Bernky Zennenhund Overview of the breed and feeding

December 23, 2022
Bernky Zennenhund Overview of the breed and feeding

puppies of bernese mountain dog – how to feed

Bernky Zennenhund

Bernky Zennenhund

Other breed names: Berne Shepherd

Characterization of the breed

* The characteristic of the Bernsky Zennenhund breed is based on the assessment of the USATIK. ru website experts and the reviews of the owners. Data is medium and may not coincide with the behavior of a single individual. Unfortunately, it is impossible to take dog food storage container into account all the individual characteristics of a single pets.

A brief description of the breed

What is the actual country of origin?

What is the country of origin according to FCI?

When did the breed appear?

How much does it live?

How much does a male weigh?

How much does a bitch weigh?

What is the height (height at the withers) of the male?

What is the height (height at the withers) bitches?

How much does a puppy with documents cost?

What is the price of a puppy without documents?

Bernsky Zennenhund or Berne Shepherd and a Burne is a list of the most popular dog breeds in the world. This well-known eye with sad eyes is infinitely devoted to his master, he is an excellent companion, a favorite pet, a fearless friend. The dog is incredibly hardy, patient and calm. Many dog breeders say that Zennenhund has a brave lion's heart and an insightful mind.


* We suggest you watch a video about the Bernky Zennenhund breed. In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can choose and watch any of the 20 videos about this breed of dogs, just by clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, there are a lot of photos in the material. Having looked at them, you can find out how Bernky Zennenhund looks.

  • The history of the origin of the Bernean Zennenhunds
  • Bernky Zennenhund – description of the breed
  • Popular colors of the Bernean Zennenhunds
  • The nature and habits of the Bernean Zennenhunds
  • Interesting facts about the Berne Sennenhunds
  • The pros and cons of the Bernean Zennenhunds
  • Burns of Berne Sennenhunds
  • Care for the Bernean Zennenhunds
  • Burne Sennenhunds diet
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Bernky Zennenhund – price and how to buy correctly

The history of the origin of the Bernean Zennenhunds

The ancestors of the Berne alpine shepherd are Roman Molossian dogs, nogo dogs, German dogs and Newfoundlands. Large, beautiful animals were very popular among farmers.

Quite often, Bernov was used to transport goods instead of horses. These shepherds of dogs appeared in the Swiss Alps in the first century of our era. The dogs were bred specifically for various farm works, hardworking and loyal animals became indispensable assistants.

Over the years, Swiss shepherds have been equated with mongrels and were not popular among breeders. At the beginning of the 15th century, the breed was at risk of complete disappearance. Only at the end of the 19th century experts became interested in these animals, and this became the beginning of the formation of the breed. In 1907, the first formal standard of the breed was adopted, but for a long time at the exhibitions, Swiss Zennenhunds were exhibited without registration numbers and genealogies.

Interesting fact: This breed has become popular in other countries where not only beauty, but also the working qualities of Bernov was evaluated. Swiss dogs have established themselves as excellent companions, rescuers and even film actors. The Bernean Zennenhund club was created.

In the middle of the last century, as a result of the knitting of Zennenhund with Newfauland, the shepherds of the dogs from Switzerland improved their natural characteristics: they became more phlegmatic and acquired long wool. The peak of the popularity of Zennenhunds fell on the 80s of the 20th century. Schweicharski shepherds began to enjoy authority among breeders around the world.

Bernky Zennenhund – description of the breed

Bernky Zennenhund - description of the breed

Bernean Zennenhunds are animals of rather impressive sizes with long black-fir wool and white spots in the neck, nose and paws. The reference height of the males is 6 4-70 cm at the withers, for the branches-58-66 cm. The average weight of the Berns is in the range of 39-50 kg in male, 36-48 kg-in branches.

The head of the Swiss shepherd is quite large, but proportional. A rounded skull with a poorly expressed frontal furrow. Large nose. Mediu m-sized almond-shaped eyes. The eyelids are always dry.

The bite of the reference Bern is a scissor-shaped, but sometimes a tic k-shaped option is also allowed. The teeth of the Swiss Zennenhund are located in one line, a large size. The ears of a triangular shape are placed quite high, their ends are slightly rounded. When the dog is alert, the front of the ear also fits the skull, and its back rises a little.

