Healthy nutrition is necessary for both people and animals. This helps to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, establish the general health of the body, improve immunity.
Dogs are not an exception to the general rule. They, like people, suffer from obesity, if they are overfeeding, and digestive disorder – with an incorrectly chosen diet. Form the diet for the dog immediately when you have just taken it with a puppy.
Sometimes pets are sick, and in these cases you need to observe a diet. It becomes part of the drug therapy prescribed by the veterinarian. In no case do not try to adjust the dog’s nutrition yourself! Only a doctor can do this.
Types of diets (in what cases you need to observe)
Typically, diet is prescribed for problems with the health of the gastrointestinal tract, immune system, urinary, etc.. In this difficult time, the pet needs attention and care.
In some diseases, dogs are transferred to special diets. They differ from ordinary ones in that they are developed taking into account the state of their health. In no case do not try to change the diet on your own and try to experiment! That's right – go to the veterinary clinic to diagnose the problem and prescribe treatment.
For example, the pet suffers from kidney problems. Then the veterinarian prescribes a diet with a minimum amount of protein and phosphorus. If an eclampsia developed in a pregnant dog, then the diet will be completely different.
Very often, this type of nutrition is prescribed to elderly pets, since they develop a large number of diseases with age.
Veterinary feed They are assigned for a certain period of time, so this does not mean that the dog should constantly eat only them. Of course, there are exceptions, as in the case of diabetes. This disease is incurable, and accordingly, the owner needs to constantly monitor the level of glucose in the body of the dog.
Consider different types of diets.
Diet with food allergies
It is necessary when the dog has an allergic reaction to a particular product in nutrition. It is easy to determine this. For example, you give a dog food with a new component and find that he had problems with a chair or the quality of the wool has worsened, a lot of wounds and combs have a lot of wounds.
However, if the diet did not change and you did not give anything new, then it is more difficult to determine what exactly the pet has an allergy. In such cases, the doctor will prescribe a specialized hypoallergenic diet for 8 weeks.
After this time, a test provocation must be done. It is used to prove or exclude allergies. The former food is returned to the animal’s diet and look at the reaction. If itching, combing, diarrhea and other symptoms return, then they diagnose food allergies. Next, the doctor selects a new diet with a new protein source.
How to feed a dog with allergies? It is logical that she should give feed with those ingredients for which she does not have her. For example, if it was established that the reaction caused beef, then we change it to food with chicken.
Also, when nutrition of a dog with allergies, it is better to choose a feed with one type of protein – so it is likely that it does not have an allergy to it. It should be easily digestible, reduced (most often it is a reduced protein molecule to which the immune system does not respond).
Diet for obesity and castration
Obesity arises not only due to overeating. It can also provoke a change in the hormonal background after castration, stress (for example, moving or departing the owner), lack of activity (if the dog is taken only for walks, but does not play with it), age (animals in age are more prone to weight gain), parasites, a predisposition due to the breed (for example, pugs or labradors).
To establish the exact cause, you need to consult a veterinarian: to conduct a general inspection, take tests. He will appoint a diet.
It is based on the following principles:
- It is necessary to reduce the number of calories by reducing fat. You should also increase the amount of protein so that the body continues to receive all the necessary amino acids.
- Increase in the diet the level of insoluble fiber, which gives a feeling of saturation. The pet will not be hungry.
- The transition to a diet should be gradual and consistent.
- Be sure to connect physical activity: you can play with a dog or train it, at least take it to long walks. An increase in physical activity should also occur gradually. Do not load your pet at once, do not force to pass long distances.
- In no case do not break the diet! Even if the pet compassionately asks you for a delicious treat, do not take a sad look. Immediately stop your attempts by friends or relatives to feed the pet with “food from the table”: after all, if the diet is not respected properly, your favorite will gain even more weight.
- For pets who are always hungry, you need to use fractional feeding. They should often give food in small portions, but not increase the amount of daily norm.
- Do not feed smoked, salty and fried: it will only damage his health.
Of course, take into account the age of the animal. So aging dogs are enough 1-2 meals.
