What is a good protein for dogs?

December 20, 2022

How do feed manufacturers hide the true value of protein in feed?

Practical tips for dog owners on feeding dogs

Low Protein Dog Food Review and Reviews

We all know very well that according to the classification, domestic dogs belong to the order of predators, and the main food of predators is meat, that is, a high-protein diet is natural for dogs. Therefore, for many owners, the advice of a veterinarian to replace the usual food that the animal eats with dog food with a low protein content is often bewildering.

Historical digression

Before the advent of commercial pet food, dog owners fed their pets only natural food. According to the recommendations of veterinarians and dog handlers of that time, the pet’s daily diet consisted of meat and meat products (replaced with sea fish 1-2 times a week) – 40%, fermented milk products of medium fat content (cottage cheese, kefir) – also 40%, the rest – raw vegetable products,bran, eggs. It was not recommended to feed grain and flour products to dogs because of the high content of easily digestible carbohydrates in them. In animals that are clearly not vegetarians, they cause a violation of the intestinal microflora, resulting in a decrease in immunity. Corn was under the strictest ban and was considered almost poison for dogs due to a very high glycemic index of eighty-five.

And the pets lived on such a diet for 13-15, and sometimes more, years.

No, in those years the grass was not greener and the sun was not brighter. But the diet of dogs was high-protein, the content of pure protein in it was by no means less than 30-40%.

The era of industrial feed

With the advent of industrial feed on the market, the situation began to change. The distrust with which dog breeders initially reacted to these foods, under the influence of aggressive marketing policies and intrusive advertising, was replaced first by curiosity, and then dog owners appreciated the convenience of ready-made balanced foods. No need to cut and rub, make a diet, measure doses of vitamins and mineral supplements. It’s simple: pour it into a bowl, and you’re done. And the cost-effectiveness of these feeds played an important role.

Abundance on the market: which feed to choose?

Currently, when seeing off a puppy to a new home, a self-respecting breeder will definitely prepare a dowry for the baby – a bag of food that the dog ate at home. The owner, trusting the experience of the breeder, as a rule, does not change the brand of food until some problems begin: the pet refuses food, allergies, baldness, loss of activity, etc. and super-premium, one is better than the other, but the situation does not change. And there comes a time when, at the next appointment, your veterinarian recommends changing your diet, replacing your daily food with a low-protein one. From now on, your dog is on a diet. And you’re on your way to find the best low protein dog food, how could it be otherwise. Your pet deserves only the best!

Veterinary industrial feed lines

In the assortment of large manufacturers of industrial feed for pets, in addition to feed for healthy dogs, there are specialized diet feed for animals suffering from chronic diseases. The ingredients that make up these feeds are selected in such a way that, if possible, substances that cause an exacerbation of the disease, and in an ideal version, to defeat the disease. In these rulers there are low-white dog food. They contain a minimum number of flavorings, dyes and other chemicals and do not include components that can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

The market presents dietary feed for animals with the most common diseases.

Such feeds have a marking Veterinary Diets. In some countries, they can only be purchased by the recipe of the veterinarian. The highest quality of them are Eukanube feed.

Holistic food

As for feeding Holistic labeling, they are not therapeutic, as many animal owners mistakenly believe. These are feeds made using new technologies from high-quality products suitable for human nutrition. In their production, waste and food industry, chemical preservatives, flavors and dyes are not used. Among holistic feed, you can also find food for dogs with a low protein content.

Distribute to the feature of holistic feed is the high content of meat and meat products of high quality and almost a complete lack of ballast substances. The source of fiber is vegetables and fruits.

In fact, the feeding of “Holistic” labeling is products of the highest class, the daily use of which to feed the pet repeatedly reduces the risk of chronic diseases. In our market, the most common feed of the company “Golden needle”.

Indications for use

If the dog is healthy, to maintain vital functions, the content of proteins in dry feed should be at least 25 %. The veterinarian’s recommendation on the need to transfer the pet to dog food with a reduced protein content means that during the clinical examination of the dog, either signs of damage, or kidney disease, liver or heart were identified.

