Dog crate size for goldendoodle. Features, maintenance and care

November 30, 2022

Goldendoodle breed of dog. Features, maintenance and care

A person, tired of the busy rhythm of modern life, increasingly seeks to find a faithful companion-dog. It is not necessarily that it serves, performs work commands, solves specific problems.

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On the contrary, people often want to have at home a faithful cheerful friend who will keep in touch at all times, meet them after work, entertain them and raise their spirits. Although these dogs also have special functions – as guide dogs, therapy dogs in various difficult situations, and assistants for people with disabilities.

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A representative of this kind of dog is the Golden Doodle, the result of crossbreeding golden retriever and poodle. For several decades the dog has become one of the most popular varieties of dogs in the United States and Canada.

Description and features

The Goldendoodle is a dog "with a smile on its face." This is the most striking feature of the animal. The expression of her muzzle, friendly look, slightly stuck out pink tongue – everything indicates a kind character and desire to make friends. Among them, you can find large, medium-sized and small. The height of an average specimen is from 35 to 65 cm.

Their weight varies from 11 to 34 kg. Even in one litter can be completely different results, both in size and color. The main distinguishing features are luxuriant soft fur all over the body, including a clever muzzle, rather long floppy ears and a lush tail. The eyes and nose lobe are usually dark.

The color of the coat can be cream, golden, white, red, brown, copper, black, but most often monochrome. Only the ears and tail may be darker, but the same shade. Another poodle is added to get a new color. The hair structure is slightly wavy, the coat is not as curly as a poodle, and much more lush than a retriever.

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Despite its thick coat, the Goldendoodle sheds little

It sheds little, the coat was bred as hypoallergenic. Of course, no one is immune from dandruff loss, but in these dogs, these excretions are extremely small. Goldendoodle in the photo resembles a big soft toy with a cute little face.

Breed standards and character

The breed standard has not yet been developed. Such animals are called designer animals, they can not be brought under the same standards. Each of their parents is a representative of an eminent breed, but after crossing, you get different results.

These dogs have a mega-friendly disposition. They generally try to act like humans, and there are quite a few videos on the Internet about their "human" grimaces and poses. You can even find videos of how a Goldendoodle "reads" or "counts". Their behavior resembles that of 3-year-old children. Due to their innate intelligence and intelligence, animals are easy to teach and train.

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The Goldendoodle is a very intelligent and quick-witted dog.

The Goldendoodle breed is family oriented, with a strong relationship with humans. Dogs are attached to all members of their "pack" – both people and other pets. The dog is always eager to please its owner. Mostly he is quiet and calm, but in communication can be playful, active.

He likes to run, frolic, and needs to be exercised and exercised with exertion. Another distinguishing feature of the dog is his cute shyness and reaction to injustice. The dog can be offended, but not for long. Good-natured disposition instantly encourages him to forgive anyone and everyone. And his patience has no limits, he is not capable of aggression.

Therefore, they are often used as baby sitters (babysitters for children). It can not be used as a guard just because of its softness and friendliness, it does not react even to the bell or knock on the door. Such a dog will be happy to any guest, even if he came to rob you.


The Goldendoodle is sweet and good-natured and is not used as a guard.

Most of these good-natured intellectuals are medium-sized, somewhere in the intermediate category between the Golden Retriever and the Poodle. But there is even a small specimen, not more than 3 kg in weight, which is obtained by crossing with a miniature poodle.

Such a variant is called a mini Goldendoodle. It is in no way inferior to larger specimens, but has one advantage – it takes much less space in the apartment and requires less expense. The degree of goodwill, affection and energy in them is absolutely identical.

History of the breed

Producers sought to obtain a breed that would not differ too much from its parents. Many people like Golden Retrievers, but are confused by the abundance of hair. And some admire the cleverness and "humanity" of poodles, but worry about health problems.

Goldendoodle is supposed to retain all the positive qualities and character, but to please with a longer life span, an unencumbered soft coat and the absence of genetic diseases. It is no secret that almost all hybrids have better health than "pure" breeds.

The dogs were introduced relatively recently – in the 1990s in the United States, although the first attempts were made as early as 1969, following the success of the Labradoodle, a Labrador-poodle hybrid. Breeders began not to think too much and called the newly bred cross by analogy with the previous one.

The first part of the name is taken from the Golden Retriever. Probably, some people think it is incorrect prefix "doodle", which means "dummy". But in this case, it is a part of the word, which acquired a new meaning at the hands of Donald Malcolm Campbell, the famous British sportsman-racer. It was he who invented such a playful prefix for the "relative" of our hero – Labradoodle.