Some owners consider it sweet when their favorite has a small “fat”, but the consequences of weight gain can be very serious:
- Development of diabetes.
- Deterioration of blood flow, the appearance of hypertension.
- Criminations in hormonal and respiratory systems.
- Skin problems.
- Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
And these are only the main of them. Of course, obesity in the most negative way will affect the general state of health of the pet.
Diet for kidney diseases
The preparation of veterinary diets for dogs in this case depends on the diagnosis he made. It is determined by the veterinarian after conducting an integrated examination of the animal. Do not try to adjust the power plan yourself! Only a specialist can do this.
For kidney diseases, it is better to choose a diet with a low phosphorus and increased fat. Regarding the amount of protein, this is a controversial issue among veterinarians, but the general recommendation is to choose food with high-quality animal protein.
Of vitamins and minerals are recommended E, C, B1, iron, etc.
Food should be given in small portions. If you are constantly at work, then think about buying Automatic feeder.
The dog should always have access to water. For this you can also buy Auto-raised or Fonan drinker.
Diet for gastrointestinal diseases and liver
If the dog suffers from diseases of the digestive system or liver, then it is better to break the diets by 3-4 times and be sure to reduce the amount of food.
During periods of exacerbations of diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, it should often be fed in small portions. The food should be easily digestible.
Choose Feed with prebiotics. For example, Hill's, Pro Plan, Grandorf have them. They help maintain proper digestion, normalize the balance of intestinal microflora and stop the symptoms of gastrointestinal upset. They do not contain any dyes or preservatives.
Diet for diseases of the cardiovascular system
Let's say your four-legged friend suffers from cardiovascular disease. In this case, choose those diets that contain potassium and a controlled amount of salt or sodium. The fact is that with such diseases, disorders of the water-salt metabolism appear, which leads to a delay in the body of sodium and water.
Often in dogs, heart failure develops in parallel with kidney failure, so limit your protein intake. It must be of high biological value.
As with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, food should be well digested, and it should be given in small portions to ensure better absorption of all ingredients.
Diet for diabetes
For diabetics, choose foods that are very high in protein and low in fat. Your task: to ensure a uniform intake of glucose into the animal's body.
The dog's diet should also contain fiber, which is not digested by the body, and cereals: they slow down the flow of glucose into the blood of the animal.
Medicinal foods include special diabetic lines: They do an excellent job of lowering blood sugar levels and help maintain overall health in a good norm. For example, Royal Canin or Hill's have such diets.
Once again, we emphasize that you should not adjust the animal’s nutrition plan on your own, and even more so, make some kind of diagnosis, even if you are an experienced dog owner. Contact your veterinarian if your dog has any health problems. He will help with the right choice of medicines, and with the development of dietary nutrition.
Recommendations for the choice of diet food
We found out what to feed a sick dog. But how to choose a diet with such a wide choice?
Consider the following factors here:
- Age: puppy food is not suitable for adult dogs, as the first ones need vitamins and minerals that provide growth and support for a still-forming organism.
- Special indications: allergies, diseases, the period after castration / sterilization or rehabilitation after surgical interventions, obesity, etc. For example, it is better to give more high calorie food to pregnant or lactating dogs.
- The dimensions of the dog: the number and volume of portions in dogs of small and large breeds differ. Always read the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging or consult a veterinarian.
- Contraindications: Read them before buying. For example, not all types of therapeutic feed will be useful to pregnant or nursing dogs, as well as puppies at the age of six months. Follow caution and if the animal has concomitant diseases or those that were in the past.
Therapeutic feeds are only in super premium ruler.
Overview of dietary feed
Let's move on to the review of individual brands.
Grandin has hypoallergenic, Grain-Free and monoprotein feeds with one type of protein for dogs of different ages. This is ideal for allergy sufferers, as it allows you to reduce the risk of food allergies.
Additionally, they contain omega-3 and omega-6: they improve the general condition of the skin and fight with symptoms of allergies; insoluble fiber – helps regulate blood sugar and improves digestion; Fruits and vegetables are an additional source of vitamins.