All individuals of this breed have a muscular neck with a developed track and an outstanding scruff. The case is quite compact, but strong. The back is wide and straight, and the chest is deep. The lower back is a little already, short. The limbs of the Berne Shepherd dog are straight and even, muscular. The hips of an elongated shape have a well-developed muscles. Probleming fingers above the paws of the hind legs of thoroughbred dogs are subject to removal. The front paws with elastic pads are directed forward. The tail of a shepherd from Switzerland is sable, massive, narrowed to an end.

There are a number of defects that are enough to disqualify the dog class:

  • Progeny;
  • Inversion of the eyelids;
  • Twisted tail or its creases;
  • Bifurcation of the nose;
  • Small animal growth;
  • Too short wool or the s o-called “double wool”
  • The animal is too aggressive or cowardly;
  • Cryptorchrism.

Popular colors of the Bernean Zennenhunds

Popular colors of the Bernean Zennenhunds

The wool of the Berns is brilliant, long and straight, small "waves" are permissible in places. Full these animals very actively almost all year round. The coat of dogs is so thick that they can be on the street in frosts for a very long time.

The current standard determines the tricolor color of the Swiss shepherd, in which:

  • Black color is the basis;
  • On the chest, above the eyes, under the tail, on the cheeks and limbs there are tanks of a characteristic bright brown color;
  • On the head, the tip of the tail, paws are white spots that should not reach the areas of the double in color;
  • The white spot on the animal’s face does not cross the boundaries of the corners of the mouth;
  • White shirt.

The area of the fall should not occupy more than 10 percent. The “socks” of white on the paws, the white end of the tail are considered ideal. Small white marks in the nape are permissible.

Berne shepherds sometimes have deviations from the current standard:

  • Strongly curly woolen cover;
  • Absence or excessive number of white elements on the head;
  • Black color with brown or pronounced red ash;
  • Asymmetric color;
  • White spots have a gray tint.

The rainbow shell of the eyes of the alpine Berne Shepherd Shepherd is dark brown, the whites of the eyes do not stand out. The claws and the nose of the nose are exclusively black.

Bernes received a characteristic color and thick long wool due to random crossings with Newfoundland. After an unplanned meeting of individuals of two breeds, offspring with a beautiful long hair of black color, with pairs of inserts and white marks, was born.

The nature and habits of the Bernean Zennenhunds

The nature and habits of the Bernean Zennenhunds

The Berneska Shepherd is considered the most friendly and cheerful among all large breeds of dogs. Her friendliness is aimed not only at its owner and other households, but also to all others. The dog never shows aggression for other animals or strangers, if there is no reason for it. Bern, on the contrary, will try to make friends with a stranger, play with him. Bernky Zennenhund is great for families with children.

Interesting fact: The dog transfers to the separation from the house and the master very hard. She is strongly attached to all members of her family.

It cannot be given to another family even temporarily. The Swiss shepherd begins to miss, falls into depression, becomes naughty. An adult dog does not like prolonged physical exertion, she is quite a short run or play with the ball. Bern with great pleasure will be naked in a cozy place or walk with his owner.

Bern always keeps in the field of view of all households, including pets, thereby showing her shepherd instinct. The dog takes care of everyone and does not offend anyone. A particularly careful attitude of dogs to young children. Despite the impressive size, animals never push them. Swiss Zennenhund can be called the most attentive and reliable nanny, since he not only plays with children, but also protects them.

Zennenhund is trained, but for this effort should be made. Bern always wants to please the owner, but does not remember the teams well. The process of education and training, as a rule, is delayed. Some individuals can be very stubborn, but even with the right approach they are studying. The owner must be patient, confident, calm. The dog will not tolerate rudeness and aggression – it can completely abandon the execution of commands with an excessive onslaught from a person.

Interesting facts about the Berne Sennenhunds

Interesting facts about the Berne Sennenhunds

Few people know that at the end of the 14th century, Zurich burgomaster issued a decree on the ban on the content of large dogs. According to this decree, all Bernes were subject to killing, as they destroyed the vineyards of wealthy farmers. Simple farmers and city residents stood up for good-natured animals, and the burgomaster was executed.

