Royal Canin french bulldog dry food for puppies

December 23, 2022
Royal Canin french bulldog dry food for puppies

royal canin french bulldog dry food for puppies

dog food Royal Canin Adult French Bulldog

Rice is one of the oldest cereal crops, popular on all continents, especially in Asia. In small amounts, rice in dog and cat food is a healthy source of carbohydrates. It is better digested than wheat or corn and contains less gluten, so it is recommended for animals with sensitive digestion or prone to food allergies. However, if an ingredient is listed as one of the first ingredients in a food, it acts as a cheap filler.

Wheat is a very popular cereal among prepared feed producers, sometimes taking up to 50% of the total diet. Wheat is a cheap source of carbohydrates and vegetable protein, which is why it is used by pet food manufacturers as a filler that gives pets a false sense of satiety. Wheat protein (gluten) is incomplete in amino acid composition and often causes allergies in dogs and cats, and an excess of carbohydrates that wheat is rich in threatens with obesity, diabetes and chronic inflammation.

Dehydrated animal proteins (pork) (Dehydrated Pork Proten) – a source of protein in the feed. This is the same as dried pork protein, just the ingredient is listed in a somewhat unusual way (the name of the animal species is in brackets). In fact, it is a protein concentrate crushed to the state of flour.

Animal fats are sebaceous wastes from the processing of animal tissues that are considered unsuitable for human consumption. They are obtained from the tissues of mammals or birds in the process of rendering or extraction. Thanks in part to the fats dog food storage container, prepared diets taste and smell appealing to dogs and cats. Fats also help form the texture of finished feeds and help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).

Dehydrated poultry protein is a dehydrated rendering product, ground to a floury protein concentrate from an unknown species of poultry. The source of animal protein is not very high quality, since it is not clear what organs, tissues and species of birds it is made from. In many ways, poultry protein concentrate is similar to flour or dry poultry meat, but it is much more processed – as a result of hydrolysis, it contains up to 60% protein. Cats and dogs benefit from more natural foods.

Hydrolyzed animal proteins (Hydrolyzed Animal Proteins) is a liquid or powder with the taste and smell of animal products. This ingredient is obtained in the process of hydrolysis. To do this, animal waste is treated with special enzymes, breaking down proteins to peptides and free amino acids, and then evaporated under vacuum at a low temperature, making the solution more concentrated or completely drying it out.

Vegetable Fibres are as controversial and mysterious an ingredient as just fiber. Its name only says that the composition contains fibers of unknown vegetables and plants. Sometimes some decoding can be added about what is contained in this mixture. Nothing is known about its benefits or harm to dogs and cats, but it is unlikely that the “dark horse” is a quality source of raw materials.

Vegetable Protein Isolate* L. I. P. (Vegetable Protein Isolate * L. I. P.) – according to the manufacturer, these are vegetable proteins selected on the principle of maximum digestibility. It should be rightly noted that vegetable proteins, no matter how processed they are, are much worse absorbed by dogs and cats than proteins of animal origin.

Fish oil, regardless of fish species, is also a source of energy and omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). But still, this is a controversial ingredient: it is not clear what products and preservatives were used in production.

Minerals – most likely, this is a complex mineral premix, a source of minerals, micro and macro elements necessary for the body. This is a controversial ingredient, since based on the name, it is impossible to determine its exact composition. It is preferable when specific chemical compounds are indicated separately – the sources of each mineral.

Soybean oil (Soya oil / Soybean oil) is obtained from the seeds of soybean, a herbaceous plant of the legume family. It contains 3% lecithin and is considered a good source of fatty acids, with over 50% linoleic acid (Omega-6) and 23-29% oleic (Omega-9) acid.

Fructooligosaccharides (Prebiotic FOS) are another type of beneficial prebiotic. They are special fermentable fibers that are not digested in the intestines, but are quickly fermented by the microflora of the colon. They improve the growth and reproduction of beneficial intestinal microflora (bifidoflora and lactic acid bacteria), improve digestion and strengthen the immunity of animals.

  • Hydrolysed Crustaceans (source of glucosamine) is the most popular natural source of glucosamine, valuable for joints, found in the shells of shrimp, crabs, etc. from crustacean chitin by hydrolysis.