Grandin feed consists exclusively of natural ingredients, without dyes and preservatives.
This brand has a whole separate line – the Presscription Diet Canine. Feed belong to the super-premium class. The manufacturer pays special attention to veterinary diets aimed at preventing and assistance in the treatment of pathologies in the body of pets.
On the best dog food storage container you will see a combination of letters – u/d, d/d, i/d. If everything is clear with the second letter (d – diet, that is, dietary), then with the first everything is more complicated – it means a disease or the reason why the dog was transferred to a diet.
For example, W/D is for those who suffer from diabetes; L/D – is recommended for those who have liver problems. Knowing them all is not necessary. In our online store, in the characteristics of food, you will see a special indication for the transition to this type of power.
What is even more convenient, on the back of the best dog food storage container there is a table with the norms of feeding by weight: so you will definitely know how much feed to your pet.
Royal Canin
The brand has more than 50 different diets – there are even those that you will not meet with others. For example, there are options for dogs suffering from anorexia or located at different stages of obesity. A large selection for those who have problems with the genitourinary system or skin, wool.
The name usually indicates the purpose of the food.
The line of therapeutic feed Purina – Pro Plan Veterinary Diet. There are food for dogs with allergies, and with liver diseases, kidneys.
The consistency of wet feed is dense, good, and in dry granules of medium size, crisp. The smell is pleasant, and the ingredients in the composition do not cause an adverse reaction of the body.
Their line of veterinary feed is called Vet Life. There are options for allergy sufferers and with gastrointestinal disorders. Especially suitable for dogs who are naturally an extremely sensitive stomach.
The packaging is large, so feel free to take them if the diet lasts more than one month.
This is a German brand that makes feed only from natural ingredients. Their medical line is suitable for dogs that have allergic reactions, health problems.
There is a wide selection of wet feed. We advise you to carefully read the contraindications. Some of the canb are not intended for pregnant or lactating dogs.
Features of the transition to dietary diet
It depends on the reasons that prompted you to transfer the dog to a diet. If this is due to some disease, then listen to the recommendations of the veterinarian. Usually advised to immediately start giving Therapeutic feed To exclude ingredients that can cause even greater harm to the pet.
If we are talking about weight gain, then the transition should be gradual: during the first two weeks, the number of servings to 3-4 and the volume of the issued feed are reduced. If it is difficult for you to measure its number every time or not the opportunity to feed the dog during the day, purchase Auto feeder. Exclude high-calorie treats from nutrition.
Suppose, we are talking about a diet of dogs with food allergies. Then you should switch to Special hypoallergenic foods.
From general recommendations:
- Buy food with a margin, but taking into account the shelf life. Keep dry dog food It is possible in a special container.
- Follow the recommendations of the veterinarian: if he has prescribed a specific diet, then it should be bought precisely by him, not similar.
- Clearly observe the fooding schedule: it is better not to change time, otherwise it may affect the graph of visiting the toilet.
- The transition to a new food brand should be gradual.
Also do not forget about the individual characteristics of your pet. For example, puppies adapt faster to a new nutrition than adults, since their habits in food are just forming. All animals are different, and someone can begin diarrhea (and this is normal for the first 2-3 days, but if it lasts more, you need to stop giving food to the pet), and someone will be happy to eat a new diet.
The transition to medical nutrition on average takes up to 2 weeks. If during this period the pet somehow abnormally reacts to new food (the appearance of allergic reactions, constant diarrhea, etc.), then urgently Sign up for a veterinary nutritionist for re-consultation. It will help you adjust the power plan.
When choosing dietary nutrition Do not rely on your own experience and knowledge, even if dogs have always lived in your house. Consult with the veterinarian, who will tell you how to feed a sick dog. It will give recommendations on the diet and suitable brands of feed.
If your dog suffers from obesity, then in addition to switching to proper nutrition, you will need to pay special attention to its training: increase the number of walks or play more to increase the norm of physical exertion.
With various diseases, choose Therapeutic food, focusing on the recommendations of the doctor, the age and weight of the dog, its general health. See the composition and contraindications on the packaging.