What kind of dog food is good for Vizsla?

February 17, 2023
Dog Food
Best dog food for Vizsla puppy review

This is one of the oldest European breeds, whose history has at least a thousand years. She appeared simultaneously with the Hungarians themselves or Magyars. From the Hungarian “surf” is translated as “find”, “search”. In 896, the ancient Magyars captured the Central Military District Lowland. It is believed that the breeds of burned, a chest of drawers, bullets and Kuvas appeared with them.

The first information is on stones – images of leaders on a falcon hunt with dogs, very similar appearance on modern Hungarian cops. The Magyar tribes in Europe were not easy. The meat was mined mainly on falconry. The dog found the bird by smell, pointed to its whereabouts to the hunter who let the falcon. The winged predator killed prey and delivered to the owner. They resorted to this method to the appearance of firearms.

It seems that the Magyars crossed their hounds with natives. There is no direct evidence, but it survived similar to representatives of other breeds of central Europe, in particular to the Transylvanian hound. The breed was first mentioned in 1350 in published between 1342 and 1382. Viennese chronicles describing the life of Magyars are a chapter on falcon hunting, and there are images of dogs.

The breed is mentioned before the Turkish occupation of 1526. With the Turks, a gold pointer falls on the Magyar lands. It is crossed with fried, thanks to it the breed receives a unique color. In the descriptions that have come to us since then, the color and hunting skills are almost always mentioned. In general, in the end, only representatives of the nobility had the right to breed this breed.

Unlike most dogs of that era, they were very much appreciated and allowed to sleep in the house. Although it was mainly used to hunt a bird, she could also find both a hare and a bear.

In the XVII century. In Hungary, English and German hunting dogs appear that quickly gain popularity. Demand for “Aborigines” falls, and the amount of surviva decreases. By the end of the century, there are very few purebred dogs, and breeders begin to restore the breed. With a high probability, they crossed dogs with a German and English Pointer and, possibly, with an Irish setter.

Due to the First World War, the population was significantly reduced, but breeders came to the rescue here too. Since 1920, tail docking has been in vogue to avoid injuries while hunting. In the 1930s, several breeders contemplate breeding a dog that would be better adapted to hunting in damp climates, in the bush. They are crossed with the Vizsla Drathaar, and the result is a Wirehaired Vizsla, which is considered a separate breed.

During World War II, Hungary was occupied first by German troops and then by the USSR. Because of the fighting, the native breeds were practically destroyed. Famine and bombing were to blame for the reduction in numbers, dogs were almost not bred. At the end of hostilities, several hundred survivors remained.

If not for American soldiers and Hungarian emigrants, the breed could have disappeared altogether. Emigrating Hungarians took dogs with them, created kennels in countries where this breed was not known at all. Puppies were also brought by returning American soldiers. Popularity in the United States and played a major role in the restoration of the breed. Most cynological organizations of the time required at least three generations to pass before breed recognition. So, most of the surviving stud books are from 1945 to 1950, although the breed is at least a thousand years old, and 500 of them it is considered purebred.

In 1960, more than 500 American-born dogs were registered, spanning at least three generations. Since the dogs’ arrival in the US, they have become the most versatile hunting dogs. In almost any conditions, they can hunt any game. A smart, good-natured dog wins fans faster than any other breed. Vyzhly work great and very beautiful. The breed is becoming more and more popular in all countries. In 2010, she was 41st among 167 breeds in terms of the number of dogs registered with the AKC.

Description of the breed and features of the exterior


Today, the Vizsla is a versatile hunting dog. She performs various duties on land and in water, characterized by an easy ride and a beautiful solid stance. With great passion, she prowls in the reeds, swims and brings prey from the land and from the water.

The main parameters of the breed:

  • The height of the animal is from 54 to 65 cm at the withers, in females from 48 to 61 cm;
  • The weight is in the range of 20 to 30 kg. Females weigh between 18 and 25 kg;
  • They do not have an undercoat, which makes them easy to care for. Only periodic baths are sufficient, as they do not have a significant unpleasant odor.

According to the template, the Hungarian Vizsla Hound is an elegant animal of noble appearance, with a light, lean constitution that embodies beauty and harmony.

