Whether dogs eat fish?
Supplementing the natural nutrition of the dog, trying to diversify the diet of the animal, the owners should understand which products are good for health and which are strictly contraindicated for pets. Is it possible to give a dog fish, seafood? What kind of fish and in what form it will be useful for the dog’s body? How often to feed the dog with fish?
Features of digestion in dogs
Dogs are carnivorous animals with a gastrointestinal type of digestion. And this means that by the method of nutrition, the features of the digestive of the dog, just like other representatives of the PS, are predators. The diet can be diverse, but its basis should be mainly meat products containing protein.
Food enzymes produced by internal secretion glands help in the breakdown of solid foods, bones.
The capacity of the stomach of an adult dog, depending on its dimensions, is from 1. 8 to 2. 5 liters. The dog’s stomach is stretched and overfing often leads to negative consequences.
Important! Dogs are prone to overeating and we, treating the pet forbidden treats, giving food from our table, thinking that the dog did not eat, we do not understand that we are only worse for the animal.
Dogs are not so pronounced taste receptors, so they often select inedible food from the ground.
Some products, especially those that we consider with a treat for dogs, can harm the animal, provoke serious violations in the digestive tract.
What kind of fish can be given to the dog
Fish is a source of fatty essential amino acids (omega-3) necessary for the work of the cardiovascular, nervous system. It contains phosphorus, potassium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, easily digestible proteins of animal origin, vitamins E, A, D, K. refers to easily digestible, useful food products, both for people and dogs, other animals.
Unlike meat, the fish is less caloric, refers to dietary products, so it must necessarily enter the diet of dogs with a natural type of feeding.
But in order not to harm the dog, you need to know how often and what fish can be given to the dog.
You can enter the diet of dogs:
- oceanic;
- sea;
- River fish (lake, freshwater).
In this case, the fish should be low-fat varieties, frostbitten. With natural nutrition, the pet is given a fish after passing heat treatment (boiled, stewed, baked), carefully processing the fish carcass from the bones.
Important! Raw fish may contain helminths, other parasites that cause pets infection with dangerous endoparasites. Lesser temperatures kill parasites. But river fish, nevertheless, should boil a pet before giving.
For example, helminths have a complex development cycle. The fish acts as an intermediate host for endoparasites.
Varieties of fish that can be introduced into the diet of dogs:
- bearded man;
- cod;
- mowing;
- halibut;
- flounder;
- Evoper;
- Zuban;
- crucian carp;
- sea burbot;
- hake;
- polish;
- Talapia;
- sea bass;
- saber fish;
- bulls.
The diet of a pet can also be supplemented with tuna, herring, kettle fish (pink salmon, salmon, keta, seal), Pelengas.
Important! With frequent feeding fish, gastrointestinal diseases (pancreatitis, gastritis) can develop. In order not to harm the health of the dog, everything needs to be observed in everything.
Sea fish
Sea varieties of fish are rich in iodine, zinc, potassium, sodium, gray, useful minerals, vitamins A, E, D, N, C, K, PP (nicotinic acid).
Despite the rich biochemical composition, the marine and oceanic fish of low-fat varieties is a dietary product. Morish fish improves mental activity, increase the endurance of animals to loads, therefore, fish of different varieties, seafood, seafood in the diet of service, hunting, and working dogs.
Do not limit the pet in fatty varieties of sea fish too much. You can give it infrequently, and only if you are sure of the quality of the product.
River fish
Useful river fish for dogs:
- trout;
- carp;
- acne;
- holly carrier;
- zander.
River fish can be given to animals if you are sure of its quality, freshness.
Important! If the fish is caught in standing, unfamiliar reservoirs, in regions with poor ecology, it is supplied with dubious fish farms, it may contain parasites, chemical compounds (mercury, lead), hormones, toxic substances (dioxins). The older the fish, the more it contains unsafe substances.
How often to feed the dog fish
Regardless of the type, the method of cooking, the fish will not replace the meat. It has a smaller nutrient. Given the increased content of phosphorus, proteins, in the diet of dogs, fish products should not be more than 60-70% of animal protein feeds.
A fish in a natural diet of dogs should be present no more than 2-10 days more than 2-10 days.
Excessive fishing leads to:
- violation of metabolic processes;;
- Hypervitaminosis.
What kind of fish can not be given to the dog
The following types of fish should not be present in the diet:
- needl e-bold fish;
- Balkhash Marinka;
- chimula;
- Salak;
- sardine;
- saika;
- sida;
- Sardinella;
- minnow;
- chub;
- smelt;
- Sardinops;
- Merluza;
- haddock;
- polish;
- sprat;
- barbel.
Fat fish provokes vomiting, can cause profuse diarrhea, intestinal disorders.