When the animal assimilates the protein, its body produces toxins, which are traditionally excreted into urine. If the dog’s body for some reason cannot properly digest this protein or remove the metabolic products, it shows a low protein diet.

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Such a power system is most often recommended for animals with kidney or liver problems, in more rare cases – heart.

The duration of the use of dietary feed and treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. He will recommend the maximum permissible percentage of protein in dry stern, which must be focused on when choosing dietary feed.

The content of proteins in dry stern

Traditional everyday feed for dogs contain an average of 25-28 % protein in dry food. Feeding with a reduced content of proteins is considered a product containing 18 or less percent of protein.

But everything is not so simple.

This is information about a food that is advertised as a super premium food. Alas, after studying the composition, it becomes clear that this is not so. The class of the food determines the percentage of quality proteins and fats in it, and not the positioning of the feed by the manufacturer.

And now we study the composition. It’s no less interesting than reading a detective novel if you’re familiar with the physiology of predators, the basics of healthy eating, and mathematics. However, there is nothing complicated here.

The information on the manufacturer’s website indicates “chicken”, in the American version – “fresh meat”.

What do you think, if you do an analysis of a chicken feather or bone, does it contain protein? You will probably answer in the affirmative. And how much protein will be absorbed by the dog’s body if you feed it, for example, chicken feather meal? The answer is likely to be negative.

But the consumer will never be able to solve this riddle. “Hydrolyzed animal protein”. From what animal or part of it was this mysterious protein obtained? What is its bioavailability?

Vegetable proteins in food

The food also contains corn gluten meal. Any search engine on request will kindly inform you that in world practice it is used as a protein supplement in the diet of farm animals and birds, and for the production of animal feed. It seems that the food manufacturer does not suspect that dogs belong to the order of predators.

Let’s try to figure it out. Protein is of vegetable and animal origin. The record holder among plants in terms of protein content is soybeans, the protein in it is thirty-six percent, corn is in second place – ten percent. But it’s in the grain. And in corn gluten meal, the protein content can be as high as sixty percent. In fact, this flour is a crushed and dried cake, which remains after the production of corn starch and syrup. This food component is not useful for the dog.

Pet food labeling gimmicks like this tend to confuse consumers rather than help them understand the percentage of protein in pet food.

On many packages of dry pet food, you can only find the percentage of proteins, and in the list of food ingredients the words “vegetable and animal protein”.

Complete and Incomplete Proteins and the Ability of Dogs to Digest Them

Protein of animal origin is biologically complete, as it contains essential amino acids necessary for the dog’s body. They are called indispensable because the body cannot synthesize them and can only receive them from the outside, they must be supplied with food in sufficient quantities.

The dog’s body needs twenty-two amino acids, twelve of which are essential. A deficiency in any of the amino acids can cause health problems.

Vegetable protein is biologically incomplete, it contains only part of the essential amino acids. This is the main difference between animal and plant proteins.

In addition to the above, the dog is not able to fully digest vegetable protein. So, according to the results of research, soy protein is absorbed by seventy, corn – by fifty-four percent. But it is almost impossible to calculate exactly how much vegetable and animal protein is in the feed from the composition information provided by the manufacturer. And how much of it a dog can learn – even more so.

With the pathology of the liver and kidneys, not the amount of protein as a whole that enters the body is crucial. The most harmful to the health of the dog is precisely low-quality vegetable protein, to the splitting of which the digestive and excretory systems of carnivores is not genetically adapted. Unfortunately, in most industrial feed, the share of plant proteins is large enough, which is the cause of various health problems.

How to choose a low protein content food?

In the light of the foregoing, the main criterion when choosing dog food the most important criterion for choosing is the quality of the protein contained in the stern. The source of high-quality biologically available for animals of proteins is meat, eggs and dairy products.

This criterion is currently one hundred percent consistent with only feeding Holistic marking.

The best choice

The Low Protein Dog Food Review Report is an overview of dogs with a low protein content and will help choose the best. Having familiarized yourself with him dog food storage container, you will be well navigated in the abundance of the products of the pet store.

