Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine for your pet is good or deception

March 16, 2023
Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine for your pet is good or deception

The work of a veterinarian is complex and sometimes not grateful. Patients, as a rule, are wary, cannot tell what is happening in their body, cannot complain about pain in a certain place.

The task of the doctor is to determine the exact place of the pathological process by external signs and laboratory analyzes and develop adequate treatment. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to achieve and the pet dies. There are many reasons for this, including later an appeal to a specialist and attempts to treat the animal by the owner of the house, independently, and at a critical moment to contact the clinic.

Recently, traditional Chinese medicine for animals began to gain popularity. It is worth making a reservation right away that the evidence-based facts of the positive effect of Chinese medicine methods on the health of pets is not enough. But they are still there.

What relates to Chinese medicine

In the Chinese province of Liaonin, there is a city of Shenyan, in which a veterinary clinic has existed for a little more than a year, based on the use of traditional Chinese medicine methods. The owners of dogs, cats and other domestic animals turn here, when Western medicine is powerless to help. In the Chinese veterinary clinic, pets are successfully treated with damage to nerves suffering from paralysis and many other pathologies.

The basis of treatment is an electro-acupuncture, which is a mixture of acupuncture and electrophoresis. Through the introduced needles pass the electric discharge, selected individually for the disease and features of the animalch clinics for the treatment of pets are in many cities of China.

More than 6 thousand different healing substances have been recognized in Chinese medicine, but about 200-300 are used in the modern world. Healers use the ingredients depending on the ability to restore impaired balance in the body.

Herbs are classified according to their main properties – cold, cool, warm and hot. So, according to Chinese treatises on medicine, for “cold” diseases, it is recommended to use cinnamon bark, which is considered hot, and vice versa, for warm diseases, chrysanthemum flowers, which are considered cold, are prescribed.

Each herb has its own taste and, accordingly, a certain effect on the internal organs. Thus, according to the theories of Chinese medicine, pungent herbs are recommended for use in diseases of the lungs, sour herbs – to fight liver diseases, sweet – to treat the pancreas and spleen, bitter – good for the heart, and salty – good for kidney diseases.

There are few monoprescriptions in Chinese medicine. As a rule, fees include up to 15 ingredients in one recipe. Some are used to disperse the qi energy, which stagnates and provokes inflammation, others are necessary to remove toxic substances and saturate the body with useful components.

Could Your Pet Benefit from Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM)?

The basis of Chinese medicine is the prevention of disease and the maximum preservation of health.

Theory of the Five Elements

Everything is subject to nature – this is considered in traditional Chinese medicine. There is a theory of five elements, on the basis of which, doctors can diagnose and develop treatment. The Five Element Theory, or Wu Xing, is not only the foundation of Chinese medicine. This is a kind of philosophy that defines the foundations of the universe. Five elements, five actions, five movements, five elements are fire, water, wood, metal and earth. Each element refers to a specific organ. So, the following are distinguished:

Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine for your pet is good or deception of the house, independently, and

Traditional chinese veterinary medicine for your pet is good or deception

  • Wood – liver and gallbladder;
  • Fire – the heart and small intestine;
  • Earth – stomach and spleen;
  • Metal – lungs and large intestine;
  • Water is the bladder and kidneys.

According to the theory, the body is one whole, functioning harmoniously. If one of the channels or elements is damaged, respectively, disturbances in the work occur in others. This is the so-called spread of the disease. In the body there are ways of oppression and ways of defeat. The transmission of the disease from one organ to another is carried out precisely along these pathways. If one of the elements begins to oppress the other, diseases arise. So, when the earth element (stomach and spleen) is oppressed by the wood element, diseases of the liver and spleen occur.

Deep philosophical theory is applied to diagnosis and treatment. An aggressive patient with inflammation in the eye area most often has liver pathologies. The fact is that the eyes, as well as aggression, are elements of the tree associated with the liver.

In traditional Chinese medicine, recognized only in 1950, treatment is based on the study of energy flows, trigger points on the body and general psychological state. To block certain points of the body that affect the organs, acupuncture is used, for relaxation – massage, for influence from the inside – special herbal remedies.

Chinese medicine in USA

The benefits of Chinese medicine have not been proven. The fact is that Chinese medicine differs from the usual Western one in a different approach to treatment. In China, the patient, human or animal, is approached comprehensively. Treatment is selected not based on the symptoms, but on the general condition of the body. Separate parts of the body are not taken into account. For example, a sick animal is considered as a part of nature and at the same time as an independent being.

Dubious methods of treatment in Chinese medicine still find their response in other teachings. But it should be understood that real professionals rarely share their secrets with others, and even more so they do not spread about treatment. Therefore, in USA, Chinese traditional medicine is equated rather with quackery and swindle.

The philosophy of Chinese traditional medicine is that the disease that occurs in the body of a living being is the result of disturbances in energy flows, problems with the balance of internal energiesch techniques allow you to explore more internal changes at the psychological level.

Emotional upheavals, worries, fears, anger, discontent – all this is inherent in pets. A cat that is constantly bored at home or a lonely whining dog will get sick much faster than one that receives enough attention, affection and care.


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