Fromm and ORIJEN puppies for large breeds

February 7, 2023
Large Breeds
Fromm and ORIJEN puppies for large breeds

The name of this ingredient from the English language is translated not entirely true. Fresh chicken meat is Fresh Chicken Meat. And here we see just Fresh Chicken – “Fresh Chicken”, as in the point above. Presumably, this is a mistake or marketing move to make this ingredient more attractive in the eyes of a English-speaking buyer.

Fresh turkey/ Fresh Turkey Meat is an analogue of the ingredient “Fresh turret without bones”. The word Meat in the English name indicates that meat and skin obtained from carcasses of clogged turkeys are added to the food. Turn meat is a high-quality source of animal protein and is very useful for pets.

Fresh Whole Eggs – protein and yolk of chicken eggs

Fresh chicken liver (Fresh Chicken Liver) is a clean, not decomposed chicken liver, a source of valuable animal protein and trace elements. It is added fresh to production, in a very limited amount. Chicken liver is a low-calorie, dietary product containing as much protein as chicken fillet. It affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fresh Whole Arrowtooth Flounder – clean, fresh, not exposed to flounder, which has never been frozen and does not contain preservatives. Less processed and therefore more valuable ingredient than dried flounder. Since the fish enters the production of raw and is prepared already as part of the mass of feed, it retains more beneficial substances.

Fresh Whole herring (Whole Herring) – clean, fresh, not decomposed by the whole herring of herring or its parts, contains up to 20% fat and up to 18% protein. It contributes to the healthy work of the heart, improves the condition of the wool, enhances the immunity and mental activity of young animals. The word "fresh" means that the ingredient was added to the composition of the food and was not processed by preservatives.

Fresh turkey liver (Fresh Turkey Liver) is a valuable high-quality ingredient: its item indicates from what kind of birds it is obtained. The word "fresh" makes it clear that the liver liver is added to the composition of the food in fresh form, i. E. It was not frozen or processed by preservatives.

Chicken neck is one of the most popular types of offal, but they are rarely added to ready-made feed.

Fresh heart of chicken (Chicken Heart) – clean, not decomposed chicken hearts. The heart of the chicken is the most miniature offal in the composition of the food, which can be used independently. Each heart weighs about 30 grams, and its lengths are about 4 centimeters.

This is a very high-quality and useful component in feeds for dogs and cats, we evaluate its nutritional value as high as possible – by 10 points.

Dry chicken – in fact, the same as chicken flour. This is a dry product made from a mixture of raw carcasses with skin and, possibly, with bones (without feathers, heads, legs and insides).

Dehydrated turkey meat is a dry product of raw meat and skin of clogged turkeys (with or without bones, but certainly without feathers, heads, legs and insides). Synonyms – “dehydrated” turkey.

The mackerel is a commercial marine fish, a predator, belongs to a squad of perch. She is characterized by an elongated silver body (from 30 to 60 cm), meat – white, without small bones. This is a good component. The whole fish dried, in this case, the mackerel provides food with high-quality animal protein.

Dehydrated sardine, which the manufacturer added to the whole food – with skin, skeleton and meat – acts as a concentrated source of protein in the diet for dogs and cats. Despite the primary processing (dehydration), this is a fairly good component, the volume of which in the composition is technologically in no way limited, unlike fresh fish.

Dehydrated herring (Herring Meal) is a clean, dried and grinding whole herring or parts of it. In English, this ingredient is indicated as Herring Meal – “Village Flour” only for reasons related to Canadian legislation. The English-speaking name is not a translation error, since in reality this ingredient is precisely a dehydrated (dried) herring, not flour from it.

Red lentils – this is the worship of the same bean culture – lentils, but subjected to vagus, that is, freed from the shell.

Green lentils – unripe grains of lentils, one of the most useful species of legumes

Green peas – a subspecies of bean culture. This is a good source of iron, vitamins A, C and K, as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. In addition, it contains antioxidants-flavonoids (cabins and epicatehin), carotenoid, lutein and polyphenols.