Some species of fish are rich in dangerous enzymes for dogs, such as thiaminase, trimethylaminoxide. Trimethylaminoxide binds iron, prevents its absorption by the body of dogs. Iron-disifying anemia is especially unsafe for puppies, pregnant women, lactating bitches, old animals. The maximum content of trimethylaminoxide is noted in the capage, Putass, cod fish species, silver heke.
Important! Harmful enzymes can be deactivated by heat treatment.
Most mackerel fish contain histamine that causes poisoning. The substance is formed in carcasses with improper storage. Therefore, mackerel, tuna can be given after freezing, heat treatment and not too often.
You can’t give a dog fish carcasses with bones. Small bones injure the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract.
In what form is best to give fish to the dog
Dogs can be given fish prepared in different ways, after preliminary processing, cleaning of bones.
Important! Give the dog to the dog without insides, cleansing of scales, gills, bones.
Small decorative rocks are chopped into minced meat, cut into portioned pieces. To large dogs, the carcass, having previously cleared from the bones, cut into pieces or give a whole.
Fresh fish in the diet of dogs
During heat treatment, any products lose part of the beneficial substances, so fresh fish is more useful for animals. But since there can be parasites in the carcasses, fresh, especially, the freshwater fish just caught should not be given to the pet. Before the fingering, rinse it and freeze it.
Boiled fish
Cooking destroys possible parasites contained in fish. Boiled fish is given to the pet with portioned pieces, mixed with porridge, vegetables. Cooking fish is worth no more than 20-25 minutes. The longer the fish is cooked, the less useful substances in it.
Dried, salty, smoked, fried fish
Dried, salty, dried, smoked fish should be excluded from the diet of a dog. The preparation process involves the addition of salts, spices that are harmful to the dog’s body. Smoked fish, like any other smoked meats under the ban.
Fried fish should also not enter the diet of dogs due to increased fat content. Any fatty products harm the body of the dog.
Canned fish
Fish, crab sticks, canned fish should not enter the pet menu. They are prepared with the addition of salts, seasonings, spices, preservatives, taste additives. All these substances disrupt digestion, cause allergies.
Porot recipes for fish
The fish is boiled, fresh is given to the dog in its pure form, like a separate dish or mixed to the finished porridge. Of the cereals for dogs, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat are useful. They are boiled on water, low-fat meat, fish broth. You can cook a mix of 2-3x cereals, boiling them well.
Cleaned from bones, gills, scales, fins after frostbite, heat treatment cut into portions of small pieces, or, chopping in a meat grinder in minced meat, mix to porridge. For greater diet, add greens, stewed, raw vegetables (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin) to a bowl), a few drops of vegetable oil, 2-3 tablespoons of the broth.
Veterinary advice
When compiling a natural diet for dogs with the addition of fish, so that the pet food is tasty and healthy, we give the veterinarian tips:
- The fish is less caloric than the meat, so its amount is increased by 1. 5-2 times, depending on the variety.
- Enter new products into the diet of dogs, including fish, is necessary gradually. Follow the stool, the condition of the animal.
- Seafood (crustaceans, crabs, shrimp, crab sticks) give the dog in exceptional cases, since they contain hormones, synthetic enzymes, and other animal harmful substances. It is categorically impossible to feed the dog with lobsters due to the content of sodium, chill.
- The fish should be prepared without salt, seasonings, spices.
- The total number of fish in natural nutrition should not exceed 20-25% of the total volume of other products.
- Give the pets fish no more than two per week. Excess phosphorus reduces the digestibility of calcium, vitamins.
- If fish products cause allergies, stomach disorder, exclude them from the diet.
If the dog refuses the fish, replace it with fish oil, fish flour or give complex vitamins, the content of vitamin D.
Feeding puppies with fish
The fish contains many useful substances for growth, development, activity puppies. Feeding puppies with fish, fish products can be started with 3. 5-4 months. Add a small amount of boiled, stewed, steamed fish in cereals, vegetables, chopping it into minced meat or cutting it into pieces.
Carefully clean the carcass of the seeds so that the dog does not choke. Watch how the dog’s body will react to a new product.
The diet of pregnant and lactating dogs
Childbirth, pregnancy – stress and a large load on the dog’s body. Therefore, the diet of pregnant and lactating bitches should be balanced, nutritious. This is necessary for the body of a puppy dog, normal childbirth, feeding healthy offspring.
If the female is not allergic, supplement the dog's diet with quality lean fish. It is best to give fish steamed, boiled container, baked.
Feeding fish to dogs with allergies
If the dog has a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, the dog often has allergic reactions, disorders, fish is excluded from the diet.
Offer your pet ready-made high-quality fish food marked “hypoallergenic”. The composition is specially designed for animals with problematic gastrointestinal tract. The product contains vitamins and minerals. These foods are safe and indicated for dogs that have an allergy to animal protein.
What to do with the head, scales, bones and entrails
Before you give the dog fish in any form, clean the carcass from the bones, entrails, scales, head, fins. The internal organs of fish are not useful for a pet. Milk is especially harmful to dogs.
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