Weruva paw lickin chicken dog food review

February 14, 2023
Dog Food
Weruva paw lickin chicken dog food review

? Free delivery inside MKAD from 1000 to November 13, 2019!

  • �� Feed is close to the natural diet of a predator
  • �� 100% natural, without preservatives
  • �� of ingredients that can be eaten by a person
  • ���� bow without cereals, taste amplifiers
  • ❄️ We are beneficial due to shock freezing
  • �� Deliven in thermal boxes – it remains frozen for 8 hours
  • ���� Own production in USA

Natural feed of the superpet of chicken is the abundance of a full-fledged animal protein, the composition includes all the necessary amino acids, high digestibility, diet, low cholesterol and fats. A large number of vitamins and minerals provide support for the circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. A balanced raw diet for a daily healthy diet. Perfectly suitable for castrated and sterilized pets.

How do we cook Superpet

Honestly about production, freezing and storage.

How to transport

Immediately after cooking, the food is subjected to shock freezing to preserve vitamins. We deliver in thermal boxes that save the product frozen up to 8 hours. You can order SuperPet to work, and the food will remain frozen until the end of the working day. At home, immediately transfer it to the freezer.


Attention! Actual and reliable composition is indicated on the site. The labels of the food may contain erroneous information, we apologize. In the next batch of stickers, we will correct our mistakes. Thanks for understanding!

Ingredients 75% chicken (breast, hip fillet, stomach, heart, neck), 5% chicken liver, 20% vegetables and fruits, chicken eggs, salmon oil, vitamin E.

The food value per 100 g of protein 16, fats 9 g, carbohydrates 8 g, humidity 67%, calcium/phosphorus 1. 3: 1 (CA: P). Calorius: 136 kcal.

Vitamins per 100 g Vitamin E – 6. 87 IU Omega 3 – 0. 14 g (0. 1374%)** EPK (eicopascentaenoic acid) 60%, DGK (daily oxaenoic acid) 40%

Manny tries new dog foods Weruva

Feeding calculator

  • The level of activity

  • Approximate weight

  • Your pet needs:

  • Bags per day
  • Bags per month

The norms for an adult animal of average activity (± 160 kcal/day) are given. For pets up to 6 months. +50%, up to 12 months. +20%. Pregnant and lactating +100%

How to switch to Superpet

  1. Start feeding the usual food 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours. No more dry dog food in the public domain!
  2. Before the first feeding Superpet, make a pet food for 24 hours – this will increase the acidity of the stomach, arouse appetite and exacerbate natural instincts.
  3. Defrost and touch SuperPet to room temperature. Do not use a microwave or boiling water.
  4. Put 1/4 of the SuperPet storage container in a bowl next to the old food. Store a thawed storage container in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. In the following days, adhere to this schedule:

1-3 days 25% SuperPet

4-6 day 50% SuperPet

7-9 day 75% SuperPet

10 day 100% SuperPet


When ordering today until 16:00 we will deliver tomorrow.


Free – when ordering from 2500. 275 when ordering less than 2500. The delivery zone is indicated on the map. *When delivery to the territory of Dallas City, parking is also paid 400

Dallas Region and inside A108

Free – when ordering from 15, 000. 275 + 20 /km when ordering less than 15, 000. The actual cost is determined on the order of the order after entering the address.

The free delivery zone is indicated on the map.

Shipment night is available for orders in the amount of 2500 paid on the site. The issuance of orders issued through the bestdogfood.Expert daily from 10:00 to 19:00. Call 15 minutes before arrival. Shipment at night is located at Khimki, st. Working 2a. Turn on the street. Worker with the street. The factory through a blue arch with the inscription “Business Park General”. Get to the end to a dead end, without turning, expect in the parking lot.


Free – when ordering from 2500. 275 when ordering less than 2500. The delivery zone is indicated on the map.

Leningrad region

Free – when ordering from 15, 000. 275 + 20 /km when ordering less than 15, 000. The actual cost is determined on the order of the order after entering the address.

The free delivery zone is indicated on the map.

Shipment at night is located at the address: Embankment of the Monastery of the Monastery 5V.

On the territory of the Torozhnaya-37 cluster, move to the yellow building of the administration. Behind him is a bridge over the river. Monastery. After the bridge, move right to the last building, turn left to the left to the Superpet sign, press the employee call button.

