In dogs they often have the shape of bones

January 9, 2023
In dogs they often have the shape of bones

in dogs they often have the shape of bones

In the dog, 52 “parts of the body” can be distinguished, in the cynological practice called strats, each of which corresponds to a certain anatomical area. These areas are determined by the exterior of the animal, and on the basis of their assessment, experts at exhibitions endure their opinion on each dog and explain their decision to its owner.


The frontal region can be rounded (as, for example, in a big or a cocker spaniel), flat (like Dalmatin), convex (like a boxer), oval (like a poodle), wide (like a Rottweiler).

Stop (fracture) is clearly visible in the profile – the angle of transition from the forehead to the back of the nose, formed by the frontal and nasal regions. It can be more or less pronounced: from 90 ° (in dogs with a short muzzle) to 180 ° (in dogs with a long muzzle). The greyhounds are almost absent.

The nasal region belonging to the front part of the head includes the nasal cavity, which is more extensive in the cops (such as the setter) and less extensive in dogs with flattened muzzle (for example, in bulldogs). The flattening of the muzzle associated with the shortening of the bones of the front of the head (like Beijes) leads to a bite violation (“snack” or “shortcut”) and the difficulty of breathing, which can cause diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

There are two nostrils on the nose that should be well open. The nostrils are separated by a longitudinal furrow. In a healthy dog, the tip of the nose is always soft, wet and cold.

The auricle is represented by ear sinks. In different breeds of dogs, ears differ in shape, size, and post. They can be pointed (Belgian shepherd), slightly rounded (German shepherd), rounded (bulldog), rather thin and plentifully covered with long hair (cocker spaniel), standing, half-around, raised on cartilage hanging on cartilage. The ear is a vestibular-liable organ, an important part of the auditory analyzer. Dogs with standing ears are better captured by sound waves, while the hounds are predominantly hanging (this protects against foreign bodies from entering the outer auditory passage – earth, sand, blades, etc.). The terriers have short ears, which allows them to freely penetrate into narrow holes. The standards of some dog breeds provide for ears stopping, but at present this operation is prohibited in many European countries.

The head also includes other, not so clearly expressed areas. On her sides, behind the eyes, directly above the zygomatic region is the temporal region formed by the temporal bones. The zygomatic region is outlined by the arches of the skull bones of the skull, which is sufficiently determining the shape of the head. The parotid region is under the ears, behind the chewing area (formed by chewing muscles), which, in turn, follows the buccal area (the buccal muscles that make up the base of the cheeks are greatly limited in size, since the dogs have a long mouth). The buccal region includes lips – well-pigmented, covered with thin hairs, with a large number of vibrissa (hard hair, at the base of which are sensitive receptors). The lips should not be flabby or shifted relative to each other. On the inside, there should be pale pink (or pigmented, as, for example, in Chow Chow).


The dog’s head can be rounded storage container (like a gentleman-king-chalz-spaniel), elongated (like greyhounds) or square. She plays an important role in balance. In breeds with an elongated shape of the face of the muzzle is most often pointed;In breeds with a square head of the jaw are short and strong (as a rule, these breeds are originally bred for battles).

become the head

There are two main parts of the head: the rear (the cranial box in which the brain is located) and the front (front, which is also called the face), where the nasal cavity is located. The central department of the head is located between the eye sockets. Depending on the proportional ratio of the cranial and facial parts of the dogs, they are divided into three types: dolichocephalous (with an elongated muzzle), brachycephal (with a short flattened muzzle) and mesocephalous (with medium proportions).

On the back of the head (back of the head) there is a moderate bulge (occipital tubercle), and folds of the skin, which are called a suspension (or a boar), can form in the throat area.

The neck has the shape of a truncated cone, the larger diameter of which is facing the thoracic torso, and the smaller one to the head. The neck ends at the withers and forms a more or less open angle with the back. This part of the body is important for assessing the exterior of the dog. It affects the head of the head, as it regulates the position of the center of the severity of the animal. The head and neck serve as a counterweight to the rest of the body and play a significant role in maintaining the balance of the front of the body, as well as when moving the dog (for example, if its head and neck is pressed to the ground, it will not be able to rise). The neck passes into the area of the shoulder blades, withers and chest. The position of the neck changes depending on the phase of movement: it rises when repulsive from the ground (the jump phase) and stretches forward during the landing.

Front limbs

The front limbs in dogs are usually long, slightly flattened. The front limbs belt include blades that are attached to the chest with two muscles. They are obliquely set and have a slightly convex shape. The upper part of the shoulder is connected to the spatula (with the help of the lobe joint), and the lower one with the forearm (by means of the elbow joint). The forearm consists of mobile radiation and elbow bones. Between the forearm and heel is a wrist consisting of 7 short bones located in two rows. The heap consists of five long narrow bones, which go into 4 thre e-phalanx and 1 tw o-phalanx fingers. Two median fingers (III and IV) are longer and stronger than two side (II and V). The paw pads formed by a thick, but with a soft keratinized layer of the skin and adipose tissue, have a convex, somewhat rounded shape. The dog’s fingers end with curved claws covered with a dense shell of keratinized epithelium cells with a high keratin content. The claws should not touch the earth when the dog is in a standing position.

Parts of the body of the dog


The chest is the front of the chest, it can have a different length, depth and width, as well as the location in relation to the front limbs. For example, in the French bulldog, the legs and chest, when viewed in front, form a square, and in the English bulldog – an arc.

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In dogs they often have the shape of bones narrow holes

The line of the top

The top line is formed by a foot, back, lower back and croup. It is almost horizontal in dogs of normal type of addition, it can sag (saddl e-shaped shape) in young dogs and individuals with a long body and bends upward in animals that are in a standing position, preparing for a throw. In the profile, the back is a straight line, which can slightly rise in the lower back. In some breeds with a long back, the top line is arched arched. The back goes into the lower back, which can be somewhat wider than it. Krup is a continuation of the lower back. It has a slope, it can be more or less rounded, but when viewed from above, it is always a rectangular shape;It ends at the base of the tail.

Thoracic region

A fairly convex chest formed by breast vertebrae, 13 pairs of ribs and a chest (sternum), includes a fairly convex part of the body. The deep chest (measured from the shoulder to the last rib) is 2/3 of the total length of the dog’s body. The sternum forms the arc of a large radius. It forms a space in which the heart and lungs are located, and should be wide enough in dogs undergoing serious physical exertion.

The structure of the dog


The abdominal cavity begins from the back of the diaphragm. It contains vital organs (liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system). The sides are slightly concave, their length depends on the size of the dog. The sides pass into the stomach (the lower part of the abdominal body) – in dogs this transition is barely noticeable. The mammary glands are located on the bottom of the abdominal wall;In the males in its back there is a prepared bag.

Hind limbs

The hind limbs are longer and more massive than the front, with more stupid joints of joints. The hips are usually muscular. The knee is located on the border of the thigh and lower leg – long, located inclined. The hock joint separates the lower leg from the plus, set almost steeply or with a slight slope forward. On its inside, you can sometimes find a rudimentary profitable finger.


The length, size and put the tail of each breed is special. The tail can be rin g-shaped (like a spitz), short (like a terrier), have a long suspension (like a setter). Dogs can be born without a tail (hairless) or with a very short tail (bobtails). The dog can carry the tail horizontally or raised upward, straightened or curved.

In dogs they often have the shape of bones front of
Shanna Derrick About Author

Author of dog food articles with a deep understanding of healthy dog nutrition.

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