Pit bull training and education at home: how to train a dog

March 24, 2023
Dog Training
Pit bull training and education at home: how to train a dog

Pit bulls are good protectors for their owner when well trained.

Dogs of this breed have developed skeletal muscles and a powerful chest.

Due to their high physical data, they were used for fighting and baiting bulls.

But despite the purpose of their breeding, pit bulls are not aggressive.

These are smart and stubborn animals who need to show their place in the hierarchy.

If a dog perceives its owner as a leader, then with good training it will become an obedient pet.

Are they well trained?

Initially, pit bulls, like Staffordshire terriers, were bred for dog fighting, so adults are difficult to train. Dogs of this breed are stubborn.

To get an obedient pet, you will have to raise an animal from puppyhood.

Pit bulls should only be bought from reputable kennels to avoid buying mixed breeds. It is necessary to choose a calm and balanced cub, not prone to aggression.

To do this, you need to talk with a dog breeder, learn from a specialist about the nature of the animal, its behavior and attitude towards people. You should buy puppies without hereditary diseases.

The relationship between the owner and the pit bull should be built without violence. It is important to show the dog who is the dominant leader in the house. If the dog understands its position in the hierarchy, then in the future the animal will be easier to train.


Can it perform security functions and protect the owner?

Despite many stereotypes, pit bulls are loyal pets. With the right relationship, they will love not only their master, but also all his family and friends.

At the same time, the dog will treat strangers unknown to its owner with suspicion.

The pit bull breed is distinguished by well-developed muscles with a voluminous chest and short legs. Thanks to such a stocky physique, they become good defenders for their master and his home.

During the fight, the Pit bull males produce a large amount of testosterone, which enhances skeletal muscles and reduces sensitivity.

Therefore, the dog is not only to prevent a potential enemy with powerful barking, but also attaches to him. Turn the dog to attack or bypass – this is an individual decision of the owner.

Pit bull has sharp sense of smell and hearing. Thanks to the developed sensory perception, they can from afar evaluate the level of threat to a person and stand up to defense.


At what age do you need to start training?

Pit Bull training is prescribed from the age of 2 months, when the dog begins to acquire social skills. During this period, it is easier to educate Pit Bull and begin to train it to execute commands.

In puppy, new skills are acquired quickly, within a few days, unconditional reflexes are developed.

Due to the high functional activity of the nervous system, puppies quickly adapt to new conditions and get used to their place in the hierarchy.

The owner of the dog must constantly monitor the implementation of the rules in the house and on the street, demand from the pet to execute the commands. In the future, weaning an animal from any habit will be more difficult.

In addition, 30 kg of live weight with developed muscles is difficult to stop.


Where to start education?

For training puppies, patience and affectionate attitude are required.

From the moment of acquisition of Pitbul, it is necessary to begin to tame him in his hands and his nickname. You need to help the animal adapt to the presence of other people and pets.

The dog should not be afraid of loud noise, bright colors, sharp sounds. The dog should be accustomed to the toilet and the regimen of the day.

When walks on the street begin, it is necessary that the puppy is used to his collar and leash.

You can not use the inventory as a means of punishment, otherwise the puppy will hide at the sight of accessories in the hands of the owner and run away. For Pit Bull training up to 4 months, each skill should be given from 10 to 15 minutes every day.

At the same time, it is necessary to remain calm and responsibly for training. Gradually, the time for training increases, as well as the volume of skills acquired by the dog.

The training lasts for 7-12 months.

A dog of this breed is stubborn, not suitable for beginners and requires training as early as the age of 2 months. Basic commands can be laid up to the age of 4 months. For training, you need a balanced active pet with no chronic diseases. Education takes place in a playful way, it is necessary to change the intonation so that the puppy knows when he is being praised or scolded. There is no need to punish the dog and show fear in its presence, it is required to stop all attempts at a playful bite or attack by a puppy on a person. At such moments, you need to turn the pit bull on his back and hold for a few seconds to show his superiority.


How to toilet train and diaper at home

Pit bull puppies have a high metabolic rate. Because of this feature, they often want to go to the toilet: after 15 minutes from the moment of eating, after waking up or after physical activity.

