Dog Cowl Bernsus Zennenhund

December 27, 2022
Dog Cowl Bernsus Zennenhund

dog cowl bernsus zennenhund

Bernky Zennenhund – all about the breed

Bernky Zennenhund (or Berneska Shepherd, Bern, Berne Shepherd dog) – a breed of shepherd dogs with universal working qualities, originally from the Swiss canton (region) Bern.

In ancient times, she helped people graze livestock, transported small carts with dairy products through mountain passes, guarded the houses of the owners. Today is a predominantly tactful and good-natured pet.

Much earlier, the breed was called the Durrbahler named the courtyard, on which these dogs were sold and bought.

Features of the breed

Berne shepherd’s dog is a shaggy giant with a branded pedigree “smile”. “Smiling” is achieved due to excessively relaxed muscle head and muzzle in a calm state. As a result, the mouth involuntarily opens, giving the animal the visibility of the “smile”.

The names of the Beronsky Zennenhund, the shepherd owes a professor at the University of Zurich Albert Haimu, who conducted a tremendous work on the systematization of specific signs of the breed.


Distinctive features

G. Big, proportional to the body. The skull box is massive, rounded. Stop is soft and smooth.

The teeth are large, strong, located on the same line. The bite is tic k-shaped or scissor-shaped.

Ears of a compact size with rounded tips, an ideal triangular shape with a high supplies. In a relaxed state, they hang, with alertness, they remain in the form adjacent to the head, but the back of the ear canvas rises slightly.

Small eyes, almond-shaped, are located straight. The color of the iris is dark brown.

The body of proportional dimensions, strong. The neck is slightly elongated, powerful with a well-formed track and a noticeably protruding scruff. The back is wide and even. The sternum is elongated-oval with convex ribs. The lower back of the shortened format, narrow.

The legs are straight and parallel, rather muscular. The paws are rounded, large and massive. The front paws are directed strictly forward. The rear ones are more noticeably collected in a lump than the front ones. Pillows are storage container elastic, harsh. The claws are strong and strong.

Hair cover of straight or light wavyness. The texture is soft, extremely thick, long with a pronounced shine. Color – a combination of white, black and red, but dominant color is always black.

There are three more species of Zennenhunds, but unlike them, the Berne Shepherd has a relatively long wool.


Bernky Zennenhund is a physically strong, courageous and hardy animal, which has an amazingly peaceful character and obedience.

At a young age, the dog is quite energetic and inquisitive, loves to fool around, but observing the measure. At a more venerable age, it becomes much calmer with a certain degree of phlegmaticity, but can periodically participate in active games.

The dog is very attached to loved ones. The owner loves and respects, but he will not persistently beg for attention and affection. It gets along wonderful with each member of the family.

Prolonged loneliness tolerates extremely difficult – begins to whine, dig pits, spoil home objects.


He treats children patronically, showing a slight superiority, condescendingly forgiving the child with small pranks, but he will refuse the duties of the nanny.

Remarkably gets along with cats and other pets, building friendly relations with them. He treats street homeless animals with cold indifference, he will never be led to a provocation in the form of a cat crossing the road.

It has good watchdog abilities, tries to vigilantly protect the master’s possessions. He perceives strangers calmly, without aggression, but he will not show excessive sympathy either.

History of the breed

According to a rough estimate of experts, the breed is about 2000 years old. The Bernese Sheepdog is a descendant of the ancient Molossians, which were versatile dogs that combined herding, watchdog and fighting qualities.

During the wars, they accompanied the Roman troops on military campaigns. Thus, they reached the Swiss Alps, leaving their heirs on the territory of present-day Switzerland, who later became the ancestors of the Mountain Dogs.

Local residents immediately appreciated the good-natured and hardy large dogs. Almost until the middle of the 19th century, shepherd dogs conscientiously helped people by doing various jobs.


Subsequently, the Bernese began to be replaced by the St. Bernards, which led to a sharp decrease in their population.

Sheepdogs were bred only in remote areas of the country, while they were considered mongrels and practically did not arouse interest among breeders.

Interest in the breed appeared only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. During this period, Bernese began to enjoy fame among American and European breeders. Since that time, the active spread of the breed in European and other countries of the world began.

A significant role in the restoration of the breed belongs to the winemaker F. Schertenleib from the small town of Burgdorf. The merchant liked these giant dogs so much that he traveled around the nearby lands in search of worthy persons for his private kennel.

Dog Cowl Bernsus Zennenhund physically strong, courageous and hardy
Shanna Derrick About Author

Author of dog food articles with a deep understanding of healthy dog nutrition.

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