Marigold Extract (source of lutein) is an extract from marigold flowers of the popular Tagetes erecta variety (lat.).

Green Tea is a rare ingredient in commercial pet food. It is impossible to understand in what form it is contained in the diet – in dried tea leaf powder or liquid extract. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants, has an antibacterial effect and, by killing bacteria in the mouths of animals, according to manufacturers, freshens their breath. However, dogs and cats do not chew food, but swallow it, and it is unlikely that tea will have time to exert its beneficial effect in a few seconds.

  • Hydrolized Cartillage (source of chondroitin) is a liquid or powder with the taste and smell of animal cartilage, possibly birds.

Clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin is a widely distributed volcanic mineral from the zeolite group. In feed, it is used as an adsorbent – an additive that absorbs excess moisture and prevents the product from caking. It is absolutely harmless to animals, because it is not absorbed by the body, but is excreted naturally in an unchanged form.

Sodium tripolyphosphate has long been used in the food industry as a stabilizer, emulsifier and color fixer with code E451. It retains moisture in sausages, keeps dairy products fresh, etc.

Antioxidants, they are also “antioxidants” or “preservatives” – substances that do not allow fat and fa t-soluble components of feed. When oxidizing fats, the feed of your pet appears a runaway taste, and he loses its nutritional value. The manufacturer used too general the name of the ingredient whether the manufacturer used natural or artificial antioxidants. Of course, natural ones are preferable.

Unfortunately, the body of carnivorous animals practically cannot synthesize vitamin A (retinol) from beta-carotene, which some plant products are rich in, and should receive it either in the composition of meat products (liver, fish, eggs), or in a synthesized form, in the formvitamin additives. It is not clear from the name of this ingredient in which combination of substances Vitamin A is added, it cannot be present in its pure form.

Vitamin D (calciferol) is the general name of a group of fa t-soluble biologically active substances. One form of this vitamin – D2 – enters the body only from food, the other – D3 (cholecalciferol) – is formed in the skin after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. But not in cats and dogs. They learn this vitamin exclusively with food. The richest sources of calciferol: fatty fish (herring, mackerel), eggs, fish oil and liver.

Iron is an indispensable component of hemoglobin, which saturates the blood with oxygen, and myoglobin, which carries out the same work in the muscles. This trace element plays an important role in cellular respiration and is actively involved in the redox reactions of the body of animals. Natural sources of iron for cats and dogs are liver, meat, fish, poultry and offal.

Iodine is a trace element that, although in small quantities, is absolutely necessary for dogs and cats. It is an indispensable component of thyroid hormones, is needed for growth, development and regulation of metabolism. In feed for dogs and cats, iodine is usually added as part of natural components (for example, flour of seaweed) or in the form of synthesized compounds (for example, calcium iodine).

Copper (Copper, Cuprum) in natural form is contained in various proteins and enzymes. It is very important for the animal body, despite the fact that it requires very little it there. This trace element is indispensable in the process of mineral and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as in the liver. Copper is usually added to the feed in the form of salts – copper oxide (most difficultly absorbed), copper sulfate, as well as amino acid helat and copper proteinate (most easily digestible forms).

Marganese is a trace element that is involved in more than 300 metabolic processes. Refers to the number of antioxidant minerals, protects cells from the effects of free radicals. Along with calcium and phosphorus, manganese is an important component of bone tissue and animal teeth. Most often, manganese oxide, manganese sulfate and manganese protein are used in feed.

Zinc (ZINC) is contained in the body in minimal concentrations. It is responsible for the exchange of vitamin A, the formation of keratin and collagen proteins (necessary for the skin and animal hair) and wound healing. Most often, zinc is added to the feed in the form of salts – zinc oxide, zinc sulfate, as well as in the most bi o-vessel forms – proteinata or zinc lentor. From the name of this ingredient, it is not clear which connection, in this case, is a source of zinc in the stern.

Selenium is a trace element that in small doses is necessary for the body of dogs and cats, and in large ones – toxic. He acts as an antioxidant, preventing free radicals from destroying cells – thereby the elasticity of the muscles remains and the aging of the body slows down. Natural selenium is enough in meat, offal, fish and seafood.