Before urinating or having a bowel movement, the puppy begins to worry and look for a suitable angle. If the pet is not accustomed to a certain place in time, it will mark the territory throughout the apartment.

The owner should notice in time how his dog whines and prepares for emptying. At this moment, it is necessary to draw the attention of the animal to itself with a loud sound or exclamation.

As soon as the puppy reacts, you need to take him to the diaper and do not let the pit bull walk around the apartment until he goes to the toilet.

Gradually, the dog will develop a conditioned reflex, so in the future the puppy will go to the same place for a diaper.


What you need to teach your dog and how to do it right

First of all, you can teach your pet to jump in order to get treats. If the puppy instinctively tries to get to the face or neck of the owner, it is necessary to stop his actions.

To do this, you should give the command "stop that! " Or "No", give a treat with alternative behavior. If the pit bull is not weaned to restrain his emotions, having matured, he will begin to jump on people during a walk.

When disobedient, you can pull the leash.

During walks, starting from 5-6 months, pit bulls will begin to show character and pull the owner along. It is necessary to wean the puppy from such disobedience. It should be remembered that it is difficult to keep an adult. The reason why the dog starts to pull on the leash is the owner's misbehavior.

For training, the following rules must be observed:

  • At the beginning of the walk, the leash should not be stretched, it can be free;
  • It is necessary to periodically force the dog to turn in the right direction with the help of treats;
  • While moving, you need to communicate with the pet, encourage obedience, give commands with voice and gestures;
  • When the pit bull begins to pull on the leash, you need to stop and turn around in the opposite direction – the dog must understand that wayward behavior leads to the termination of the walk.

You can not solve the problem by jerking the leash, tightening the collar or electric shock.


How to teach basic commands

Pit bull training and education at home: how to train a dog powerful barking, but

Pit bull training and education at home: how to train a dog

The main stage of pit bull training is the study of various commands that the owner gives to the dog. This is the most difficult stage of training, requiring patience from the owner and his pet.

With the correct execution of basic commands, with the exception of "stop that! ", the dog should be given a treat.

To get an obedient defender, you need to teach him the following commands:

  1. "Come / Come here". Adult pit bulls often show aggression and try to dominate at the sight of other dogs in the territory of a daily walk. In order for the pet not to harm a weaker animal, it must be stopped in time. The command “Come” must be pronounced in an orderly tone, loudly and clearly. In this case, a special gesture is performed. To do this, the owner turns to face the dog at a short distance, arms should be straightened along the body. Then you need to raise one hand and sharply lower it to the thigh. You can easily pat on the leg. The dog should run up to the owner and sit at the left leg.
  2. "Speak/Bark". The exclamation is combined with a gesture: snapping fingers over a sitting dog. Do not feed your pet before teaching this command. As soon as the animal barks, it is worth giving him a treat.
  3. "Sit". At first, the command is given by voice, then you should teach the pet a gesture – raise your finger. At the same time, you can hold a treat with your other hand to stimulate the dog to complete the command.
  4. "Down". It is necessary to pronounce the command and lower the hand with the palm down, previously raised to shoulder level, by 10-15 cm. The command is considered completed when the dog lowers the body to the ground and straightens the limbs parallel to the body.
  5. "Stand". Helps to stop a running animal in critical situations, prevent delay during a veterinary examination, cleaning or putting on a collar. The command is given by a shout and a gesture. It is necessary Stand facing the dog and sharply bend the arm at the elbow with the palm forward.

When studying the forbidding command "stop that! ", another method of education is needed. First, the command is given, followed by the punishment of the animal.

This should not be violence accompanied by pain. After the exclamation, a jerk should be made with a leash or throws some object towards the dog.

In this case, the study of this skill should occur only at the moment when the dog performs a prohibited action. You can not encourage the pet.

Cycologists recommend replacing the generally accepted “stop that! ” For the Pit bull with a more complex word, for example, “Stop” or “no”. Dogs of this breed perceive long words easier.