Fiber from lentils, unlike pea tissue, is found in feed much less often. It is a raw material remaining after the beans of beans, i. E. The pods themselves. In the diet of dogs and cats, this component is not necessary.

Chickpeas – another name for lamb peas (in the form of the seeds of this bean culture resemble a lamb head), in Latin – Cicer Arietinum. People's beans are of different varieties, up to one and a half centimeters with diameter, all shades of yellow, sand and brownish.

Yellow peas (Yellow Peas) – dried grains of ordinary peas. Yellow peas are solid and stab (or crushed and radiant). If the ingredient is added to the food in the form of whole grains, then the “Whole” note always informs about this (which means “whole”).

The whole beans of the Pinto (motley) variety in the diet for dogs and cats most often replaces cereals. It is an additional source of protein (plant), carbohydrates, without which no dry dog food can do without fiber. The fact that the beans were not crushed before adding to the food, the manufacturer emphasizes the word "solid".

In feeds for dogs and cats, this component can play the role of protein filler if the food is not enough meat, or serve as a source of fiber, which is contained in large quantities in bean pods.

Herring Oil, or herring oil, is added to feed as a source of energy and a number of useful substances. It is made of offal and herbs of herring by cold pressing and at room temperature has a liquid consistency.

Chicken cartilage (cartillage) – a mixture of cartilage fabric of chicken, a source of building components for cartilage tissue of dogs and cats.

Chicken fat is a popular source of fat in high-quality animal feed, obtained in the process of processing chicken meat. This is a highly digestible source of essential omega-6 fatty acids, especially linoleic acid.

Alfalfa (alfalfa) is a fodder bean plant, in feeds for dogs and cats serves as a cheap source of plant protein and fiber. It also contains calcium, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin K and B vitamins, as well as other micro and macro elements.

Freeze-dried Chicken Liver is freeze-dried chicken liver. Despite the processing, this product retains the beneficial properties of fresh chicken liver to the maximum.

Freeze-dried Turkey Liver is freeze-dried turkey liver. Less processed and therefore more valuable ingredient than turkey meal, which is twice (first during drying, and then during the preparation of feed) is subjected to high temperature treatment.

Fresh pumpkin (Fresh Pumpkin) – the best option from pumpkin derivatives. It is a valuable dietary product, a natural source of healthy fiber for the intestines (consumed in moderation), vitamins and minerals.

Butternut Squash (Squash, Butternut Squash), she is a Butternut pumpkin – an orange, beautiful, sweet vegetable – has a pear-shaped shape and surpasses all plants of the pumpkin family in its taste.

Zucchini is rarely found in dog and cat food, especially when fresh, which is further emphasized by the manufacturer in the name of the ingredient. Of course, zucchini, a variety of which is zucchini, added to food without any processing, retains the maximum possible amount of vitamins and beneficial enzymes.

Fresh parsnips (Fresh Whole Parsnips), or Peruvian carrots, belong to the celery family. It has a thick, fragrant root that tastes slightly sweet, like carrots. This plant is a source of fiber, carbohydrates and vegetable protein. It also contains vitamins and minerals. Parsnip is a rare ingredient in feeds, and there is usually very little of it.

The name "Fresh Carrots" (Fresh Carrots) means, according to the manufacturer's data, that the vegetable has not been frozen and treated with preservatives before the food preparation process.

Fresh Apples are one of the most valuable varieties of apples in pet food. Probably, these are cut fruits, however, of an unknown variety.

If fresh pears (Fresh Pears) are one of the ingredients in the food, this indicates that fresh fruits that were not subjected to any processing were taken as raw materials for the food. So, according to the information posted by the manufacturer, the word “fresh” means that the ingredient has not been frozen and treated with preservatives before the cooking process.

Fresh sheet cabbage (Fresh Kale) is a green vegetable, which also relates cross-color family, as broccoli, colored cabbage and ordinary white cabbage. The color of the leaves of this cabbage can vary from bright red or pinkish to dark green. Leaf cabbage is a rich source of vitamins A, K, C, carotenoids, flavonoids, fiber, which are largely preserved due to the use of fresh starting raw materials.