This is far from the only interesting fact about these dogs:

  • Bernean Zennenhunda has two more official names: Berne Mountain Dog and Durrbahler;
  • Bernes do not have any special guard abilities, but they can create a formidable appearance. Dogs are tired by strangers with loud barking, but they do not strive to detain;
  • When the breed was at the peak of popularity, those who wanted to purchase a good-natured giant for a rather impressive amount of money from local farmers gathered in Switzerland;
  • The tricolor color of the Bernean Zennenhund gave animal mysticality. Many ancient alpine residents believed that through Zennenhunds you can turn to the gods, since the dogs were given another pair of eyes – fell;
  • Bern is not so much a reliable guard as an excellent assistant. Previously, these animals helped people to carry carts and wagons. During the war, Swiss Shepherds carried small artillery pieces. During the two thousand years of the formation of the breed, dogs have completely lost their hunting instincts;
  • The Bernese Shepherd belongs to the second qualification group of the FCI, section number 3 – "Swiss Cattle Dogs".

The Bernese Mountain Dog was on the verge of extinction, and only thanks to the incredible efforts of admirers of these beautiful animals, the breed survived its rebirth.

The pros and cons of the Bernean Zennenhunds

The pros and cons of the Bernean Zennenhunds

Before buying a puppy of this breed, you need to evaluate your strengths and capabilities. Bern requires attention, it is vital for him to spend as much time as possible with his master. If you can't give your dog enough time, walk with him, play, then this Swiss Shepherd is not for you. The Bernese Mountain Dog breed, like everyone else, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • The complete absence of aggression in relation not only to their household members, but also to strangers, animals;
  • Incredible love for children;
  • Patience and accommodating with other pets;
  • It tolerates cold very well;
  • Effective appearance;
  • Unpretentiousness in nutrition;
  • obedience.

The existing disadvantages of this breed:

  • Short life expectancy;
  • Pretty poor health;
  • Susceptibility to year-round strong molting;
  • Requires constant careful care of the coat;
  • With difficulty endures loneliness and separation from his master, home;
  • Needs daily long walks.

It is important that the dog can be in the fresh air every day. Bern cannot stay in stuffy rooms and outdoors in the heat under the scorching sun for a long time. In the hot season, it is better to walk it early in the morning and in the evening.

If the dog is in an aviary, then there should be a place where he could hide from the sun. You cannot keep a friendly Bern on a leash. The dog must move freely. Being in a confined space or on a chain for a long time, the dog quickly becomes depressed and starts to get sick.

Burns of Berne Sennenhunds

The Bernese Mountain Dog feels quite tolerable in an apartment, but since it is a long-haired breed and the dog does not tolerate high temperatures, it is better to equip an aviary with a warm booth for it. The coat of Berns is so thick that they can be in the cold almost constantly.

Bernky Zennenhund Overview of the breed and feeding the diet is

This animal does not need intense physical activity – a daily long walk at a slow pace is enough, a light jog is acceptable. Even if the dog is kept in an aviary, it must be periodically released into the yard and given the opportunity to play so that it does not get bored. The Sennenhund's skeleton takes longer to develop than in small dogs, and for this reason, the dog should not be overloaded with heavy physical exertion. Intense running, jumping over high barriers can gradually lead to limb dysplasia.

Interesting fact: The Swiss Shepherd reaches maturity only by 1. 5-2 years, and until the indicated age it will only be a puppy that has grown to the size of an adult dog.

Young animals are always more active than adults, so regular pranks are guaranteed. Strongly punish puppies for tricks is not worth it. These dogs get along well with any other pets, but they have a particularly tender relationship with cats.

A dog needs companionship and a sense of unity with his human family. You should spend as much time as possible next to your pet, take him on family trips. Bern is ready to unquestioningly obey his master, patiently follow him for many kilometers while walking.

Care for the Bernean Zennenhunds

Care for the Bernean Zennenhunds

The Sennenhund has a very thick coat and in order for it to be beautiful and the animal to have a well-groomed appearance, it must be carefully looked after. Burns are combed daily with a special comb or brush – this is the only way to prevent the appearance of tangles. During combing, insects and dirt that got on the coat during a walk are removed, and the animal receives an excellent massage.

Bathe an adult dog at least once every 3-4 months or as it gets dirty. Babies are bathed more often. The claws of the animal are regularly inspected and trimmed with a nail cutter twice a month. It is necessary to check the condition of the fifth dewclaw, which is located on the front paws. They don't grind because they don't reach the ground.

In order to prevent the formation of hard plaque on the surface of the teeth, you should regularly treat the animal's teeth with tooth powder or a special paste for dogs. Tartar can only be removed by a specialist. The gums of the pet should be pink without redness.

