The owners of dogs who purchased a puppy without appropriate documents that do not have a genealogy in their hands, but thought about an exhibition, sports career for their pets or breeding can issue a registry genealogy, the receipt of which is a troublesome occupation.
Therefore, when planning the purchase of a puppy, you should think in advance further plans and not try to save by buying a dog without documents.
Although the execution of this document is a quite feasible task, it has a number of restrictions. The differences between the evidence of the origin and the primary genealogy are that the “nolovka” does not indicate information about the ancestors of the dog, which can be unknown or known, but with the unrecognized RKF genealogies. When registering a litter from such dogs, it will be indicated that the puppies have an unknown origin. Unrecognized RKF or FCI genealogies, are those issued by the organization Skor, “Good World”, UCI.
Why do the dog need documents
When buying a thoroughbred dog (puppy), it is advisable to demand from the hosts help with paperwork for it, check if they have them. Many owners, including dogs with a good genealogy, do not understand how to get a pedigree for a dog, why they need some papers. After all, animals do not make any decisions on their own, they cannot violate the rules, for example, road traffic.
But the documents are really necessary and are not a whim of the state:
- If the exact age and pedigree of the puppy is known, you can find out in advance about all problems associated with the cultivation of this breed (genetic diseases are inherited);
- Some jamming at dairy age have an external resemblance to thoroughbred dogs. Documents that indicate the parents of the puppy, his birth time helps to avoid deception;
- If the dog does not have a pedigree or it is not decorated, then exhibiting it at various competitions will not work.
If you buy a pet for yourself, do not plan to take it abroad, cross in order to get purebred puppies for sale, then you do not need to worry about how to make a pedigree for a dog. But it is advisable to go to the veterinary clinic with the seller before buying. This will help to protect yourself from acquiring a sick dog.
Documents for a puppy
Let's start from the beginning. You found an advertisement for the sale of a purebred puppy, phoned the breeder, perhaps even went to look at the dog, and in the conversation the seller tells you that the dog is being sold with documents. At this very first stage, you need to check with the seller with what specific papers he will transfer the puppy to you. No need to be shy and afraid to seem inexperienced. Believe me, your question will not cause surprise and hesitation in a decent breeder, and he will immediately answer your question.
So, the mandatory documents for the sale of a thoroughbred puppy are:
- Animal Veterinary Passport
- A document certifying the origin of the puppy (usually called a puppy metric, puppy card or puppy passport)
Important! If the puppy is under six months old, then he cannot have a pedigree for the reason that the pedigree is drawn up only after the animal is six months old. If they try to sell you a 2-month-old puppy with a pedigree instead of a puppy metric, then this is a hoax!
Let's understand in more detail.
What does the main set of documents look like?
How to teach your dog the "sit" command at home
All purebred puppies born after the planned mating are issued a metric (the card contains basic information about the dog, including its name).
It is issued by the association of cynologists or the kennel from which the dog was taken. In addition to the metric, the dog owner is required to:
- “Act on mating a pedigree dog” (contains the date of mating, conditions, data on the owner of the dog). The document is drawn up in 3 copies, 2 of which are transferred to the owners of the male and female, and 1 remains in the organization that registered the fact of mating;
- "Act on the examination of the puppy" (describes the breed qualities, color, indicates the conformity of the dog's external data with the requirements for a particular breed);
- Originals and copies of pedigrees of RKF parents;
- Diplomas from exhibitions (if the puppy's parents were exhibited);
- Veterinary passport (contains information about vaccinations, microchipping, diseases and treatment).
Important! As soon as the dog turns 1 year and 3 months, the owner appeals to the American Kinological Federation for a certificate of origin. If the PSA is planned to be exported abroad, then all documents must be drawn up in accordance with international standards
It is a small book on 10-12 pages, each of which contains two columns: the date and the manipulations. Each paragraph paid is certified by the veterinarian with the seal of the veterinary clinic.