Fresh spinach (Fresh Spinach, Fresh Spinach Greens) is added to fresh food, without preliminary processing. In the diet of dogs and cats, this guarantees the best preservation of nutrients and properties of natural spinach.

Fresh beetroot tops – an atypical supplement in food for dogs and cats, and frequent – for rabbits and cattle. First of all, it is a source of fiber and only secondly – a source of useful substances: flavonoids, minerals (calcium, iron, etc.), vitamins A, C, PP, B, etc.

Fresh turnover (Fresh Turnip Greens) – leaves of the grassy plant of the cabbage family (Brassicaceae), according to another classification – cruciferous (Cruciferae). In addition to a number of vitamins and minerals, the “tail” of the root crop contains a lot of fiber, which promotes digestion and gives a feeling of satiety. This, as a rule, is used by feed manufacturers when they add turnips to animal food.

Brown Kelp/ Kelp – first of all, this is Fucus, a representative of the genus of brown seaweed. Due to the features of the appearance, it is also called "sea grapes" and "sea oak. "As a rule, in dry feeds for dogs and cats of this component there are few, and how effective its effect on the animal body remains in question.

The whole and fresh cranberries (Whole Cranberries) are the most useful forms of the ingredient in feed. The definition of “whole” means that the product was not subjected to grinding, but “fresh” – that it was not frozen and was not processed by preservatives. Thus, whole fresh cranberries retain all its beneficial substances as much as possible.

Fresh solid blueberries (Fresh Whole Blueberries) is sometimes included in feed and treats for pets, but, as a rule, in a very small amount. From the name it follows that the berry was added fresh, did not pre-grind and did not dry.

Irga, it is also a wine berry, brown,-a large shrub-long-lived subframe of apple leaf, so its purple fruits would be more correct to call apples, although they resemble ordinary berries in size (10-15 mm in diameter). In nature, there are about 30 species of Irga, including hybrid varieties.

Chicory root – the source of fiber and prebiotics of inulin. It also contains bitterness, tannins, sugar and minerals.

Turmeric (Turmeric) – shed, dried and crushed roots of Curcuma Longa plants. From an ancient year, it is used as culinary spices, as well as a medicine that has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic spectrum of action. The main active component of turmeric is Kurkumin, it is attributed to a wide therapeutic effect.

Milk Thistle – a medicinal herbaceous plant of the Astrov family, which is also called a milk thistle. All parts of the milk thistle are useful, but especially its seeds with proven hepaprotective and antioxidant effects. In some animal feeds are added in small quantities with a preventive purpose.

Burdock root root (Burdock Root) is known for its antioxidant properties, is characterized by low calorie content, contains a lot of unclaimed polysaccharides, for example, inulin and glucoside lappin, which have a slight laying effect. In addition, in, in addition, it is a prebiotic (food for beneficial intestinal microflora) and helps reduce blood sugar.

Lavender is a well-known spice-aromatic plant, reaching 60–70 cm in height. All parts of the lavender and especially its pale purple inflorescences smell pleasantly, due to the content of essential oils, which also have some useful properties. The main action of lavender is a sedative, because it is not for nothing that it is part of many plant drugs against stress in dogs and cats. In dry diets for animals, this plant is rarely used.

Altea root (Marshmallow Root) is the underground part of the long-term grassy medicinal plant Althaea Officinalis. In medicine, thick, "mature" roots of Altey, at least two years old are used. The root of the alteus includes mucous substances that endow the plant with analgesic properties. The same "mucus" is a valuable tool for the digestive tract. Due to the soft effects of Althaea Officinalis, the likelihood of inflammation and irritation on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs is reduced.

Rosehips (Rose Hips, Rose Buds) are the fruits of a wild plant of the Rose family called rose hips. Record holder for the content of vitamin C, a source of other vitamins and antioxidants. As a rule, this ingredient is added to the food in small quantities.