Ears are examined after each walk, as the dog can easily pick up a tick or other parasites. Once a week or as needed, the exposed part of the ear is cleaned of wax and dirt with a damp cotton swab. In a healthy animal, the eyes are always shiny, not sour, there is no plaque. This breed is not characterized by abundant eye discharge, so their presence should be the reason for an urgent appeal to the veterinarian. In general, the care of this dog is not difficult, if not for the thick coat and year-round molting.

Burne Sennenhunds diet

Burne Sennenhunds diet

About 70 percent of the menu of an adult mountain dog is lean meat and offal. Cereal porridge on water – 10-15 percent. Vegetables, fruits and dairy products should also be present in the animal's diet. Once a week, a dog can be given sea fish, 1-2 raw chicken eggs. It is better to feed the Bern with coarse meat with a large number of veins.

Interesting fact: Dry food is usually given to large dogs. Sometimes such nutrition is preferable to natural, since dry granules contain less fat, which can cause excess weight. Vitamins and other nutritional supplements are prescribed by the doctor after the examination.

Drinking water is necessary for sennenhunds in large quantities. It is necessary to provide pets with round-the-clock free access to a source of clean water, especially on hot days. Adult burns should definitely be given foods that strengthen ligaments – necks and cartilage.

Like all dogs, Bernese Shepherds are forbidden to give food from the master's table, any smoked meats and sweets, flour products. Animals should not be overfed, especially if there is a lack of physical activity. Obesity can provoke the development of many serious diseases. Prolonged rest is indicated after each meal to prevent volvulus.

From the very first weeks, you should accustom the puppy to a certain rhythm of nutrition and the obligatory afternoon rest. Physical activity is safe only 30-40 minutes after a snack. The introduction of new products into the diet is carried out gradually. Some members of the breed are prone to food allergies.

Diseases and health problems

Diseases and health problems

Bernsky Zennenhund cannot boast of good health. The average life of these animals is 9-10 years, provided that good care, high-quality nutrition, timely vaccination.

Quite often, Berns diagnosed intestinal inversion. This pathology develops rapidly and without an emergency operation to save the animal. Due to the errors in the diet, the dog has bloating, and the stomach is full of air, the guts are twisted. At the same time, the breath of the pet becomes uneven, it is possible to raise the temperature.

In large individuals, dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints, arthritis, osteochondrosis often develops, which causes progressive lameness. The dog is constantly tormented by pain. To exclude pathology data, it is necessary to control the physical activity of the pet. You can not overload the joints of the dog, forcing it to perform a large number of jumps. The animal is taught to work with weight gradually.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as the inversion of the eyelids is quite widespread when the eyelashes along the edges of the century are very annoyed by the eye apple of the dog. After some individuals, after 5 years of age, cataract develops, retinal atrophy progresses, which can lead to complete blindness.

Zennenhunds poorly tolerate high temperatures and stuffiness, so they can easily receive a thermal blow, being under the scorching rays of the sun or a stuffy room. A number of pets have problems such as severe wool loss, that is, alopecia and depigmentation of the nose. Most health problems are related to nutrition.

Bernky Zennenhund – price and how to buy correctly

Bernky Zennenhund - price and how to buy correctly

The cost of the alpine berne shepherd puppy is 30-50 thousand in nurseries. If the parents of the puppy are champions, then the cost will increase to 75-80 thousand. Puppies, which, due to inconsistency with the standard, are rejected by the breeder according to any characteristics, will cost somewhat cheaper. When purchasing a pet from the hands of an announcement from a private person, you will have to give about 10-15 thousand, but in this case there are no guarantees that the puppy is vaccinated and healthy.

If the dog is acquired only as a friend, then you can purchase a puppy from a private trader without a package of documents, but all vaccinations must be done without fail. If you plan to participate in competitions and exhibitions, then the choice of a nursery or breeder should be approached very seriously. A professional breeder has all the necessary papers for each puppy. All kids are necessarily vaccinated, testing for congenital pathologies.

When choosing a future friend of the family in a nursery, you should pay attention to the behavior of young animals. It is better to give preference to active and inquisitive babies who are not afraid of strangers, are happy to come into contact. It should be remembered that the watchmen from these dogs are unimportant. This is more a companion than a watchman.

An important fact: The puppy's eyes should be clear, and woolen cover is even and shiny. It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the parents of the kids. Their appearance can tell a lot even to an inexperienced breeder. If adults are aggressive or too shy, then most likely their offspring will be like that.

Bernky Zennenhund Overview of the breed and feeding Ears are examined after each
Shanna Derrick About Author

Author of dog food articles with a deep understanding of healthy dog nutrition.

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