The breed is enjoying increasing success, but is still not registered by any cynological organization. USA cynologists also have not yet recognized the Goldendoodle as a separate breed. There is an opinion that this result of crossing is very unstable. There can be unpredictable mixtures, so few breeders take it.

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dog crate size for goldendoodle. features, maintenance and care

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Holdendoodle breed is not accepted by the cynology association and is considered a designer breed.


Dogs do not have to adhere to a special diet. It is important to make sure that they do not pass, but also hunger is not good for pets. The choice of Chewy food options is left to the owner. It is usually advised to settle on one type – either ready-made food or self-made food.

Factory-made food for furry dogs is already balanced with the necessary vitamins and minerals. When choosing natural food, you should consult an expert about the necessary supplements. An adult Goldendoodle absorbs about 450 grams of food Chewy per day, which should be divided into 2 meals.

This can be porridges with broths, milk, and sour-milk products. Lean meat, boiled and fresh seasonal vegetables, unsweetened fruit, a couple of eggs a week – this is the uncomplicated basis of the diet.

Do not forget to introduce each new product gradually, after testing for allergies. And categorically do not recommend food from your table. Sweet, spicy, greasy bits can cause irreparable damage to health – from upset stomach to more serious diseases.

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Care and housing

The environment is not important for the pet. It feels quite comfortable in an apartment, as well as in a private home. The main thing is the company. However, taking into consideration its activity, cramped living conditions are undesirable – otherwise you will face spoiled furniture, stripped wallpaper and lost personal items.

So it's important to walk him for an hour twice a day and involve him in outdoor activities. With a puppy should be engaged from an early age. From a young age he should feel himself in the family, in the zone of attention and control. The correct organization of his training will bring amazing results.

In general, for the education of such pets, a lot is decided by the amount of time spent on them. If he constantly communicates with you, and perceives your speech as an important and necessary signal, then he won't need to be told twice; this dog is capable of much.

A big plus of this breed – despite the fluffy fur, it has no undercoat. Therefore, dogs practically do not shed and do not cause allergies. But it should be combed out regularly. This prevents the formation of tangles and gives a well-groomed appearance. Bathing too often is not necessary, although the dog is not afraid of water.


Like most dogs, the Goldendoodle needs daily exercise and interaction with the owner.

Eyes, ears and teeth also need care. The physical activity of the pet involves contact with dirt, sand, and dust. For this reason, the ears are cleaned weekly, using a swab or cotton swabs soaked in boiled vegetable oil. The eyes are also wiped every week by dipping the stick into a weak solution of chamomile.

Like poodles, they have an increased accumulation of hair in the ears and eyes. Therefore, they also need to be removed to avoid disease. Teeth are enough to brush once every two weeks, you can also buy special toothpicks. The main diseases are hip dysplasia, eye problems, in some individuals may occur hemophilia (blood clotting problem).

Reproduction and longevity

The lack of recognition of the ICF makes it impossible to create a unified registry and register the litters. This situation prevents the creation of breeding kennels. It is even more difficult to find a private breeder. Therefore, it is not necessary to elaborate on breeding, a few general rules will suffice.

Usually dogs of average size "grow up" by 1.5-2 years, after the 3rd heat they can be mated. There are 5 to 8 puppies in a litter. Goldendoodle puppies are quiet, gentle, modest, nothing foretells future activity. In the house it is best to choose a dog at the age of 8 weeks. Live sweet creatures from 10 to 15 years.

Interesting! Hybridity always adds at least a year to life. If the "purebred" lives 10 years, the mestizo – at least 11-12 years.


Most often there are about 5 puppies in a litter of Dutchdoodles

Price and reviews

You can buy a puppy only abroad – in the United States or Canada. Only there are specialized kennels. Some advise to look in kennels in Spain and other European countries. The price of a Goldendoodle depends not only on a good pedigree, but also on the cost of transportation. On average, the amount is about $1800.

In USA they often offer to buy a dog "from hand", but no one will vouch for a good result. According to breeders, this delightful breed feels happy if it can run around a lot. Some underestimate the "toy" appearance, assuming a couch dog later in life.

At the age of 5-6 months, the doggie becomes very agile, sometimes bringing frustration to uninformed owners. Their advantages, according to the owners, far outweigh the above disadvantages: they're practically hypoallergenic, it's pleasant to play sports with them, they're the best friends, they're very peaceful, not afraid of water, vary in size (you can choose any convenient variant), unpretentious in nutrition. With such a pet you are likely to have love and good humor in your family.

Shanna Derrick About Author

Author of dog food articles with a deep understanding of healthy dog nutrition.

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