From the best brand of holistic feeds presented on the market, Golden needle is the best brand. The use of only high-quality natural products in production makes it the best for feeding the dog.

Golden Eagle Holistic protein feeds contain twent y-two percent of animal proteins. The product has a balanced formula, does not contain any chemical preservatives, dyes and flavors.

The previous veterinary line of feed for dogs Eukanuba was very good. She was mostly positive reviews about her, and the pets with pleasure ate this food. Currently, Eukanuba updates the assortment with the replacement of prescription formulas of feed, so it is too early to give recommendations on this product. But, since since its foundation the company uses only natural proteins of animal origin in the production of feed, a good result should be expected.

Reviews about Golden Eagle Holistic for dogs in overwhelming cases are positive. Some pets are not able to choose the right food on the first attempt, but the product line is quite extensive, and if the animal does not fit, for example, a chicken with rice, then salmon with oatmeal may turn out to be perfect food for him.

Dog protein

Probably, even very far from biology, people are well aware that proteins are the basis of the foundations of the body of any animal and humans. They are like “bricks” from which muscles, ligaments, and other organs are built. Therefore, it is not surprising that the protein in the stern for dogs has a tremendous meaning.

Why do you need protein in dog food

So why do you need protein in dog food? Everything is very simple. Proteins are the main building material in the body of all mammals.

Without it, new cells and tissues will not grow, new enzymes and hormones will not be able to synthesize. Simply put, life itself is impossible without protein.

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With a lack of proteins, quite specific symptoms are rapidly developing:

  • Chronic exhaustion, in severe cases, the case can reach cachexia (an extreme degree of pathological exhaustion).
  • Faring phenomena. This is due to a violation of oncotic pressure, when the liquid part of the blood freely enters the surrounding tissue.
  • Symptoms associated with hormonal disorders, violations of enzymes synthesis (for example, a sharp detection of digestion).

Protein and protein in the stern: what is the difference

Many breeders are confused by meeting the terms “protein” and “protein” together in the description of feed. Almost none of them knows the answer to the question: “Protein and protein in the stern: what’s the difference”? The answer is extremely simple – there is absolutely no difference. These terms are complete synonyms.

Interesting! The American-speaking name “protein” today is considered very outdated anachronism, which the scientific community is trying to gradually lead out of circulation. But in practice, it turns out that both words are used simultaneously and with equal rights.

The norm of protein content in dog food

Before we described the norm of protein in dog food, I would like to deviate a little from the topic. Inexperienced breeders suggest that the lack of protein in food is most harmful. This is partly true, and we have already described the consequences of food inferiority of food above.

Important! An excess of protein is also extremely harmful. Excess protein may well contribute to the development of arthritis, arthrosis, and other joint problems. In addition, it does not affect the condition of the kidneys and liver.

As for the average norms, for every kilogram of live mass of an adult dog, at least 4. 5 g should account for at least 4. 5 g. pure protein. For puppies, this figure is twice higher, i. e. For each kilogram of their bodies, there should be at least 9 g. squirrel. This protein should be of high quality, absolutely full in the content of amino acids.

These norms are averaged, that is, do not take into account many nuances.

  • Service, hunting, sled animals need to increase the norm by about 30%, since their needs are much higher than usual.
  • The same recommendation applies to pregnant bitches, the body of which needs to feed not only themselves, but also not born puppies.
  • In addition, enhanced feeding will certainly need animals recovering after serious illnesses (but not always, this should be decided by the veterinarian).


First, you need to figure out what you need food with a reduced protein content in general:

  • Animals with kidney diseases. Sometimes only such food can maintain the normal quality of life of sick dogs without killing their body. Today, however, many veterinarians do not agree with a low-white diet.
  • Old dogs. Since a diet rich in proteins always contributes to the development of arthritis and arthrosis in old dogs.
  • Pets suffering from food allergies to protein. The less protein, the lower the probability of an attack. In this case, we would advise you to choose feeds with rare proteins (lamb, rabbit, pheasant, duck, etc.).