The veterinary passport can be issued in a state or private veterinary clinic, whose experts will fill it with the necessary information. As a rule, it is issued simultaneously with the first vaccination, so its cost will depend on the type of vaccinations and the place of their receipt.
For registration you will not need any documents, except for the passport of the owner, the data from which will be entered into the veterinary passport. It will also be necessary to indicate the nickname and breed of the pet, and the remaining data will be entered by the veterinarian. As the dog grows up and new manipulations, you should not forget to update the information in the windpoint and monitor its correctness.
Video from the veterinarian
On the execution of the document:
International veterinary passport
In order to obtain permission to export the dog outside the territory of USA, its owner needs to make an international veterinary passport. It differs slightly in appearance from the usual windpoint and contains information in two languages. In addition to standard information, some copies also provide a place for gluing photos of the dog and recording its physiological parameters. So that there are no problems when trying to go abroad, it is important to check the reliability of the information and make sure that there are no corrections.
Important! Dog vaccinations are different in different countries, so you should find out in advance which types of vaccination are required in a particular case.
Why do you need a genealogy to a dog
How to teach the dog the team "lie" at home
The genealogy is needed only for those who plan:
- Participate with your pet in exhibitions and competitions (for hunting with a dog and using it as a guide);
- Engage in breeding purebred dogs for sale.
Certificate of origin
This document proves the kinship of the puppy with other representatives of the family – mother, father, grandparents. It contains:
- Assigned to the PSU when designing a metric number, as well as information about the breeder (name, address);
- Generic genealogical tree of a male;
- The generic tree of the bitch.
Pedigree may be incomplete. This happens when there is not enough information to be sure about the origin of the dog, for example, there is no information about relatives from the side that produced the puppy of the bitch.
Important! There are two variants of the pedigree – for use on the territory of the USA and for export outside its borders (export). The samples are different.
The presence of a pedigree confirms the origin of the dog and its belonging to the corresponding breed. It is needed for breeding work, participation in exhibitions, for registration in the VERK (All-American Unified Pedigree Book). They issue it through the department of the cynological organization or the nursery based on the metrics according to the rules of the RKF. In other organizations, there are exceptions – “nulls” are practiced.
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I write about dogs based on the experience and knowledge gained during my studies as a veterinarian, working in my specialty, and simply from observing my pets.
Who draws up the pedigree (RKF, SKOR)
How to switch your dog to dry dog food from natural food
Extracting the pedigree for huskies and other dogs is carried out by two cynological organizations – RKF and SKOR. The first makes excessive demands on the purity of the breed. Its employees check the puppy's ancestors with great care, culling is frequent. Getting a pedigree from the RKF is not easy. It is better to ask the breeder when buying about what these are RKF documents for a dog, whether it will be possible to make them.
The requirements for dogs whose owners applied to the SCOR are less stringent. Here, according to some experts, the wrong attitude to the selection of breeding individuals, the lines of origin are not clean. Because of this, the owners are not always able to exhibit the dog, go with him to the international competition. The pedigree from the RKF is highly valued, there are no problems with it.
To avoid difficulties with breeding and registration of litters, dog breeders are advised to register also in the RKF and provide the dog for verification (you need to participate in at least 3 shows). If everything ends successfully, the dog is given a registered pedigree.
By stigma
How to check the pedigree of a dog by brand? It's not that easy, but it's quite possible. There are two ways:
- Directly in the RKF itself.
- Through the Internet on special sites dedicated to certain breeds.
If you need to check the dog's pedigree by brand number through and the RKF, you can call this organization, report the brand and ask for the pedigree number. This method exists, but rarely leads to positive results.
It is much easier and more efficient to check the pedigree of the pet on the stigma via the Internet. There are a great many sites – bases on which there are information about representatives of a particular breed, nurseries are indicated in the tribal books of which these animals are registered.
What is zero or registry genealogy
The zero or register genealogy is drawn up in the RKF dogs with a pedigree from the skills, whose ancestors cannot be determined (the bitch and male, from which the puppy was born did not have paperwork, but they were thoroughbred). In fact, this means that a puppy with a zero pedigree is considered the initiator of the genus.