This component is a selected mixture of fatty acids of the Omega-3 series, the manufacturer does not indicate the exact composition. In nature, these substances are contained in the most assimilated for carnivorous forms in fish, animal fat, egg yolk.

Eicopentenic acid (EPK) is another indispensable “worker” from the Omega-3 fatty acid group, paired with non-coshexenic acid. In its structure, it belongs to carbon acid and has 5 double bonds on 20 carbon atoms.

Docosaexenic acid (DGK) refers to the omega-3 in the fatty acids (and humans) indispensable for carnivorous animals (and humans). In its structure, it consists of 22 carbon atoms, interconnected by six double bonds. As a rule, in ready-made feeds for dogs and cats, DGK is necessarily present as part of the general supplements of Omega-3, much less often manufacturers prescribe it as a separate component in the analysis of feed.

Opinions regarding the feed for individual animal breeds diverge greatly. Some consider these diets almost a necessity, others – a marketing tool that allows you to expand the brand product and its representation on the shelves. Of course, the picture of an animal of a certain breed creates the owners of such dogs or cats confidence that this product is suitable for their pet. We decided to find out what are the pros and cons of feed for dogs of the breed French bulldog Royal Canin Adult French Bulldog, and made up its detailed review to clarify the key features to the owners.

Information on the packaging

The design of the Royal Canin Breed Health Nutrition line is special – white with gold is used here. The package has a drawing of an adult French bulldog in full height. A special form of granules and three key directions is indicated, in which the food should positively affect the health of these dogs – we will dwell on this in more detail.

Royal Canin Adult French Bulldog food Characteristics

On the back of the package, the manufacturer explains why the French bulldog needs special food: the point that dogs of this breed have developed muscles, sensitive skin and a special structure of the skull (the exact translation of the inscription in English is “a very short flat muzzle”). It also says that this food helps to maintain muscle mass thanks to the “optimal protein content-26%” andl-carnitine.

French Bulldog Puppy, French Bulldog Adult

According to the manufacturer, the skin of the skin and the maintenance of its barrier functions is affected by something under the name “special complex” and fatty acids EPA and DHA. It is also explained that the granules of the feed have a special shape similar to crescent, and that it is convenient for brichicephals dogs. There is also a comment that this formula lowers the fermentation in the intestines of dogs, and this should prevent gas formation and unpleasant odor of the chair. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not report in these characteristics of the Royal Canin Adult French Bulldog food, how exactly and at the expense of what kind of ingredients all this happens – and therefore, it is difficult to trust such statements.

The basis of the composition of the Feed "Royal Canin" for the French bulldogs

The first two ingredients of the feed are cereals, namely rice and wheat. To rice (if it is added to the feed a little), we usually approach relatively loyally, but we consider wheat in any quantities not at all necessary for dogs. However, since in this case cereals clearly predominate over other components of the basis of the feed, neither rice nor wheat can be welcomed in any way.

Royal Canin french bulldog dry food for puppies is not

Rank #3 is occupied by “dehydrated animal proteins (pork)”, while “dehydrated animal proteins (poultry)” is in fifth place. Of course, these are high-protein dried concentrates, but the proteins in them are subjected to significant processing during the production of raw materials, and besides, it is not clear what is included in the concept of “poultry” and from which specific parts of birds and pig carcasses these proteins were isolated.

The fourth place in the composition belongs to another vague ingredient – "animal fats".

Feed additives

In addition to the animal fats already mentioned, Royal Canin Adult French Bulldog contains fish oil and soybean oil. Let's face it, we don't consider them the best sources of fatty acids. Why, you can find out if you read the description of the components in our directory (you need to click on the name in the feed card).

The composition contains a hydrolyzate from the shell of crustaceans and a hydrolyzate from cartilage – it is indicated that they serve as sources of glucosamine and chondroitin. How much glucosamine and chondroitin this food contains is not indicated on the packaging, so we would not recommend seriously relying on this joint supplement.

A component with the vague name "animal protein hydrolyzate" was chosen as a flavor and aroma enhancer of the product. It is absolutely impossible to understand what exactly from animal raw materials went into its production.

