Royal Canin Novel Dog protein food review

December 22, 2022
Royal Canin Novel Dog protein feed review

royal canin novel dog protein food review

This article will talk about the feed for dogs Royal Canin, which is known to almost every dog owner. For 20 years of presence on the American market, the food for dogs Royal Canin received numerous reviews from both dog owners and veterinary doctors. Today we will try to figure out how good this food is – we will analyze all its pros and cons, starting from the composition, assortment and prices for it, ending with the reviews of real feed buyers.

Almost half a century has passed since the moment the first diet for dogs called Royal Canin was created. Since then, the French company has been actively developing and in 2002 was bought by the world giant Mars Inc. At the moment, the production of products of this brand is carried out in 12 factories located in France, the USA, Canada, China, Poland and other camps. Since 2004, Royal Canin has been made in USA and many negative reviews use this particular fact as the main argument.

The manufacturer claims that all plants are equipped with the latest equipment and identical ingredients are used in the manufacture of feed and one technology is observed regardless of which country the products are produced. All raw materials are analyzed for toxins and compliance with quality standards, and the already finished product is also tested. Despite this, reviews about the stern of Royal Canin among dog owners are ambiguous. Therefore, let's get to know this brand better and find out what is hidden behind the attractive packaging of one of the most famous animal food brands in our country.


More than a hundred positions of various menu have only dry food of the Royal Canin for dogs. Reviews about most of them can be found at each forum dedicated to dog fooding. To simplify the task of choosing a menu for your pet, they are divided into several main lines.


Dog food by piano Canin


Veterinary diet can be attributed to a separate category, the purpose of which is the maintenance of the health of the favorites during treatment, such as auxiliary therapy, during recovery or as everyday diets with various chronic ailments. Among others, there are diets for dogs with renal and heart failure, diabetes, liver and gastrointestinal diseases. The therapeutic food of the royal of Canin for dogs has many positive reviews of veterinarians, and is recommended for use only as a veterinarian.

The breed diets (Breed Health Nutrition) are specialized diets for more than 20 different breeds of puppies and adult dogs. Here you can find nutrition, both for the giant of Rottweiler, and for a miniature chihuahua.

Lifestyle Health Nutrition – a series of recipes developed taking into account the conditions and lifestyle of the pet. For example, for a pet with large and regular physical exertion there is a diet Enduraance, and for those who spend most of the time the indoor.


Assortment of feed for dogs Royal Canin


The Size Health Nutrition line is the main and largest segment of the Royal Canin dog food, and judging by the reviews of customers, also the most popular. It is divided into five subcategories based on the size of the dog. In each of them you can find the menu corresponding to the age of the pet, as well as nutrition for animals with special needs, for example, Dermacomfort for sensitive skin or digestive Care for problem digestive.

In each line of diets of the Royal trademark, Canin is presented humid feed for dogs. Especially he is given a significant part of the assortment of veterinary diets. For daily nutrition, there are seven types of canned and humid feeds, grateful reviews of which are mainly left by mixed-type fans or owners of choking pets.

Analysis and assessment of feed composition

The company's website states that the feed for dogs of the royal of Canin belongs to the super-premium class. A large number of reviews on different resources claims that this is not so. We will not make hasty conclusions until we analyze the composition. To do this, feed from a leading line for dogs over one year, medium size (Medium Adult).

Guaranteed diet power indicators:

Squirrels 25% within normal;
Fat fourteen% average indicator;
Cellulose 1. 2% below the permissible;
Humidity 9. 5% norm;
Ash 5. 9% below the average.

The presented composition of the feed of the piano Canin for dogs causes complaints about a relatively low level of fiber. In the nutrition of animals, fiber plays an important role in maintaining the digestive system, and such indicators of content are characteristic of low-quality feed. This item cannot be ignored – we attribute it to the minuses of this product. Consider a list of ingredients listed in the order of reducing their quantity in the product:

  • Dehydrated protein of animal origin (bird);
  • Corn flour;
  • Corn;
  • Wheat flour;
  • Animal fats.

These are the main components in the diet, followed by dehydrated pork proteins, as well as wheat. In the eighth place of the list is hydrolyzate of animal proteins, on the ninth and tenth beetroot and fish oil. However, their contribution to the overall composition of the feed of the piano Canin is insignificant, since the content of these components in the general formula is very small.

Why I Stopped Feeding ROYAL CANIN Dog Food ��

In addition, the percentage of the components is not indicated, which casts doubt on the balance of such a diet.


The first position in the composition is occupied by a source of animal proteins, but its origin is difficult to establish, because low-quality raw materials can be hidden under the vague designation. Therefore, this is a dubious component, as well as the specified hydrolyzate of "animal origin". An additional source of protein, the following after fat, is dehydrated proteins of animal origin (pork), which is a highly concentrated protein in the form of flour. It should also be noted that the components under No. 2 and 3 are corn flour and corn, in fact – one product – corn. The manufacturer deliberately divides them into different ingredients to put a meat product in the list higher than grain. The same can be said here about wheat flour and wheat indicated separately. Based on this, it can be safely assumed that the composition of dry food for dogs of the piano Canin is based on grain components, and the meat ingredients in it are insufficient.