To travel on vehicles, take a pass for traveling on a security point. On foot after the bridge, move directly through the gate to the metro station pl. Alexander Nevsky.

Shipment at part is open daily from 10:00 to 19:00.

Payment and return

Ways of payment

  • Bank card on the site
  • Cash upon receipt
  • By bank card upon receipt
  • Payment for QR code through a system of fast payments
  • By non-cash calculation. Write to us in the chat to request an account.

Return conditions

If you feed the pet with dry or humid food, then it can abandon the natural diet of Superpet, which does not contain smell and taste amplifiers. The transition to natural feeding is a serious step towards the health and longevity of your pet. Stock up and follow the instructions.

If, despite all the attempts to transfer the pet to a healthy diet, he refuses SuperPet, you can return unused feed bags and get compensation. To do this, you need to contact us through the online chat in the lower right corner or call and inform about the intention to return the goods.

Return Conditions:

  • Buying was made in the last 10 days
  • The food should not be thawed and re-frozen
  • At the time of return, all bags should be stored in the freezer
  • We will return you the full cost of the starting or other set, if no more than 3 bags of feed are used. When using more than 3 bags, only the returned goods are subject to compensation. Instead of with the starting set, it is necessary to return the tank for defrosting.

Questions and answers

Very simple! Before the first feeding SuperPet, remove any free access food. Let the cat get hungry for 6-8 hours. Natural SuperPet does not contain smell amplifiers and, for the first time, may seem less attractive to your cat than artificial dry dog food. Defrost and touch SuperPet to room temperature. Put 1/4 of the SuperPet storage container with “old” food in a bowl and offer a pet. Do not mix. Increase the SuperPet proportion every day until your favorite completely switches to a natural and healthy diet. Detailed instructions.

Absolutely safe! For millennia, cats have fed for their prey (raw) and naturally conceived so that their body best assimilates raw food. The high acidity of the stomach and a short digestive tract destroy bacteria and do not allow them to multiply. In addition, all the ingredients in the Superpet, the level of Human-Grade (created for a person), so they go through strict shakescontrol and do not contain parasites. Our enterprise is included in the Mercury system that controls the veterinary regime and the movement of raw materials at all stages from the manufacturer to the buyerperPet suppliers are modern farms for which the product quality is in the first place.

A cat weighing up to 4 kg is enough 1–1. 5 SuperPet storage container per day. For accurate calculation of feeding standards depending on the weight of your pet, use our calculator.

Feed enough 2 times a day: in the morning and evening with an interval of 8-10 hours. If for some reason this is impossible, it is permissible to feed once a day a full portion, depending on the needs.

No. Thermal treatment significantly reduces the beneficial qualities of the diet. In addition, the food contains bone grains (a source of natural calcium), which will become solid during cooking, will not be pernicated and able to harm a pet.

You do not need to mix. Natural raw diet and industrial feeds are absorbed in different ways and require different enzymes for digestion, therefore, during the transition to a new diet, it is enough to put the old and new food nearby in one bowl according to the instructions.

We produce SuperPet in three types: pieces in minced meat, minced meat, pieces. Pieces in minced meat and minced meat have the same composition. The minced meat will come up with kittens up to 3 months and weakened animals (for example, problems with teeth). Pieces in minced meat are basic food for constant nutrition. Just pieces are designed for feeding only during the transition from industrial feed to natural SuperPet diets. In the pieces there is no bone component so that the transition to new food is more comfortable for the pet.

Yes! Superpet is an excellent prevention of ICD due to the high moisture and animal protein content, which is perfectly absorbed by the cat's body. Read more in this article.

A lot of controversy is underway about a decrease in protein levels in the nutrition of strictly carnivorous animals with renal failure. We are of the following opinion: instead of reducing the level of protein in the animal’s body by excluding protein foods from the diet, it is necessary to feed the pet with natural animal protein, which is easily absorbed and fills the body of the pet with vital energy to combat the disease. Sources of such a protein should be bio-suitable, for example, rabbit and poultry. Read more in this article.

