in dogs in a separate article.

Photo dog is taught the fu command

  1. To wean the pet select treats from the ground, training should be carried out on the street.
  2. Choose a low-haired and long route.
  3. Pre-decompose in the way of following the dog of delicacy.
  4. Slowly approach the dog with a forbidden treat.
  5. When an animal tried to eat treats – to pull the leash sharply and say ”No! ”. In this exercise, the dog is not encouraged for executing the command.

Shake (Paw)

Someone will seem useless to someone, but this is not so. The skills will come in handy to cut the dog claws or wash the paws after a walk.

  1. At first, the pet should be shown.
  2. Then hide the tidbit in the hand and bring closer to the dog.
  3. The dog will take several unsuccessful attempts to open his fist with his teeth.
  4. And when the pet tries to get the treat with his paw, then give a “Shake (Paw)! ”, Take the animal’s paw in the hand and hold for some time.
  5. After each attempt by the student, should be praised for efforts and treated.

Come / Come here

The benefits of this command are that the pet immediately comes to the voice of the owner. The development of the command “Come / Come here” will help prevent the escape of the dog and protect it from injuries and dangers that the street is fraught with.

  1. Prepare a medium-long leash for training and something tasty for the student.
  2. For a greater effect, training is carried out on an empty stomach – this is how the animal smoothes the smell of delicacy.
  3. Take the leash in the left hand, and the treat is in the right.
  4. Come close to the dog, clearly say “Come / Come here”, sit on the ground with a light pressing on the ground and encourage something tasty.
  5. Repeat the algorithm and get treat again with a treat.
  6. After achieving the first results, the distance should be increased.
  7. In anticipation of a delicious reward, the pet himself will suit and sit next to him.
  8. They continue to train training until the dog learns to come only to the call of the owner, even if he is not in sight.
Goals of dog training sight of

Goals of dog training


The command will come in handy in everyday life. For example, if the animal must be combed out or dressed.

  1. First you should command the pet "sit! ".
  2. After the dog sits down, pronounce the "stand" command. At the same time, bring the treat to the animal’s face and smoothly take his hand to the side so that he needs to rise from his place.
  3. The pet must Stand for at least 4 seconds. As a reward for his work, he should be treated and stroked.
  4. With each repetition, increase the time intervals before rewarding the dog. So she will understand that she must not only get up, but linger in this position for a while.

Photo dog stands


The ability to walk alongside is an indicator of a well-mannered dog.

It is recommended to work out the command when the pet has walked up and is no longer distracted by street noise and passers-by. For example, you can start learning on the way home.

  1. The dog should be put on a short leash and walked at a moderate pace. The animal should run so close that its right shoulder blade is in close contact with your leg when moving.
  2. When walking, pull the dog closer to you by the leash and clearly repeat "Heel! ".
  3. If the animal ran away to the side, then pull it to the leg and command again.
  4. Upon successful completion of the task – praise and treat.
  5. As the command is mastered, the pace of movement should be changed: speed up or slow down. In this case, the dog should always go in parallel, to the left of the owner.
  6. It is also recommended to practice skills while walking and running fast.
  7. The command is considered fully mastered when the dog performs it without a leash: together with the owner it accelerates, slows down or sits next to it when the movement is completely stopped.


Somersault refers to tricks. Someone teaches a pet somersault for fun. However, before starting this trick, the dog must learn the “sit” and “down” commands.

Compared to basic exercises, it will take your pet more time to learn to roll over.

  1. It is better to work out the trick on a soft surface, for example, on grass or sand.
  2. You should start with the ”Down! ” Command.
  3. Next, make the dog roll over. To do this, the attention of the pet is attracted by a treat, which is slowly moved from the tip of his nose to his shoulder. In anticipation of the treat, the dog will begin to turn its head in the direction of the movement of the hand. And, in order not to lose sight of the delicacy, it will be forced to roll over.
  4. In order for the pet to turn completely in a given direction, you should bring your hand with a treat to the floor.
  5. If the student has completed a full turn, then he must be praised and treated.

Dogs rarely roll on the first try. As a rule, the pet rises from the floor, rolls on its back or turns its head in all directions in search of treats. In this case, somersault training can be carried out in stages.

  1. Start also with the “down” command.
  2. Bring the treat to the nose of the pet, and then move the hand to his shoulder. When the dog turns his head in a given direction, it can be encouraged.
  3. Repeat the exercise several times. And every attempt to complete the treats.
  4. Next, you should encourage the pet only if he turned his head and at the same time rolled on his side as much as possible, albeit not entirely.
  5. As the skill is worked out, the dog is encouraged only if it completely rolled over to the side.
  6. According to the same principle, you can accustom the animal to turn over on the other side, on the back, in the position of Down or sitting. The main thing is to always keep the attention of the pet with a treat.
  7. As soon as the dog learns without sudden movements to turn over, you should introduce an oral command: lure the treats and clearly pronounce the “somersault”.
  8. Over time, the pet will get used to performing somersaults one after another, reacting to the voice. Then it will be possible to abandon the bait and use the treat only as an encouragement for the work done.

Efficiency of training: at home or by a dog handler

Take the upbringing of a pet at home or entrust the work to a professional? In both cases, there are positive and negative points.

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