He is recognized as thoroughbred, can receive titles and exhibited at events organized as part of the RKF, but he cannot become the champion of the country (restriction). The puppies born after his mating in their metric will also not have counts – the birth tree of parents. But they are already allowed to the struggle for the championship title.
If everything is in order
Let's now consider the perfect situation when you have no reason for concern, all the necessary papers have been obtained with the puppy. The metric includes information about your baby: nickname, breed, color, stigma, date of birth, information about parents. The breeder and owner are also indicated. Be sure to present the seal of the club and the signature of the dog handler. In this case, you will receive confirmation that the puppy was obtained as a result of tribal knitting and the club is ready to accept it as a legal representative of the breed.
Metric of a puppy (puppy card, "puppy")
Not knowing what documents the dog should have, they start with the design of the metric. It can be compared with a person’s birth certificate, almost the same data here, but also indicated:
- The name and number of the certificate of the origin of the PSA parents (pedigree);
- Information about the breeder and the owner of the dog.
The card consists of the main and tear-off part (it remains with the owner after the transmission of the metric to the RKF or the skorus to obtain a pedigree).
On the document is the seal of the RKF. If it is not, it is considered invalid. The “puppy” is even given out if the puppy is born with defects. The presence of such create a record in the allocated column for this. The matured dog must be drawn up.
Important! The presence of a puppy metric does not give the right to organize knitting and the subsequent recognition of offspring born of a dog only with a card, purebred. Most likely, such puppies will not be able to participate in exhibitions.
Documents of the RKF and Skor – are there any differences
There are two large organizations in USA that unite professional breeders and amateur dog breeders. The most numerous is the RKF. Metrics and certificates issued by the American Cynological Federation are recognized as valid at the world level. Expert assessments of the specialists of this organization allow animals to be exhibited at shows of any level – national and international.
Rkf holds along with national and international exhibitions, the results of which are recognized by the International Cynological Association – FCI. Metrics, pedigrees issued by the RKF have more weight than those issued by the SCOR. The "Certificate of Origin", issued by the RKF, opens up the opportunity for pets to participate in exhibitions, both national and international, held abroad.
Another thing is SCOR. This abbreviation stands for the Union of Cynological Associations of USA. The national organization issues metrics that have weight only in USA and neighboring countries. Therefore, a pet can participate only at exhibitions held in its country.
A few years ago, SKOR documents were recognized by the RKF, they could even be exchanged for RKF pedigrees after participating in several exhibitions with a positive assessment of the dog by experts. Now this path is closed. The reason is that the procedure for obtaining SCOR documents is too simple. They are received mainly by those who do not dream of winning their pet at the international level. If the puppy's parents do not have documents, but their pedigree is beyond doubt, then you can go this way:
- Participate in the SCOR exhibition;
- Get on it an expert description and conclusion about the breed;
- Issue a dog metric;
- Exchange it for a pedigree.
How to get a pedigree
In order not to have problems with the registration of the pedigree later, immediately after the birth of the puppies, they turn to the RKF or the Union of Cynological Associations of USA for a metric. For this:
- Write an application with a request to register a litter (the address of the kennel or the owner of the dog, signature and seal are required);
- Draw up an act of inspection of the litter and provide it to the inspecting officer (the document contains the date of examination and birth of puppies that are at least 45 days old and not more than 3 months old);
- You need a breeding card of the parent and the direction of the female and male for mating, a litter registration card (permission for mating is issued by the club in which the dogs are members).
The act notes the number of puppies in the litter, not forgetting those who were chopped or left for review. First, male is marked, and then bitches, write the numbers of stigma in order.
After receiving the metric, 6 or 15 months are expected (the deadline, after which the metric becomes invalid) and go beyond the pedigree. The sequence of actions is approximately the same. You will also need to write a statement. But this time, instead of collecting additional documents in most cases, by metric.
