Modern dog gadgets review

March 24, 2023
Modern dog gadgets review

High technologies are created so that a person feels comfortable in any field, they do not bypass our smaller brothers. While devices for pets are not too common, but craftsmen constantly come up with something new. Let's figure out what technical innovations can be purchased for pets, and why they are needed.

Locator with GPS

An advanced locator that can determine the location of the pet. This gadget weighs only 70 grams, waterproof, resistant to blows.

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You can determine the presence of an animal through the center of the manufacturer or by mobile phone, you can also track the movement of the animal, however, for small cats and dogs it will be heavy (recommended for pets from 7 kilograms).

Power dispensers and drinking fountains with remote control

The power dispenser is still sold only in Japan, such a gadget will cost a lot – more than 400 dollars. If the wizard-trudolik forgets to feed the dog or rarely appears at home, you can send the command to give out dry dog food a pet -just dial the corresponding code on a PC or mobile phone. Also on sale there are devices with the owner's voice record.

There are also drinking fountains, initially they were designed only for cats who do not love saucers with water too much and prefer to drink from a dripping tap. Owners can purchase one of four fountain models, and dogs will drink from such a source with pleasure.

Wars for paws

Often in rainy weather, dogs come with a walk with dirty paws. It is unproductive to lead it into the bathroom: a bunch of dirty traces will be in the corridor and the bathroom. But you can get by with “little blood” and wash the paws to the dog without leaving the threshold.

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Water and a special detergent for paws are poured into the mug, covered with a lid, put the dog’s paw and make a couple of movements up. The bristles-plots perfectly clean the dirt and massage the paw of the pet, and rubber petals near the neck do not allow fluids spilled. You just have to pour dirty water and rinse the mug.


Running paths are invented not only for people, but also for pets.

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This is a great opportunity to train a dog if the weather is bad outside and the pet is prone to obesity. There are 4 sizes of treadmills: from small to extra large, for different types of breeds.

Doorbells for dogs

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This is a great gadget for well-trained breeds. You can teach your dog to ask to come in and out with the help of such a call – just press on it with your paw. The bell comes with full instructions on exactly how to train the animal to perform such a task.

Spray "Antilai"

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Some owners are faced with the fact that their pets bark long and loudly for no apparent reason. For this, a special collar with a small spray was invented: as soon as the pet starts barking too loudly, harmless gas is released from the collar. The dog quickly learns that as soon as he stops barking, the gas stops being released and the discomfort stops.

Cooling mats and vests

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You won’t surprise anyone with warm overalls and vests; owners can buy clothes for a pet both in a pet store and sew them with their own hands. If you can save yourself from the cold in this way, then when the apartment is hot, you won’t put the dog under the air conditioner. For this purpose, cooling mats and vests for pets have been created.

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Umbrella for dogs

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Rain is unpleasant not only for humans, but also for dogs. Especially if your pet has a long coat, which begins to curl and tangle from moisture, making it difficult to care for the animal.

A special umbrella with an outward-facing canopy is suitable for walking dogs of different sizes, the diameter of the canopy varies, so you can find the best solution for any dog.

Soap bubbles for dogs

Not just foam-flavored soap bubbles, but special, doggy-style bubbles that smell like bacon. Pets find them very attractive, and such a thing does not cause harm to health, and it will bring a lot of joy!

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Modern dog gadgets review owners can buy clothes for

Modern dog gadgets review

Food bowl

The owners know firsthand that dogs often eat a lot and quickly, as a result, the food is badly chewed, a lot of air gets into the stomach, this can cause a dangerous disease – stomach torsion. Someone puts a tennis ball in the middle of a bowl, but American inventors came up with a bowl with pins.

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She looks, let's say, extravagant, but slows down feeding. True, there is one caveat: especially cunning individuals manage to turn the bowl over and calmly pick up food from the floor.

Automatic launch of tennis balls

Sometimes, when the owners return from work, they do not have enough energy to play with their pet. Clever designers came up with a rather elegant solution to this problem – an automatic launcher.

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With its help, you can launch balls at different speeds, at a distance of up to 15 meters, you can control the gadget using a special remote control. The device will cost more than $120.

But such a device will cost more, but human participation is not required at all. The pet himself chooses the time when he wants to play.

Tent bag

An interesting option for transporting a small pet, the backpack also has compartments for the owner's gadgets – a laptop or tablet.

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Cleaning up after the dog

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In many countries, there is already a law when the owner is obliged to clean up after his pet. This disposable box is an easy way to do it as quickly and simply as possible. There are also reusable devices with replaceable bags.

These are such interesting devices and devices that are invented for our pets. Soon they will firmly enter our lives and caring for any pet will bring only pleasure.

Pet Tech, Reviewed by a Dog

Samuel Carter author About Author