Vegetable fiber in the composition of the feed is obviously designed to improve peristalsis. Again, it's hard to trust the ingredients when it's not clear what the raw material was. This formula also contains prebiotics fructooligosaccharides, but it is not known exactly how many of them are in the feed.

It is impossible to say from the packaging what the diet is canned: there is only one explanation on the package called “preservatives – antioxidants”.

Sodium tripolyphosphate is an additive that can slow down the formation of tartar, and this is especially important for brachycephalic dogs of small breeds. True, one should not rely exclusively on this supplement. It can partially bind calcium from saliva, but only if the food is in the oral cavity for a sufficiently long time. Most dogs do not chew, but swallow food, so it is useful to regularly inspect the oral cavity and clean off plaque so that it does not turn into stone. To do this, there are special toothbrushes and pastes for dogs.

Comparison of Royal Canin food for bulldogs and other dogs

Since the manufacturer also has a diet for all small dogs, we decided to make a comparison in order to understand what are the features of the food specifically for French bulldogs – Royal Canin Adult French Bulldog.

The composition of this formula is not too different from the product Royal Canin Adult Dog Mini for all small breeds, which we have already considered in our rating, with the exception of the absence of three different derivatives of corn in the bulldog food. But in this product, the first two places in the composition list are occupied by rice and wheat, and there are also proteins from unknown poultry species and pork proteins in the composition. Separate pork protein is not added to the food for all small dogs.

Guaranteed tests in these two formulas are quite similar. The main differences can be considered a significant difference in the dosages of vitamins A and D: in the stern for French bulldogs, almost a third larger than vitamin A – 30,000 IU/kg, and not 22500 IU/kg, and almost four times more vitamin D – 3800 IU/kg, not 1000 IU/kg. We also note that in the formula for bulldogs is 1% less than protein – 26%, not 27%, and 2% more fat – 18% instead of 16%. In general, there is slightly higher than the dosage of mineral additives, with the exception of selenium – its number, on the contrary, was reduced by adding 0. 08 mg/kg instead of 0. 11.

Conclusions and rating of fodder "Royal Canin French Boldog"

To draw up a point assessment, we needed the first five ingredients of the feed – it was on the basis of their points that Royal Canin Adult French Bulldog was calculated. It turned out not at all high – only 13 points out of 55 possible on our resource. There are a number of explanations for this.

The principle of forming the composition of this diet is exactly the same as the feed of the standard Royal Canin line for dogs. Of the advantages, perhaps the presence of phos can be distinguished, and it is not clear how many of them are in the stern and whether they are able to improve the useful microflora of the intestines of the dogs.

There are significant disadvantages in this stern. As the Royal Canin Adult French Bulldog food analysis shows, there is neither raw, nor fresh, nor dried whole meat. The manufacturer prefers not to indicate the percentage of key ingredients not to indicate. This is inconvenient, because it is completely not possible to understand the ratio between animals and plant components.

Cereals (rice and wheat) clearly prevail here over the sources of the animal protein. The diet consists of a lot of ingredients called general words (animal fats, dehydrated proteins of animal origin (bird), hydrolyzate of animal proteins (taste-aromatic additives), plant fiber, isolate vegetable proteins L. I. P. fish oil, preservative-anti-octiocushes). It turns out that the feed formula is not fixed, because due to the changes in each group of components, the final composition of the “Royal Canin” feed can change from party to party.

It is difficult to trust feeds where so many ingredients are indicated by groups. We also do not believe that dogs that belong to carnivorous animals need a dedicated vegetable protein – it would be better to include fresh or at least raw quality meat from precisely known species of animals. Of course, it is possible to determine whether the feed is suitable for a specific pet is only experienced, but we will care for the maximum transparency of the composition and openness in relation to customers, because for many the owner is important to clearly understand what exactly is in the bowl of their pet.

Photo by Royal Canin Adult French Bulldog

This conclusion, like everyone else, we suggest you read and take into account your discretion. We created it in order to arm you with knowledge and help make a more balanced decision when buying dry food for your pet. Read more about our activities here.

Royal Canin french bulldog dry food for puppies order to arm you
Shanna Derrick About Author

Author of dog food articles with a deep understanding of healthy dog nutrition.

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