The main source of fat is marked as "animal". In this case, it is impossible to understand its origin, this formulation often hides ingredients of dubious quality. Undesirable component in the feed. Last on the list of nutrients are fish oil and soybean oil. Fish oil is very useful and necessary for animals, which cannot be said about soybean oil, which is much less digestible. But their mass fraction in this formula is too small and practically does not play a role.


Royal Canin dog food, the composition of which we analyze, contains about 44% carbohydrates. Their source is corn and wheat – cheap cereal crops that are practically not digestible by the body of animals. Not only will they not benefit the pet, but in some cases they can adversely affect the dog. Wheat, according to veterinarians and dog owners, is the most common cause of allergic reactions in pets. A controversial component, we are not welcome.

It should be noted that the composition of the Royal Canin food for puppies (from the same series) almost one to one coincides with this formula. To our surprise, rice is also added to it, although a growing body obviously needs to receive more meat components than grains.

Additional components

In addition to the ingredients listed above, Royal Canin dry dog food contains beet pulp, yeast, mineral supplements and MOS (prebiotics).

Royal Canin Novel Dog protein feed review From this

It is widely believed that the benefits of beet pulp as a source of fiber make it an important and necessary component. On the other hand, it is believed that this is just a cheap filler and there are better products that are used as a source of fiber. Yeast is also a controversial component, they are rich in vitamins B, A, E and D, improve metabolism. At the same time, they can provoke an allergic reaction in some pets.

It can be noted that Royal Canin dry dog food has a modest composition; it cannot boast of the presence of fruits, vegetables or medicinal herbs and berries. However, it provides all the needs of dogs in terms of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

Pros and cons

The benefits of these feeds include:

  • Extensive selection of recipes, functional lines;
  • The presence of wet diets;
  • Mineral and vitamin supplements included.
  • Ingredients of plant origin predominate;
  • The presence of components – potential allergens for dogs;
  • Components of dubious origin;
  • Low fiber.

Summing up all of the above, it can be argued that Royal Canin dog food cannot be classified as a super-premium food. The recipes of this brand are dominated by vegetable components and few sources of animal proteins – meat and meat components. In our opinion, Royal Canin dog food is significantly inferior to many representatives of the super premium segment and is nothing more than a "hyped" brand. According to its characteristics, it corresponds to the premium class and, among other things, cannot be considered a balanced and complete food for animals.

In conclusion, we want to answer the question that owners often ask in reviews: “which food is better than Royal Canin or Hills? ”In our opinion, this dilemma can be resolved only on the basis of the well-being of a particular pet. The individual needs of different dogs are so different that in fact there is no single correct answer in such a situation.

The key to solving the problem (which of the diets is better) can be a simple advice: take dry food for dogs Royal Canin and compare its composition with other food you have chosen.

Royal Canin feed reviews for dogs

Armed with the opinion of experienced people, it becomes easier to decide on the acquisition of dry food for its pet. There are many reviews about the food of Royal Canin, both positive and not very much. After looking at them, we decided to highlight the following:

Katerina, dachshund 7 years:

“For several years I have been buying this food, and there has never been reasons to complain about it. Our Monica eats him with pleasure, especially I was pleased that she has excellent condition and no excess weight. Then I read the reviews how badly to feed the dog Royal Canin, that he had deteriorated, began to doubt, but decided not yet to change food – after all, this is a kind of stress for the dog. However, something went wrong when I bought a new bag of food, and the dog has gone from it. Now I give the treatment gastro intestinal, and then we will think "

Zhenya, German shepherd:

“They ate Maxi food, first for puppies (on the advice of the breeder), then switched to an adult. Sometimes I change to Pro Plan. I can&rsquo container;t say which food is better than the royal or the plane, and one and the other dog eats well. It is clear that the piano is not the highest quality food, but I was generally satisfied with the ratio of price-quality, especially the dog looks great, healthy and energetic ”

Reviews of veterinarians

The opinion of experts about Royal Canin feeds is generally characterized by these diets as premium nutrition and recommend them as a replacement for stamps from economy segment (Chappi, Darling, Pedigreene). Veterinarians focus that the content of wheat and a small percentage of fiber can provoke health problems in dog breeds predisposed to allergies or with sensitive digestion.

Royal Canin dog food prices

You can see the current feed price and now you can buy it right here with Amazon with fast delivery:

In order to understand how much food for dogs of Royal Canin costs, we took the average prices of the most popular online stores. Feed Royal Canin Medium Adult:

  • 4 kg – $25;
  • 15 kg – $65;

For the Yorkshire Terrier:

  • 0.5 kg – $5;
  • 1.5 kg – $12;
  • 3 kg – $23;
  • 7.5 kg – $47.

Therapeutic diets will cost the owner noticeably more expensive, for example, the average cost of royal feed for dogs with food allergies or intolerance (Hypoallergenic) is as follows:

  • 2 kg – $14;
  • 7 kg – $53;
  • 14 kg – $100.

Looking at how much the Royal Canin feed is worth, compared to other recipes of super-premium class, we can say that it is a little cheaper than most of them. At the same time, this brand does not have a good enough composition to compare with them. From this we can conclude that such a price level is due to the most part of the company's marketing policy.

Royal Canin Novel Dog protein feed review are corn flour and
Shanna Derrick About Author

Author of dog food articles with a deep understanding of healthy dog nutrition.

1 Comment

  • Avatar photo
    December 25, 2022 at 2:02 pm

    This is the best dog food storage containers and dogs Royal Canin.

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