Can dogs eat cucumbers? How many cucumbers can I give my dog

December 27, 2021
Can dogs eat cucumbers?

A competent pet diet should include not only meat and other animal products, but also plant components Cereals, vegetables and fruits, as well as berries and herbs are sources of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and therefore necessary for the dog. Plant foods are rich in fiber, which ensures proper functioning of the digestive system. But are all vegetables okay for pets? Can dogs eat cucumbers? Many pets manage to eat cucumbers directly from the garden in summer.

What are the benefits of cucumbers and other vegetables for the dog

benefits of cucumbers for the dog

Of all the variety of vegetable and garden crops, not all are good for pets. Some vegetables are not digestible and some may cause digestive problems, so it’s important to know not only the chemical composition of the food, but also whether it will harm the animal.

For example, carrots, which are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin A, have a positive effect on vision and coat quality, but their main property is antioxidant. In this article you can read how much carrot can you give to dog. Regular consumption of carrots reduces a dog’s risk of developing cancer. Dogs love pumpkins and squash, these vegetables are not bad for pets. Pumpkin improves digestion, and zucchini is a source of calcium and potassium and folic acid.

Many dogs like cucumbers and if they are allowed to go for walks in the yard, they often end up gnawing on the patch. Of course, you shouldn’t encourage pets to chew on them, and there can be traces of fertilizer and other chemicals used to control diseases and insects on the fruit. This can lead to stool distress or even poisoning. But cucumbers themselves are not only not harmful, they are even healthy for dogs.

Dietary product

It is a dietary product that contains a minimum of calories, because 98% of it consists of water. Cucumbers contain alkaline salts, which prevent the formation of kidney stones and serve as antioxidants, they slow down the aging process in the body.

Cucumbers contain highly digestible iodine compounds that have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and thyroid function of the dog. Fiber, which is contained in plants, stimulates the intestinal function, and also helps to clean the walls of blood vessels from the “harmful” cholesterol. For example, in broccoli there are even healthy and essential fats for the body and coarse fiber that perfectly cleanses the intestines.

Pantry of nutrients

Cucumbers contain:

  • B vitamins, C;
  • carotene;
  • folic acid, which the body needs;
  • sugars;
  • Useful minerals, including potassium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, silver and others.

So, can dogs eat cucumbers? Cucumbers do not contain fat and carbohydrates they are completely safe for pets. Of course, we are talking about pets, grown without chemicals. The use of such vegetables improves the digestion process, speeds up the metabolism due to the complex fiber contained in cucumbers. The appearance of the pet’s coat also improves: it becomes shiny and silky.

Cucumbers are able to remove excess fluid from the body, eliminating edema. Cucumbers also have a mild laxative effect. All this gives reason to think that the green vegetable may serve as a good addition to the dog’s food, especially since the four-legged pets are happy to chew on fresh cucumbers. For them, it’s also a good “toothbrush analogue” – the solid food helps remove plaque from their teeth, preventing tartar from forming. Excellent Kirkland dog food goes well with vegetables look here.

For many dogs, crunchy fresh cucumbers are a toy and fun treat to chew. For many dogs, crispy fresh cucumbers are a toy and a fun chewy treat. Cucumbers can be used as a reward when training a pet. Cucumbers are a good source of moisture when you are unable to water your dog while walking. Of course, cucumbers are no substitute for fresh water, but they can help quench thirst.

Vegetables from stores

Not all store-bought vegetables are good for your dog’s nutrition; some unscrupulous farmers may use fertilizers to grow them, increasing the likelihood of negative allergies. The dog can be poisoned with nitrate-containing cucumbers. Signs of poisoning include:

  • refusal to eat;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • lethargy;
  • rashes on the muzzle, paws, ears.

As such, dogs are not allergic to cucumbers, but you should not feed uncontrolled vegetables to your pet. If the dog eats too much fruit, intestinal upset may occur. You’d better check the Chewy rating of premium feeds from the best brands on this page.

Can dogs eat pickles and canned cucumbers?

Can dogs eat pickles and canned cucumbersDo not feed your pet salted and canned cucumbers. It negatively affects the dog’s kidneys.

Excessive amounts of salt have a negative effect on the kidneys. Spices and especially vinegar used in pickling and canning are bad for dogs. Spices reduce the dog’s sense of smell and can cause food poisoning. It is also undesirable to allow pets to eat the leaves and flowers of the plant.

Puppies, pregnant and lactating females will not be harmed by cucumbers. Babies can be introduced to their diet along with other vegetables from two to three months of age. You can give them as part of a vegetable stew with fresh vegetables cut into small pieces. During the teething period, small cucumbers can be given to puppies as a toy.

Pregnant dogs should be given cucumbers, since they are low in calories. It is advisable only not to give store-bought ones, due to the risk of poisoning by nitrates and other chemicals that may be present in the fruit. If the dog has gained extra weight, then it is useful to switch to proper nutrition of premium dog food for weight loss.

How to feed your dog cucumbers correctly

How often can dogs eat cucumbers

It is not recommended to give your dog unwashed vegetables. Store cucumbers are recommended to be thoroughly washed and peeled. If the cucumbers are grown in the garden without the use of fertilizers or chemicals, then peeling the cucumbers is not necessary. It is better to cut off the ends of the fruits, which can be bitter.

How often can dogs eat cucumbers? 

The norm for dogs is no more than two medium-sized cucumbers per day – large breeds, medium-sized – no more than one fruit; small dogs enough 1-2 finely chopped slices.

If the dog likes to chew whole fruits – you can let him, do it or add chopped, grated vegetables to porridge, vegetable, meat dishes. In the summer, you can feed your dog cucumbers at least every day, remembering that they are not a substitute for meat food.

Here’s a great recipe for a healthy dish for your dog:

  • Boil and finely chop beef or chicken meat;
  • boil some pearl barley in water;
  • Mix the meat with the porridge and add fresh cucumber grated on a coarse grater.

What to do if your dog is poisoned by cucumbers

Poisoning can be caused by eating too many cucumbers. Which may contain chemicals and nitrates. In the first case, the dog will have diarrhea, which can be stopped with medicines or boiled rice. Which has astringent properties and helps the body to cope with the intestinal upset.


Nitrate poisoning is a dangerous condition. It can be suspected if the pet becomes lethargic, gets cornered or lies on the bed, refuses to eat, and vomits. You should take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible, and if you can’t do it quickly, you should administer first aid. This includes gastric lavage. The dog should be induced to vomit by giving him plenty of warm water or a weak solution of manganese solution. After that give the dog activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight), rest and access to fresh water. As soon as possible, have the dog seen by a specialist.

Can dogs eat raw cucumbers and tomatoes?

Can I give the dog raw cucumbers and tomatoesThe habit of eating raw cucumbers or tomatoes and greens from the garden is not a sign of poor parenting. But it also indicates that the dog is lacking some vitamins and trace elements. So, it is worth reconsidering the dog’s diet – it must be balanced, 70% of it given to meat and fish products containing digestible protein. Your pet needs cereals and vegetables; they contain vitamins and fiber, which aid in digestion.

If your dog eats vegetables from the garden in the summer, he must be weaned off it. The command “You can’t!” must be obeyed without question. Walk him around the patch saying “No” if he tries to eat anything from the bed.

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