Weruva paw lickin chicken dog food review save the product

Weruva paw lickin chicken dog food review

Brave vegetables help normalize the chair of pets prone to constipation. Normally, cats and dogs have dry and loose feces with virtually no smell. They defecate 2 times a week or more often. One of the signs can be discussed:

  • The pet often goes to the tray, but to no avail;
  • The pet defeces less often 1-2 times a week;
  • It is difficult for a pet to defecate.

If the chair is too hard or there are signs of constipation, use vegetables as an additive to the main meat diet: defrost the storage container and add 10-20 grams to a bowl with Superpet. The portion can gradually be increased – determine the dosage by experimentally, controlling the condition of the pet stool. We recommend trying all types of boiled vegetables: broccoli, carrots and pumpkin and determine what taste the pet will like the most.

Reviews (41)

Anna – Buyer with Feb 2022 08. 12. 2022

The dog came to me from the shelter. It was literally immediately revealed that she had big problems with the gastrointestinal tract in addition to allergies to some types of products, in particular, a bird. The task of choosing her quality food in this situation was very complicated.

And what was my surprise when (on the advice of a girlfriend) I tried to feed my pet with the food “Superpet”.

Sobachevna in joy responded to this type of food, with pleasure to the last drop eats her favorite beef or rabbit from a bowl. The existing calculator on the site, helping to determine the norm of nutrition of the dog, as well as a convenient packaging of feed also allowed to easily calculate the norm of nutrition necessary to maintain a quality life.

It is also convenient to store food: the power is packaged in separate falsified packs of a certain gram. And the container presented at the first purchase allows you to quickly defrost the food taken from the freezer. In a word, both tasty and healthy, and convenient

Brenda – Buyer from Jun 2022 10. 10. 2022

My dog really likes food, she just sucks it in 15 seconds. But, allergies began, presumably to the protein, the doctor advised to feed only a rabbit for two months, becauseThe most hypoallergenic. While we order a superpet, I hope the allergy will let us go, I don’t want to change the food, everything is suitable, but the wool peels off.

Julia – Buyer from September 2022 10. 25. 2022

They bought Maltip beef and turkey, delight, the puppy was immediately satisfied and ate all in 2 seconds, we did not even translate according to the instructions, and so it all quickly settled) We have been eating any complaints the pet is happy and healthy!

Shelley – Buyer from Aug 2022 08/25/2022

Well, what I want to say, I ordered the first time. Food for the appearance is wonderful, as well as to taste. Since the dog was no longer used to get used to natural nutrition. He immediately began to eat, very tasty. But little (so the dog thought)

Martha – Buyer from Jun 2022 06. 07. 2022

Good, natural food, the main thing is very convenient to feed them a dog!

Shelley – Buyer since May 2021 06/14/2022

Everything is fine, but when switching to natural, you need much more care for your teeth, if you do not brush, the raid and toothstone in general appear very conveniently, it is very convenient, a dog with sensitive digestion came up and there were no problems in 8 months.

Maria – Buyer from Mar 2022 31. 03. 2022

They changed for a long time and selected feed for York. As a result, Superpet turned out to be the very perfect option for us. Sobka eats with pleasure, which was difficult to say about dry dog food and homemade food, licks a bowl. It turned out to be easier to switch to a vidotypic nutrition than to change one dry dog food to another. The dog feels great, peppy, cheerful, the chair is excellent.

Annikova – Buyer from Mar 2022 03/29/2022

A great option for natural feed for dogs and cats. Balanced nutrition is the key to a healthy and cheerful pet.

3 days after the transition to Superpet, my observations: 1. Fun playful dogs 2. Wool became more silky 3. Eat with pleasure 4. No problems with the gastrointestinal tract were observed when the transition was observed 5. Convenient packaging we recommend

~Ekaterina – Buyer with Jan 2022 02/13/2022

When we took the puppy, the breeder told us that we would feed it with dry dog food, but our tosha did not like it, we bought different brands, but she still did not like dry dog food, then we began to look for alternative options on the Internet and found Superpet, Our Tosha broke the first storage container on the first day and was satisfied. He goes to the toilet very well, before that there were constipation from Sukhish.

Rachel – Buyer from Dec 2021 23. 12. 2021

We moved to SuperPet from competitors, I really liked the appearance of the food ( you can see the variety of ingredients). Also, very convenient packaging. You can take on the exits, feed anywhere. There were no problems with the transition, the dog is happy and gains weight as it should be �� Dog – beagle, 5 months.

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