Cart pulling harness for dogs

March 15, 2023
Cart pulling harness for dogs

Which harness to choose – sled or for wheitpulling

weight pulling competitions

How to hitch and harness your dog for carting/drafting.

So, you decided to buy a dog for a dog, but do not know what you need.

To choose the right train, you need to answer a few simple questions:

  1. Why do you need a harness, what to go to change, improve, thanks to its use
  2. What is your dog – first of all, its size and breed
  3. What type of training do you need. If we are talking about skiing children, will the dog work alone or paired (in the group)

1. Purpose of the hollow for the dog

Usually the owner of the dog has several requirements.

  • Improve the exterior and physical shape of the dog (this is especially true for exhibition dogs)
  • Improve the physical indicators of the dog (relevant for athletes)
  • Provide the dog with an additional load (especially relevant for city dogs)

2. Dog size

For example, if you only need a harness (.) To skate a child on a sled /snowfield (cheesecake) /snow-chapel, and you have a low dog, then you can use a hollow for wheitpulling and a sideling harness, with a hasty (a shock-absorbing cable that softens a breakthroughstart).

If the dog is large, tall, then it is better to use a leitpooling harness for a child to skate a child.

3. Type of training

Training modes can be conditionally divided into two types: anaerobic (power) and aerobic (cardio).

You can provide an important nuance, anaerobic (power) training in a binding for waitpulling. In a sled train, power training is impossible.

About why we do not make universal sluts), we wrote in this article.

How to dress a holling for a dog’s hollow properly

Veitpulling for dogs is one of the cynological sports, the meaning of which is the movement of cargo with a dog. For those who know English, but have never met this word, it will not be difficult to understand that Weithpulling hints at the movement of weight (from English “Weight” – weight, “pull” – drag). A special device is put on the dog – a holl for wheitpulling. This is a set of belts that cover the torso of the dog on one side, and on the other are attached to the cargo.

The cargo can be on a sleigh or trolley, and the dog should overcome a distance of several meters in a specific period of time. This resembles such an interesting type of sports competitions as a pooling tractor, where trucks and tractors take part, and their task is to drag a platform weighing several tens of tons through a segment with a soil coating for a certain amount of time. But in the case of dog witpulling, the main traction machine is a dog.

History of origin

weight pulling competitions

The idea of the founding of such competitions first arose as a result of the use of large dogs of the northern breeds to move weights. The first references to Weithpulling are on the pages of the book “Call of the Ancestors”, the author of which was Jack London, as well as in some other books and works of those times. They say about label dogs that dragged heavy loads of gold miners. Initially, this dog competition was only part of dog races with teams.

The winners of these competitions after participating in the weight movement, in order to recognize which the dogs of all participants are not only the fastest, but also the strongest. Since that time, something has endured the change and the state of Waitpulling today is an organized force sport with a clear set of rules, requirements and restrictions.

In waitpulling competitions, the most important element of the entire equipment is the aforementioned harness – a belt equipment that is worn on the body of the dog, like a seat belt on a pilot of a racing car.

The harness should correspond to this type of competition, so it is usually made of synthetic fabrics, for example, from Kapronova or Kevlarova. In fact, the whole design of this harness resembles an elongated riding slide made of dietary teams. In some parts of the harness, there should be special soft wrappers-seals, since in the places of their contact with the body there will be a high load and hence a high risk of trauma.

The essence of the Weithpulling

Several straps and lining distribute the load evenly over the dog’s torso, but the main one comes to the chest straps. In order for the dog to be able to safely participate in these competitions, the harness must first of all be the same size as the dog’s body. In addition, before the dog gets used to the harness, a certain time must pass. It is best if it will be time spent on training and preparing the animal for competitions, and only one harness should be used. During training and the dog will develop the front of the body and relief muscles.