A mixture of tocopherols (a source of vitamin E) (Mixed Tocopherols) is a natural source of vitamin E, which is important for dogs and cats. Tocopherols are fat-soluble vitamins that have similar properties and are combined into one group (E).

Zinc Aminoacid Chelate, Hydrate is a supplement that is used to enrich the diet with zinc. The complex of zinc and amino acids is perceived by the body better than ordinary mineral salts: upon contact with the membrane of an animal cell, it is recognized as a substance that is biologically related to it.

Enterococcus faecium is a type of friendly bacteria that lives in the intestines of cats and dogs. Receiving from the body of the animal the nutrients they need, enterococci, in the course of their life, participate in metabolic processes in the intestines, help digestion, assimilate vitamins, etc. In addition, they successfully fight for a place under the sun with pathogenic bacteria, preventing them from colonizing the intestines. That is why they are used in pet food.

Fromm and ORIJEN puppies for large breeds More fresh

Fromm and orijen puppies for large breeds

Calcium is a chemically active silver-white metal, one of the most common minerals on our planet (it is found in the earth's crust, in water and, of course, in living organisms). More than 90% of calcium in the body of animals is found in bones and teeth, to which this metal gives hardness. However, for proper growth and formation of bone tissue, calcium must be absorbed by the body in a certain balance with phosphorus.

Phosphorus is a mineral substance, the exact compound of which is not indicated in this case. Most likely, this is a salt of phosphoric acid – for example, calcium phosphate, since it is phosphates that are usually added to the food of agricultural and domestic animals. Phosphorus is not always listed separately in the composition of finished feeds. It can be part of vitamin and mineral premixes, and is also found in corn, oats, meat and bone meal, and fish and bone meal.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 are the most important substances related to unsaturated fatty acids that can only be ingested by dogs and cats with food.

Glucosamine (Glucosamine) is a polysaccharide that holds together the "bricks" of the cartilage tissue of an animal. It coats the joints with lubrication, relieves inflammation and reduces pain of movement. Glucosamine is added to dog and cat food to prevent joint disease in healthy animals. The body is normally able to produce glucosamine on its own, but at certain times it may not be enough.

Chondroitin is a structural component of animal cartilage, an important substance for the prevention and treatment of joint diseases in healthy animals. The body of cats and dogs is normally able to synthesize chondroitin on its own, but at certain points it may not be enough, and you have to add it to the diet.

When analyzing the updated compositions of the Orijen line for dogs, it is impossible not to talk about dry dog food for puppies of large breeds. Here is a comparison of the old composition of Orijen Puppy Large Grain-Free and the new one. In our review, we tried to reflect the pros and cons of the diet to the maximum, tell the details, and also identify the most important updates that the formula of this feed received. As always, let's start with the appearance of the packaging and the information that the manufacturer himself brings to the fore.

Characteristics of Orijen Puppy Large on the packaging

Orijen's updated Large Breed Puppy Food has the same purple label, so it's easy to find on the shelf. As before, there are no photos of dogs here, but the black-and-white photography of nature has changed, it has become more picturesque and larger, while the bright red logo, on the contrary, has been slightly reduced.

It is always interesting to know exactly how the proportions of raw materials in the diet are distributed, but not every brand reveals this. This manufacturer always provides such information openly, and most importantly, it is confirmed by the percentages of ingredients in the list of ingredients. This formula contains 85% poultry, fish and eggs and 15% "vegetables, fruits and herbs", as well as 0% grains, tapioca, potatoes, vegetable protein concentrates. True, when translating vegetables, fruits and herbs, we took it in quotation marks, since there is also a fraction of legumes in the diet, which it is not entirely correct to classify as vegetables.

The manufacturer gives the same characteristic to Orijen Puppy Large as to its other diets: food that is biologically appropriate for the needs of dogs as an animal species. For clarity, the dog food storage container contains specific data on the amount of ingredients of animal origin. So, in a best dog food storage container of feed weighing 11. 4 kg, for example, contains about 9 2/3 kg of fresh and dry meat, fish, animal fats. All these sources of raw materials are duplicated on the dog food storage container with schematic images – silhouettes of birds, fish, eggs, etc.

