How to train an Argentine dog. Dogo argentino training secrets

November 17, 2022
Dog Training
How to train an Argentine dog. Dogo argentino training secrets objects that cause trouble

how to train an argentine dog. dogo argentino training secrets

Raising an Argentine Dog: what to consider

The Argentine Dane is a serious dog breed for strong-minded people. It requires a responsible attitude in the upbringing.

When to start training?


Good manners for a puppy should be addressed as soon as it arrives in your home. Babies with a good nervous system adapt quite quickly to new living conditions and are ready to learn new rules of behavior from the first days.

If you have a family with children, you need to understand that the Argentine Dog is not a nanny dog. A large pet can negligently hit and drop a baby. Leaving children unsupervised with a puppy and then with an adult dog is not allowed. It is important to teach the child how you can and can't behave with a dog.

In your "hierarchy" all family members are always a few notches higher than the pet. People should be leaders for the dog, not the other way around. Decide for yourself in advance what you will allow the adult dog and what you will not. From this and you need to lay down the rules of etiquette at a younger age. For example, if you don't want your adult dog to sleep on the bed with you, you shouldn't take the little puppy to bed either. Instead, get him a super comfy dog bed with high rims and place it next to your bed.

About the kennel

Before you bring home a new puppy I recommend getting a kennel. This will solve several issues. I know that many people are against the cage because they associate it with punishment and restraint. Let me tell you more about what it is really for.

A dog perceives the house, apartment, room or cage as one space. It makes no difference to her where she gets to romp around. He won't feel trapped and abandoned in a cage. On the contrary, the cage becomes a personal space for the pet, a home, a shelter.

The cage makes it easier for you to arrange life with your puppy. While you're away, the cage will keep your furniture, shoes, and personal belongings safe from puppy's curiosity and sharp teeth. And it will keep them safe as your puppy explores the world with his teeth and can play with wires, electrical outlets, and other objects that cause trouble. The cage also helps you quickly get your puppy accustomed to the toilet.

Most importantly, don't use the cage as a punishment. Your dog should go in at will. Use treats and toys to get your dog used to the cage. A great option is to put a "Kong" with a treat inside the cage, so that the puppy will be attracted to it for a long time and learn that the cage is very comfortable and tasty.

If you are not home, the puppy can stay in the cage for 2-3 hours. No longer than that.

The cage is a resting place. Place it not in an aisle or drafty area, but in a quiet, comfortable place. The dog should be comfortable. You can get your dog used to the cage fairly quickly, there are many detailed videos and articles on the subject.

At a younger age, the puppy needs 4-5 meals a day, this should be taken into account.

While the puppy is in quarantine after vaccinations, you can learn simple commands: "sit", "come here", "lie down", "give me your paw", "back" (the dog makes steps back), "wait", etc. Sniffing mats are excellent. For any command executed, always praise and give a treat. This is a good contact with the pet and a mental exercise for the puppy.

Under no circumstances should you allow your dog to beg at the table. If you allow this behavior in a puppy, in a year you will be looking at 45 pounds of live weight with sad eyes and drooling profusely on the floor. If friends are dining with you, the white robber may raid the sandwich in your friend's hand in a most ungentlemanly fashion. This behavior will not please everyone.

Under no circumstances should a puppy guard food, there should be no food aggression. This is worth paying special attention to. If you notice a manifestation of aggression, be sure to contact the dog handler and work on this point.

About the walk inoculation

Walking inoculation seems simple, but there are peculiarities. If you live in an apartment you shouldn't rush off to go for a walk to ensure puppy has time to pee outside. It's better to leave the apartment at a relaxed pace and bring a rag with you in case puppy does things in the entryway. Once he's used to it, he'll gradually learn to leave the entrance and do things where he should. Don't forget to reward him with a treat for his efforts.

So why can't you go outside too soon? When your little chap rushes out and rushes impatiently through the front door it's fun. But before long he'll be a big dog that rushes out and sweeps away everything in his path and scares the neighbors. Imagine having 40 or 50 pounds pulling you along as if you were in tow. I don't think anyone would find that funny.


It's better to plan a walk on an empty stomach. Be sure to take one serving of food and water for the dog.

The importance of socialization

If you live in a private home, walks outside the grounds are a must. A socialized dog with a good nervous system feels confident everywhere.

Socialization is very necessary for our breed. Walking routes should vary so that the puppy can explore new places. He will be interested in everything! Trips to crowded places will do. Car rides, public transportation. Allow passersby to pet your puppy, this is important for him.

While walking, practice the commands you learned at home. You may be surprised to learn that all of a sudden he's a "D" student and doesn't follow commands very well. This is normal, because there are many interesting stimuli around: people, dogs, birds. The main thing is patience and repetition.

How to walk with other dogs?

If you're planning walks with friends who also have dogs, it's best not to let the dogs at the playground "free-float." With this format of play, dogs are left to themselves, and as adults it will inevitably lead to conflicts.

If you want to socialize on a walk, it is better to walk a few blocks or take a walk in the park, so that the dogs are on a leash and under control.

The dog playground is more for learning new commands. It's a confined space. If you're not sure if your puppy or adult dog is perfectly obedient to you without a leash, it's best to only let them go at the playground.

Communicating with you should be the puppy's priority. He needs to be interested in playing with you, not his kin. Then the adult dog will also hear and listen to you. This needs to be reinforced regularly.

I always recommend to my graduates to study with a dog handler. It is the professional who can teach the owner how to interact properly with the pet and correct their behavior if needed. I wish you a pleasant training session!

Shanna Derrick About Author

Author of dog food articles with a deep understanding of healthy dog nutrition.

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