Solar powered electric fence for dogs

December 13, 2022

Electric fence for dogs: how to make an electric shepherd with your own hands

Dogs are intelligent and resourceful animals. They quickly enough find a way to overcome any fence. For owners who are concerned about the safety of their pets, an electric dog fence can be a good solution.

Diagram for installing an electric dog fence

Installing electric fence for dogs

Types of electric dog fences

Electric dog fences can be of two types:

  1. The first option is a fence made of strung wires or live wire tapes. In common parlance, such an electric fence for animals is also called an electric dog fence.
electric fence

This is what an electric fence looks like

Electric fence for dogs and animals

The principle of the electric fence is to produce a high, but short-lived voltage (once per second). The resulting discharge is not dangerous and allows you to quickly develop a reflex that makes the dog avoid approaching the fence. An electric fence consists of the following elements:

  • generator;
  • poles;
  • high-voltage cable;
  • pole for grounding;
  • lightning rod;
  • conductor – these can be tapes, wires, nets;
  • insulators for conductors;
  • connectors;
  • tester.

"The heart" of an electric fence is a generator, it generates pulses that are fed through wires to the fence.

electric fence

Examples of electric fencer equipment and dimensions

Maximum discharge energy of the fence (from 0.05 to 5 J) is safe for animals and people, but unpleasant enough to teach the pet not to leave the marked for it possessions.

Specialized fencing consists of polymer metalized bands or cables that are highly visible. The animal quickly learns to avoid contact with them.

Such conductors are produced by foreign firms and are not cheap. Instead of a special fence, you can use almost any material that conducts electricity. For example, galvanized steel wires, woven and welded mesh made of metal rods. Special plastic insulators with ceramic fasteners allow you to attach fences to any post: wood, plastic, metal or concrete.

Electric fence can be powered by:

  • from 220V network;
  • from battery 9-12V;
  • by solar battery.

Installation of an electric fence

If for cattle electric fence should be about 150 cm and two lines are enough, then for dogs the recommended height of the fence is about 100 cm and four lines are required – the distance between the lines should be at least 20-30 cm.

Mounting of fence posts

mounting the wooden poles
  1. Marking the perimeter. Determine the location of the posts and the passage.
  2. Mounting the posts for the wicket. Wicket posts are installed in the first place, the optimum width of the passage – 2.5 m.
  3. Mounting the pillars. The height and distance between the posts will depend on the type of soil and landscape. The maximum distance between the supports is no more than 10 m. On difficult terrain supports are installed more often.

Insulators and conductor fixing

line fastening
  1. Marking the lines. Markings are applied to the poles depending on the recommendations for the type of animal.
  2. Fixing plastic insulators. The fasteners for the conductor are screwed into the poles with the slit upwards.
  3. Installation of conductors. Ribbons or wire are attached to poles, starting from the aisle.
  4. Connecting the lines. Crimped metal connectors are used to fasten the conductive tapes to each other. Important! It is not recommended to knot the lines, in such places begins to overheat, and because of this reduces the service life of the conductor. Sparking in places where lines are knotted together also often causes interference in the operation of radio equipment.
  5. Jumper Installation. The top and bottom lines of the fence are connected to each other by jumpers. If the fence is long – crosspieces are set every 200-300 m. Thanks to such connections, the electric fence will have equal voltage along its entire length.
  6. Bringing electricity under the wicket. With the help of high-voltage cable conducts electricity under the gate.
  7. Checking the lines. Crimp connectors are screwed tight, and the quality of the fasteners is checked.
  8. Tensioning of conductive lines. Conductor tensioners are recommended to prevent sagging tapes or wire. A tensioned fence is less susceptible to wobble, so it will last longer.
electric fence tension

Electric fence tension spring

Solar powered electric fence for dogs required of

solar powered electric fence for dogs

Mounting the generator

  1. Installation. The generator should be installed in a place which is inaccessible for the animals, also it should not touch the ground. Although there are many companies which offer electric shepherds which do not mind rain, it is advisable to mount the generator in a place where it will be protected from the sun and rain. The generator is mounted in a strictly vertical position on a wall or pole with screws.
  2. Grounding. A grounding pole is driven into the ground not far from the generator. The soil at the place of installation of the ground must be sufficiently wet – dry ground does not conduct current and will not provide a good grounding.
  3. Installation of a lightning rod. The lightning protection device is plugged into the ground, and the electrical fence, grounding and generator are connected to it. The lightning rod will protect the generator in case lightning strikes the fence lines.
electric fence generator

This is what a generator for an electric fence looks like

Wiring and testing the electric fence

  1. The generator is connected to the ground and the lightning rod.
  2. The fence is connected to the mains or battery.
  3. After the generator is turned on, use a grounded tester to check the voltage of the entire fence and line connections. Depending on the model of electric fence, the voltage should be at least 4000 V.
  4. When checking the ground pole, a value over 300V indicates a poor quality ground. Possible causes: short pole length or corrosion, too dry ground, insufficient number of poles.

The main points on the operation of the electric fence

  • The dog must be accustomed to the fence. Animals usually understand very quickly that the fence should not be approached;
  • The fence should be checked at least 2 times a year;
  • Grass and any vegetation should not come in contact with the wire lines;
electric fence

Electric fence design option

"Invisible" electronic fence.

The electronic fence is a transmitter and collar. The dog's movement area is defined by a wire that can be mounted on the fence, laid directly on the ground, or buried.

The special collar will initially warn the pet with an audible signal if it gets close to the fence. Over time, the trained dog will understand the meaning of this signal, and will not approach the fence.

invisible fence

Invisible Electronic Fence Kit

Electronic fence can be installed also on the perimeter of the garden or flower garden, and protect the plants from trampling.

Installation of the electronic fence

The electronic fence is available in the following configuration:

  • transmitter;
  • wires;
  • collar with receiver;
  • power adapter for the transmitter;
  • batteries;
  • fuse.
  1. Install the transmitter in a dry place such as a shed or garage near a 220V AC outlet. The device can withstand temperature fluctuations, but moisture on it is undesirable.
  2. For the electronic fence to work, the wire must form a closed circuit. If you plan to bury the wire, you must first make sure it is in good condition. The distance of the wire from the metal fence should not be less than one meter. Also, the antenna wire should not be installed near telephone, satellite cables.
fence connection

Diagram for connecting the electronic fence

The first time you need to stay close to the dog until he gets used to the fence and collar. Proper pet behavior should be encouraged. For the system to work properly, you should test the fence more often.

Advantages of an electronic fence

An electronic fence has the following positive features:

  • safety for animals;
  • quick and easy installation;
  • affordable price;
  • mobility – the wire can be quickly reinstalled;
  • the ability to connect multiple collars.
collar of an electric shepherd

Often owners are hesitant to use electric fencing or electronic dog collars for fear that the electric shock will hurt their pets. However, this is a temporary measure and many animals understand what is required of them after the first or second unpleasant discharge. Behind the electronic fence, the dog will be completely safe, he will not get lost and will be able to walk peacefully in the territory entrusted to him.

Shanna Derrick About Author

Author of dog food articles with a deep understanding of healthy dog nutrition.

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