As such, “low-white” feeds with protein content within 18%are considered “low-white”. In the most “extreme” cases of protein in the finished diet contains no more than 8%.

We list the highest quality low-white diets:

  • FLINT RIVER RANCH Senior. It is not often found for us, but veterinarians recommend it. The basis is the lamb and chicken of free walking.
  • EUKANUBA VETERINARY DIT. The feed is, as it were, therapeutic, prescribed for kidney diseases, but it is perfect in other cases.
  • Hill’S Presscription Diet (series of feeds). Also a therapeutic, dietary diet. In production, salmon, rabbit, duck, lamb and other diet types of meat can be used.
  • Purina Veterinary Diet (series). The characteristics are the same as in the previous case.
  • Waltham’s Royal Canin. Most often, a duck is used for production.
  • IVD Select Care. It is also made on the basis of ducklings.
  • Acana feed line. They differ not the most pleasant price, but we would recommend them. Very high-quality ingredients, rare proteins (there are flood-based feeds), excellent for constant feeding.
  • Chicken Soup. Another leader of the therapeutic nutrition. In fact, this type of feed is sem i-liquid broths. The chicken is based, but high-quality, and most of the proteins used are hydrolyzed (less likelihood of allergies, higher digestibility).

High protein

As a rule, feed with a high protein content to the category of therapeutic does not belong. These diets contain up to 68% high-quality protein, and they are used to feed the following categories of animals:

  • Recovering after serious illnesses, exhausted.
  • Pregnant and lactating bitches.
  • Service, sled, hunting and other dogs experiencing heavy physical activity.
  • Puppy of large and giant breeds, which in the first year grow “frightening” pace.
What is a good protein for dogs? in order to make up

The feed itself (they relate exclusively to the premium segment and are expensive):

  • High-protein line Orijen. The composition contains elk, wild boar and other rare and high-quality varieties of meat.
  • Acana, but this time high-protein. Excellent, albeit not cheap, choice.
  • Pronature. The “chip” of the company is the use of raw materials exclusively from its own farms.
  • Go! Natural. The Canadian line of feed, known throughout the world due to the highest quality of the components used. These diets are often used by the owners of elite exhibition animals.
  • Grandorf. The product of the joint work of Belgian and Italian manufacturers. The feed of this line is distinguished by the use of not only high-quality and rare meat varieties, but also vegetables rich in dietary fiber.
  • Brit Care. Feed from English manufacturers. As a source of carbohydrates, sweet potatoes or battles are used.

Pea porridge for dogs at the price of meat: how feed manufacturers hide protein for dogs

In this article, we want to tell you that many companies that produce animal feed actually profit from the owners of cats and dogs.

Everyone knows that the owners of the dogs spend a considerable amount of money every day for their favorites to eat healthy and healthy food.

A cheap dog food standing on store shelves under well-known brands is just a waste of money. The low quality of dog food adversely affects the health of your dog. Almost all chronic diseases, including allergies, joint damage, diabetes, digestive tract diseases and cancer can be provoked by food that you give your dog.

Form companies know that first of all, dog owners pay attention to the presence and amount of protein in dog stern. Of course, if you take two different packages of dry animal feed, you can approximately say how much protein is contained there.

But can you say how much animal protein is in it and how much vegetable protein is in it?

This is due to the fact that trading companies that produce dog food are trying to convince you that the packaging of the feed that you just bought from them, for example, contains useful ingredients for 1000. Although often this is not at all.

The most important ingredient.

Let’s start with the first and most important ingredient for dogs, which of course is protein! You probably know that animal protein should be the main ingredient in the diet of dogs.

Trade companies that produce dry animal food know about it. Therefore, first of all, they want to make you believe that their food contains more protein than there really is.

When you look at the composition of the ingredients, the ingredients are in the list in the order of waning by weight. Therefore, the ingredient that should be most in the package should be in the first place in the list of ingredients on the label. But there is one trick

The fact is that the weight of the ingredient is measured when it is added to food, and not in the final product. This is the difference between different types of meat, such as chicken or beef, and, accordingly, chicken and beef food. The meat contains water, which in itself is heavy, and the food itself does not contain water. Not a single ingredient in animal stern contains more water than protein.