The manufacturer emphasizes that the Orijen feed is made from meat and products of exclusively regional, Canadian origin. On the back of the best dog food storage container there is even a photograph of one of the employees of the brand that is engaged in catching and supplying fish.

The packaging of this food, like other Orijen foods, emphasizes the minimum processing of raw materials – there is an indication that 2/3 of the raw materials enter the food raw or fresh, and 1/3 after gentle drying at a temperature not exceeding 90 degrees Celsius. We think this is important because in this way the original ingredients can retain the maximum amount of useful substances, and no special balancing additives are required. This approach is rare in the industry.

More fresh meat and fish

Compared to the old formula, the new Orijen Puppy contains more fresh meat and offal: 61% versus the previous 50%. As the analysis of the label shows, the first ten ingredients (various types of poultry, fish, offal) were added fresh, not frozen. But dried meat and fish ingredients moved closer to the end of the list – now they occupy places from 11th to 15th and make up only 20% (against 25% before).

I must say that the set of fish in Orijen Puppy Large has also changed – pike perch and salmon have been removed, but mackerel, flounder and sardine have appeared.

Herbal product ingredients

As before, the formula is grain-free, but now the sweet potato has been removed from the formula. If you carefully look at the location of the legume ingredients in the list, it becomes clear that each of several types of legumes in the food composition can be no more than 4% and not less than 1%: this is clear from the proportions of neighboring ingredients. At the same time, their diversity has grown: in addition to red lentils, chickpeas, green lentils and green peas, three more legume varieties have been added: whole pinto beans, whole navy beans and yellow peas.

Useful additives of the new feed "Orijen Puppy Ladge"

Previously, this food was formulated with 8 vitamin and mineral supplements – relatively few when compared to the long lists of vitamin and mineral premixes in other brands of food. In the updated product, the manufacturer left only one additive (zinc chelate) – all other essential nutrients come directly from other ingredients.

Instead of pea fiber, we see lentil fiber in the new composition. It also contains dietary fiber that is beneficial for intestinal motility.

As for chondroprotectors, now their sources are not only chicken cartilage, but also 4% of fresh chicken necks. True, the proportion of chicken cartilage in the new formula has been reduced from 3% to 1%. At the same time, the manufacturer, as before, tells us in the guaranteed feed analysis section how much glucosamine and chondroitin per kg of feed is contained in this formula.

The food is preserved with natural extracts rich in tocopherol, but we did not find this data on the American-language label. We feel the need to add this important naturally occurring preservative to the list of ingredients on our food card.

Orijen Puppy Large rating increased by 2 points

Actually, the advantages of the food remained the same – a high volume of high-quality sources of animal protein (as much as 81%), the absence of grains, clear ingredients (you can even track their suppliers), a natural preservation system. The basis of the diet is fresh meat, fish and offal, they contain all the nutrients needed by the body of dogs, so we see only one additional mineral supplement in the composition.

However, please note that particularly sensitive puppies and pets with a tendency to allergies should be given Orijen Puppy Large with caution, as there are many different sources of animal protein, and some of them may not be suitable for them. This can be regarded as a minus. However, the body of each puppy is individual, and any conclusions can only be drawn based on my own feeding experience, and the quality of this product is worth trying.

Orijen dry dog food for Large Breed Puppies gets our highest rating with a score of 55 out of a possible 55 (2 points higher than the previous version of the food). It's nice that the description of Orijen Puppy Large, given by the manufacturer, is confirmed by the official list of ingredients. A bonus of 5 points, taken into account in the overall rating, is awarded to the product for the actual high content of high quality animal protein sources (more than 60%).

Photo Orijen Puppy Large Grain Free

This conclusion, like all the others, we invite you to read and take note of at your discretion. We created it to arm you with knowledge and help you make better decisions when buying dry dog food for your pet. Read more about our activities here.

Samuel Carter author About Author