Important! It is impossible to re-register the genealogy, made in the School of RKF, so they choose the organization that will issue a document in advance.
A document confirming the origin of the puppy
The paper, which in the common people is called the dog-puppy dogcakes at the official level, is the metric of a puppy or puppy card. It prescribes a breed, nickname, date of birth, gender, stigma or chip, nicknames of parents and numbers of their pedigree (.), As well as the names and addresses of the breeder (owner) of the bitch and the future owner of the puppy.
The metric of the puppy is divided into two parts of the cut line. When its exchange for the pedigree, the upper half is given to the cynological organization, and the lower root remains with the owner at the time until the pedigree is ready.
See also: Mastering the world – when puppies open their eyes after birth, begin to eat, go, endure to the toilet?
Decoration of a pedigree without a metric
The genealogy can be filled without metric. The main condition is the presence of a really thoroughbred puppy. If he does not have a card (lost, spoiled), then there is definitely a stigma. All documents are restored by his number. They make a duplicate metrics and after that is already a genealogy.
As an option, they turn to the speed and draw up zero pedigree, in which they do not indicate who the ancestors of the dog are. This question must be clarified on the spot, if there is a suspicion about the purity of the dog breed, they will refuse the documents.
According to the statement in the RKF
Is it possible to check the pedigree dogs (RKF) by the number number? We will talk about this below. And now we will mention such a moment as a statement in the specified organization.
Attention! The application can only be written if the pet has a stigma of the RKF, otherwise the owner will be refused to consider his appeal.
The application can be submitted electronically on the official bestdogfood.Expert of the RKF, but it is better to go to the organization and write it personally. Of course, this option is only suitable for residents of Dallas and the nearest Dallas region. Rkf is located at:
Dallas, st. Hotel, d. 9.
How much is a genealogy dog
To obtain accurate information, they contact the RKF website. The deadline depends on the amount that the owner is ready to pay. The standard procedure takes at least 15 days, accelerated everything in 1 day. The average price ranges between 1 and 2 thousand for citizens of the USA and between 3 and 4 thousand * for foreigners (Belarus, near abroad). It all depends on the deadlines.
How to restore the genealogy if it was lost
If the genealogy is lost:
- Turn to the breeder who bought a dog;
- The breeder sends a request to FCI with a request to provide duplicates of the document.
If the breeder is unknown, the pedigree is restored according to the brand or card of the puppy (you will have to participate in the exhibition). The stigma number is reported to the RKF, all further actions are performed by following the instructions of specialists from this organization.
The presence of a puppy card on the hands suggests that the documents for an adult dog were not executed. So, there was never a pedigree, you have to make it.
Know your dogs pedigree!!!
Additional conditions
In which case can the owner refuse to register a mating? There are also a lot of reasons. And the first is the lack of expert assessments. If the dog has a pedigree, and you want to knit it with the best representatives of the class, receiving elite puppies, then you need to get the conclusion of several experts at exhibitions on compliance with its breed standards. If there was not a single drive to the exhibition, the club specialists can suspect that your pet has disqualifying features. This may be the absence of some teeth, cryptorchidism, excessive aggressiveness or shyness, malformations.
International veterinary passport
Not many people know what the dog’s passport looks like and why it is needed. But this document is really important. It contains information about the animal and its owner (up to contact details), information about:
- Types and timing of the introduction of vaccines;
- Preventive and medical measures;
- The volume was chipped by the animal (the chip number of 15 characters is indicated);
- The presence of a stigma (for traveling to the EU countries you need a chip, but the tattoo helps to prove the right to a dog, because thoroughbred individuals are often stigered).
A dog passport is issued immediately after the first vaccine is the puppy, at about 1. 5-2 months. The signs of the animal, the color of its wool, size (belonging to a specific breed and the nickname are also indicated) are also brought into it).
All procedures are marked in the passport with special stickers, extinguished by the clinic seal, doctor and its signature. The document is submitted to the State Veterinary Service, whose employees are issued to issue permits for the export of a dog from the country.