If you look at the packaging of dog food, which indicates that the chicken is the first ingredient, you might think that the protein in this diet consists mainly of chicken meat. But you are mistaken.

Chicken meat consists by weight by approximately 70% of the water, and the ingredients are listed by weight in the decrease and at the moment when they are only added to the food.

In the process of processing by drying, the food turns into a dry product and most other ingredients that are added are also dry. Thus, it looks as if it contains more protein than there really is.

Suppose that 40% of chicken, 25% of corn flour, 15% of bread and 10% waste from chicken meat, 5% of barley and 5% of dried beet pulp are taken in the production process.

Since the chicken contains water, all other ingredients are probably added dry. After the processing and drying process, the chicken loses up to 70% of its weight due to the loss of water.

As a result, if at the beginning of production the chicken was about 40% of the total weight, then in the final product, in particular as a result of drying, the amount of chicken will not exceed 9-12%.

Let’s take a look at the label again.

The manufacturer promises at least 22. 5% of the protein, but in fact, chicken meat will not exceed 9-12%.

What is replacing animal proteins?

The question arises: how do animal feed manufacturers replace water, which was kept in meat and, which evaporated during drying?

Answer: components based on plant proteins, such as corn flour, bread and barley, which are less important for dogs than animal proteins. This is due to the fact that the dog is primarily a predatory animal.

Below are examples of parsing labels of three feed, where it is clear that the plant protein is the main in the diet.

Therefore, this is no longer a food, consisting mainly of chicken, but food made of corn flour or peas, since peas are very rich in protein. As a result, you make your pet eat pea porridge. And animal protein in such diets is most often represented by the cheapest type of meat – Kurin.

It is important to note that even manufacturers of well-known brands for animal feed are replaced by animal proteins with vegetables, thereby reducing the cost of their products. They use low-quality protein so that the total amount of protein corresponds to the amount indicated on the packaging, without going into details how much animal protein is in the package. Thus, their products meet the standards, and your pet does not receive animal protein, namely the amino acids of which it consists.

Amino acids

In total, there are 22 types of amino acids. All of them are important for the health of the dog, but 10 of them are required. This means that without them a dog’s body cannot fully function. Among the visible signs, when the dog does not receive these 10 amino acids that the dog becomes sluggish and gloomy, its wool loses its splendor and sometimes the dog does not have appetite. But the most important thing is that the dog is subject to various diseases. These 10 amino acids are only in meat. Plant amino acids cannot functionally replace animals, because they are inferior.

Often, pets feeding contain only 5 out of 10 necessary amino acids. Some manufacturers of dog food purposefully add amino acids made by artificially in the laboratory in order to make up for the lack of amino acids. But these amino acids do not benefit. Such amino acids are chemicals, not food. No dog can be healthy, eating low-quality protein and amino acid substitutes.

Moreover, protein in dog stern can be obtained even from chicken feathers. The manufacturer only indicates the presence of animal protein in the stern without guaranteeing quality.

How to recognize whether there are amino acids in the stern for dogs? Before you take the next package of food from the shelf in the store, look carefully at the label.

If amino acids are indicated on it (their names begin with the letter “l” and ends with “in”. For example:l-lysine, dl-exercium,l-cansteine,l-view,l-Carnitine), then they are purposefully added to feedfor dogs. Otherwise, if the food contained good meat in sufficient quantities, why would the manufacturer add amino acids?

This is how it looks on the labels of feed:

Therefore, look closely at the labels and what you feed your pet. After all, your task is not just to “cram your dog with food”, but to provide it with good nutrition, which is required for the proper functioning of its body, maintaining the immune system and combating various diseases.

What is a good protein for dogs? eating low-quality protein and
Shanna Derrick About Author

Author of dog food articles with a deep understanding of healthy dog nutrition.

1 Comment

  • Avatar photo
    Jessica Galbraith
    December 20, 2022 at 10:13 pm

    Sealed IRIS is an amazing pet food storage container.

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