Scheme of training

The main task of the owner is not to train the animal with the help of violence and fear. Strong pressure can destroy not only partnerships and trust, but also the psyche of the pet.

As a result, the owner of the dog may encounter outbreaks of aggression and disobedience. A person should teach the puppy basic commands up to 6 months.

The dog must be familiarized with the norms of behavior, otherwise, with the onset of the adolescence, it will be more difficult to re-educate it and showing himself as a leader.

Before familiarizing yourself with the training scheme, you need to familiarize yourself with the model of Pit Bull behavior in different periods of life:

  1. From 1 to 3 months. The puppy explores the world around him and learns social skills. The young pit bull copies the behavior of people or other pets in the house, so during this period it is easy to build friendly trusting relationships and correctly educate the animal.
  2. From 4 to 5 months. The dog begins to understand that the world is not limited to the house and walk in the parks. At this age, there is a high risk that the pet will try to escape. Therefore, it is necessary to walk with Pit Bull only in well-known territories, in a collar with a leash or a harness. The teenage period occurs, because of which the dog can stubborn and ignored the commands of its owner. During this period, it is worth teaching the animal for prohibiting commands, orders to “sit” and “Come / Come here”.
  3. From 6 to 8 months. In the adolescence, the basic commands should be studied. At this time, it is necessary to complete the training of Pitbul, consolidate the acquired knowledge and eliminate the gaps in education.

Next, you can study in detail the pitbook training scheme, starting from the age. At the same time, after studying a certain command, you need to regularly repeat it so that the dog does not forget its significance.

To study and consolidate the obtained skills, short regular training should be carried out. They are much more effective than irregular and prolonged training.

  • To teach to go to the toilet in a strictly designated place on a diaper;
  • Familiarization with the commands "stop that! ", "place", "Down", "sit"
  • Teach the command "wait" when the animal begins to ask for food;
  • To teach the puppy to go to bed in time.
  • "Heel" with the use of a jerk of a leash to the left leg;
  • "Walk"
  • "Attack or Fetch" when playing with a stick;
  • "Teen", in which the dog should be grinned.

Basic errors

Many inexperienced dog breeders make mistakes, the result of which will at least be the bad manner and stubbornness of the pet. In the worst case, you can violate the psycho-emotional state of the dog.

To prevent negative consequences, you should familiarize yourself with what you can not do during the training of Pitbul:

  1. Carry out a puppy training in public places and noisy rooms. External stimuli will constantly distract the dog, because of which she will not be able to concentrate on the command's commands.
  2. Pronounce the name of the pet before the announcement of the command. In such a situation, the dog will fulfill the order only after he hears his nickname.
  3. Use physical measures of punishment. Do not resort to violence not only for the development of the reflex in the prohibiting action of the command, but throughout the training. The pain can destroy the relationship of the animal and the owner, to cause distrust and aggression of the pet against its owner. In some cases, Pit Bull will begin to be afraid of people and training.
  4. Give a pet to the pet until the command is fully executed.
  5. To pronounce the phrases too loudly. The dog can perceive the exclamation as discontent and refuse to fulfill the command.
  6. Submit a prohibiting command or “Heel” without any impact (for example, a leash jerk). The dog may not understand what is required of it.
  7. After completing the command “Come / Come here”, fasten the leash to the collar and go home. The exclamation will be a signal for Pitbul, at which the walk ends. Therefore, the dog will stop listening to the owner.

At the same time, inexperienced dog breeders may not be able to cope with such a stubborn breed. Beginners, not confident in their own abilities, are recommended to contact specialists so as not to harm themselves and the animal.


Conclusion and conclusions

When training, the pit bully does not need to show violence, otherwise the dog can become shy or aggressive. Training takes place from the age of 2 months. Basic commands are studied up to 4-5 months.

In the adolescence, Pit Bull cannot be given to Pitbul. It is necessary to show your dominant behavior: with each disobedience, turn the dog with a stomach up and leave in this position for a few seconds.

You need to wean the dog to jump on people and pull the leash, teach her to go to the toilet in a strictly designated place. Pit Bull can be taught several commands that are easier to absorb in puppy.


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