Pets urine can cause great damage to the lawn. Yellow spots and bald spots appear on the lawn, which spoil the view of the entire site.
There are many effective ways to wean the dog to urinate on the lawn – from barriers to repellents. We will tell you in detail how to do it.
Why does the urine of the dog spoil the lawn?
The urine of the dog contains a large amount of nitrogen, which burns the grass, leaving naked or yellow spots on juicy green plantation. Despite the fact that nitrogen is used as fertilizer for plants, in the urine of the dog its concentration is too high and causes an undesirable effect.
Salt and other compounds contained in the urine can also contribute to grass damage. Strongly acidic or alkaline urine can change the pH of the soil, negatively affecting the grass in those areas of the courtyard where the dog urinates.
Restoring the lawn is not difficult, but it will take time. It is necessary to sow the seeds of the same grass mixture from which the lawn consists and water. In favorable weather, the grass quickly takes root. But if the dog marks the territory often, then the season is not enough for the restoration of the lawn – the bald spots will still be visible.
It is good to accustom the dog to go to the toilet in a certain place of the garden, but if it is impossible, there are ways to save the lawn.
How to save the lawn from urine that burns the lawn?
Create a dog toilet
Without proper training, the puppy will write where he likes. So that the dog does not urinate on the grass, experts recommend creating a special toilet for a pet. Firstly, select a certain place, and then take your dog to show her where it is-it may take several approaches until she understands.
You can put a special dog tray in this place so that the pet knows where to go to the toilet, and do not forget to praise it as soon as he does it. It is also important to remove dog feces outside this area so that the puppy does not confuse.
Spray the lawn with water
Water can reduce damage caused by urine of the dog. It is necessary to pour water on the lawn area immediately after the dog has urinated there. Rinse of grass with water from the hose dilute the urine and prevent the absorption of too much nitrogen by the soil.
Put the barrier
If it is not possible to wean the dog to write on the lawn, you can protect a small area with a fence, which will help reduce the damage to the whole field. Let the animal go to this place if he likes that.
As an alternative, you can plant plants safe for dogs, shrubs, hedges, perhaps the pet will switch attention from the lawn to another greens.
The sprayer of water activated by movement will also allow you to keep the puppy away from the lawn – the dog will know that you can’t urinate there.
Prepare a repellent
There are a lot of smells that scare away dogs in home everyday life. You can prepare a repellent on the basis of alcohol, vinegar, masts, citrus fruits, soda, or even from burning pepper.
Citrus aromas, such as oranges, lemon, lime or grapefruits, are especially unpleasant. You can create your own repellent. To do this, you need half a glass of orange juice (or other citrus fruits) and four glasses of water. The lawn must be sprayed from the spray gun.
The smell of medical alcohol lasts for a long time, and the dog cannot stand it. Therefore, if it teaches a similar aroma, then for a long time she will try to avoid this place. It is necessary to lay out the tampons soaked in alcohol along the lawn.
From acute pepper
Burning pepper is also able to protect the lawn from the urine of the pet. A decoction of burning pepper irritates the mucous membrane, so dogs will avoid contact with this tool. The broth can be sprayed by the lawn if the animal has chosen it.
From vinegar
Acetic essence is an excellent repulsion of dogs. It is necessary to moisten the tampons with this tool and lay out on the lawn. The dog is unlikely to want to write on green grass.
From baking soda
It is necessary to sprinkle the entire surface of the lawn with baking soda. Or use a soda solution and pour them the place where the dog managed to mark the territory. The baking soda neutralizes the smell of urine and scare away other dogs. In addition, it protects plants from other diseases or insects.
Monitor the diet of a dog
Pets owners should monitor their drinking regime. The more pets drink, the less poisonous their urine will be. The dog’s bowl should be filled with fresh clean water throughout the day. It is necessary to ensure that the animal consumes about 50 ml of water for each kg of body weight during the day.
Dog food with a balanced pH can also help neutralize the urine of the dog and prevent the infliction of additional damage to the lawn. If fewer brown spots began to appear on the lawn, this may be a sign that the dog drinks enough water and gets balanced food.
Take the dog for a walk
To minimize the damage to the lawn, it is important to take the dog for a short walk to the forest belt, the park or special dog sites so that it can pee in another place. This is especially important to do in the morning, when the pets urine was as concentrated as possible, because it did not drink during the night.
Dog Urine Lawn Burn
How to get rid of uninvited pets on the site
Sometimes other people’s dogs come into the garden, which shine not only on the lawn, but also on the beds. Such uninvited guests need to fight more globally, protecting the entire site.
The best tool is a good fence. Around the bestdogfood.Expert you can plant lavender – its smell scares dogs. A thorny shrub planted around the perimeter of the cottage can serve as a barrier.
You can also install an ultrasonic repeller in the garden. With the approach of the animal, the motion sensor will work and automatically run ultrasonic waves. Dogs are too sensitive to such a range and hurry to leave the bestdogfood.Expert as soon as possible.