Important! If instead of printing a veterinarian on the passport is the seal of the club to which the dog belongs, then the document is considered invalid. The dog should receive all vaccinations 1 month before the planned trip. If it was taken to the veterinarian for a long time (1 year or more), then first they are recorded to the doctor and undergo an examination, and after that they decide whether to leave.
If you find a dog on the street
So we found out how to check the pedigree dogs by number (RKF) of a stigma. One of the easiest ways is the database presented on the Internet. Therefore, if you found a thoroughbred (at first glance) dog on the street, you must first examine it for the presence of a stigma. Large dogs, as a rule, are placed in the ear or on the stomach. Small breeds – only on the stomach.
List of documents for the export of dog abroad
The main document, which is asked from the owners of the animals with the correct crossing of the border is a certificate in form No. 1. It is issued by the State Veterinary Service on the basis of:
- Veterinary passport;
- Passports of the dog breeder;
- Providing a dog for inspection by employees of the service;
- Certificates of the presence of a chip in the animal.
Important! The certificate allows you to transport any animal in public ground or air transport.
In addition to form No. 1, they take with them:
- A passport of the dogs of an international model;
- Certificate in form 5A.
The form of certificate 5A is needed for departure to the EU. It is issued if there is a certificate in form No. 1, a chip and a foreign passport of the owner.
All documents on animals are executed no earlier than 3 days before the trip. Certificate 5A is completely done before landing on a train, car or plane.
Sometimes customs officers already at the entrance to a foreign country require a document confirming that the dog has no rabies (antibodies analysis). It takes up to 10 days to receive it, so when planning a train, it is better to call the consulate or embassy and clarify the information of interest (contact the migration service).
If your dog disappears
Be prepared for those who found a certain reward for the capture and maintenance of the animal. Of course, you can be indignant, and even contact the police, but everything happens in life, and there are no guarantees that the dog will not disappear again. And then, in the case of the animal by the same people, everything can turn out to be very deplorable.
So prepare a reward, a pedigree animal, your passport and call the distinctive signs of the dog, its name and age.
What document is needed to participate in international exhibitions
The process of preparing a dog for the exhibition begins with the search for such in their city and notes for participation. To make a puppy to the first competition in his life, you need:
- Chip it or put a stigma;
- Make a metric.
From adult dogs require a pedigree. There should also be in stock:
- Veterinary passport (rabies vaccination affixed 30 days before the exhibition is required);
- Certificate in form No. 1 (F1).
It is better to remove copies from all documents and take them with you.
Time and money
The exhibition career, as well as breeding, requires certain costs. First of all, this is time. The exhibition, even an urban scale, is a whole day spent, and if you plan to travel to the region, then two or more. Again, each exhibition costs certain money. Tribal activity is an even more costly procedure. Consider registration in the club, execution of all the necessary documents, care for puppies, food. And how much time will you take to keep them clean, fed and floor! Therefore, speaking of whether it is possible to make a pedigree to an adult dog, we will answer: yes, quite, but do you need it? You can love your pet without participating in tribal activities, it will not get worse from this. And all myths about the fact that knitting needs a dog to maintain health is a pure lie.
- Why do the dog need documents
- Documents for a puppy
- What does the main set of documents look like?
- Vetpassport
- Why do you need a genealogy to a dog
- Findings
- Who draws up the pedigree (RKF, SKOR)
- By stigma
- What is zero or registry genealogy
- If everything is in order
- Metric of a puppy (puppy card, "puppy")
- Documents of the RKF and Skor – are there any differences
- How to get a pedigree
- A document confirming the origin of the puppy
- Decoration of a pedigree without a metric
- According to the statement in the RKF
- How much is a genealogy dog
- How to restore the genealogy if it was lost
- Additional conditions
- International veterinary passport
- If you find a dog on the street
- List of documents for the export of dog abroad
- If your dog disappears
- What document is needed to participate in international exhibitions
- Time and money