Cart pulling harness for dogs the key

Cart pulling harness for dogs

Usually, strong and active dogs of such breeds as the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Bull Terrier, Laika, Siberian Husky and some others are prepared for weight pulling competitions. These are active and energetic dogs that are distinguished by increased stamina and physical activity. Huskies and Siberian Huskies are known to be among the most aggressive breeds. The participation of dogs in competitions and active training is a great way to release the energy of a dog, because if you do not find a use for it, then the dog will get bored, eventually it will become aggressive and will try to pour out its aggression in fights. In weight pulling competitions and preliminary training, dogs develop not only physical strength, but also psychological endurance, perseverance, firmness and confidence.

Choosing a harness for weight pulling


If you decide to provide your dog with this useful activity, then you need a weight pulling harness. There are not so many manufacturers of such equipment, but, let’s say, there are enough. If you search the Internet for manufacturers and distributors of such products, then the choice is quite large, and it is not limited to a small number of offers. The only problem is that the price of harnesses will make you very surprised. Their prices range from moderate 1500 to 2000 and more in USA, as well as from 700 to 1000 and more hryvnias in Ukraine.

Are there many such dog owners who are confidently ready to fork out a considerable amount for the sake of such a device that is not complicated in its design? It is unlikely that this is why most dog owners, having learned how much this pleasure costs, begin to actively “google” useful information on how to make a harness with their own hands. The design of the harness is quite simple, so a minimum of skills and abilities is required.

Do not be sure that all home-made things are much worse than what you can buy for a lot of money in a store, or order on the Internet. The main thing is to make work efficiently and remember that your dog’s condition will depend on the quality of your work. As practice shows, most of the manufacturers of such products are actually ordinary “handicraftsmen” and produce their products at home. The “stamp” of them as much as possible, they do not always do their work qualitatively, so cases when the dog jerked sharply, and the harness broke is not uncommon.

It also happened that the dog burst out and a leash and at the same moment fell under the car, and all due to the fact that the rivets on the harness were very weak, almost from sheet metal. Therefore, if you want something better and more later, then you will need to spend money on the necessary materials and a little time for production.

Do-it-yourself leitpool

To make a strong and durable harness as a base, you need to use seat belts or a towing sling. The latter can be bought for almost any car market or in a car spare parts store, which is 20 once lower than the finished harness. Five belts of different lengths are based on the harness:

  • Longitudinal belt, its length is approximately 70-90 centimeters;
  • The transverse rear belt, the length of which is 90-110 centimeters;
  • The transverse front belt – the length is from about 45 to 65 centimeters;
  • The lower belt that will cover the chest-length 35-55 centimeters;
  • The upper belt will be in the back area-the length of 20-40 centimeters.

To connect the belts with each other, you can use strong steel rivets, but it is best to take sewing tools and use strong nylon threads or fishing fishing line. Several seams are applied in the joints, as they say, “the more, the better”, for reliability. It is undesirable to pierce holes for fastening with some kind of sharp tool, or burn it with a hot awl. The fibers of the slings intertwined with each other are the key to reliability, and damaging them you make the sling less durable. As an option, you can take a couple of nails and gently stick them between the fibers without damaging them, and then grease it all with superglue.

While the glue is curing, it is necessary to turn the nails so that they do not stick to the sling. When the superglue soaks into the fibers and cures, it forms something like a composite puff fiber, like glass fiber. The nails must be removed and there will be the necessary holes in this place. Strong steel rings should be used as rings so that they do not straighten under load.

Another version of the harness, which uses six straps:

  • Front belt, which will cover the neck area – 75-95 centimeters;
  • Back belt, which will cover the chest – 90-110 centimeters;
  • Three longitudinal belts from 20 to 40 centimeters long;
  • The lower belt, which will be under the chest – length from 35 to 55 centimeters.

In the manufacture of the harness according to the latest sample, the same materials are used, but all the lines are connected to each other at a right angle. The indicated measurements in centimeters are not exact and are adjusted according to the parameters for the growth of a medium-sized Siberian Husky. All calculations must be done taking into account the dimensions of the body of the animal. The harness can also be used to walk the dog because, unlike the collar, it does not squeeze the airways and blood vessels.


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