Undoubtedly, this is a dog of exceptional beauty. His light, smooth and graceful movements, red-gold coat shining in the sun and a noble head attract the eye.

The pet’s coat is smooth, short and close to the body. The standard coat color of the Vizsla is gold with red in various shades and tones. Some breeding programs can provide a deep red rust color.

The color may also be referred to as copper, alloy bronze, gold, and deep golden. There may be white markings or a single spot on the body, especially on the back and front of the neck.

Sometimes we see color changes on the underside of the coat at the top of the spine, usually a slightly lighter shade.

The American Dog Breed Standard requires the tail to be docked to two-thirds of its original length. Breed standards in countries where docking is prohibited do not require this (the British Standard is an example). Dogs hold their tail horizontal to the ground and swing it vigorously while tracking prey. They have a much longer tail than other dogs with traditional docking.



Both varieties have a similar character. Despite being predominantly hunting dogs, they have always been part of the family. As a result, their character is similar to the character of companion dogs and the modern survivor is a great companion. This is a dog that wants to be with the owner 100% of the time.

These dogs tend to suffer from loneliness and should not be left without brand for long periods of time. They form an incredibly close relationship with their owners and are one of the most loyal dogs of all hunting breeds. However, they are the same with strangers, considers every survivor he meets as a potential friend and wants to make acquaintance with him. They are completely unsuitable for the role of guards, as they will happily meet the thief, wagging their tail. They can be taught to speak

This dog suffers from excessive joy and will jump onto the owner’s chest, trying to lick him in his face at a meeting. On the other hand, they are very good with children. Moreover, they adore children, as they are always ready to play with them. With proper training, they are very tender and patient, can be excellent therapeutic dogs. At the same time, all the surgery, returning from hunting, become adored family members and their character is ideal.

They get along very well with other dogs. Although they are able to work independently, it does not interfere with them and a pack. They can live alone, but most dogs are happy if there is another with them. Dominance, jealousy, territoriality are not characteristic of the breed. Both breeds survived well with other animals, which is surprising for hunting dogs. It’s just their task to find and bring, not to attack. They calmly get along with cats, except that they try to play with them. That cats don’t really like it. Well, some can attack small animals, such as guinea pigs or hamsters.

These are very smart and flexible dogs. They cannot only cope with very specific tasks, such as shepherd or patrol workrvival regularly win the most prestigious competitions in offenders and adjility, work as guide dogs and search dogs.

There are exceptions, but the majority survived to please the owner, they are sensitive and are happy to respond to training, based on positive consolidation. She teaches simple tricks very quickly, those who want to teach difficult, will not experience special difficulties. Despite the fact that it is very easy to train and it loves people, this dog is not suitable for every family. She has very, very high activity requirements. It requires more loads than other breeds, competing in this with such record holders as shepherds of dogs, terriers and greyhoundsrvived an hour of loads daily to stay happy, but even more. Almost all problems with the behavior of this breed arise due to the insufficient level of physical activity. It seems that her energy is inexhaustible, she is able to work tirelessly for hours.

On the other hand, this athleticism will make it desirable for active families. Moreover, she is able to share anything, at least bicycle walks, at least skiing. If you like kayaks, then there there will be a place. She loves water and swim, due to size does not require a lot of space, and her short wool is easy to clean. If you need a dog with which it is easy and easy to travel and play sports, then you have found your breed. But, if you do not want or cannot devote 10-15 hours a week, then you need to think about another breed.

Squeezed can behave badly, but often the reason for this behavior is boredom and unspent energy. She is constantly looking for what to do and if the owner does not find her occupation, she will find him herself. Moreover, it can be very destructive and destroy the room completely for a short time. Long walks are good, but she needs work. And the owner is better to teach her something so that the dog is busy.

One of the common problems in the breed is the fear of a thunderstorm. It can be so strong that the psyche of the dog is disfigured. Since it is extremely difficult to adjust this fear, it is important to prevent its development at the first signs.



In their total mass, the Hungarian squeezes are distinguished by a strong immune system and good endurance. They are not subject to big health problems. There are frequent cases when the dogs lived up to 14 years old and did not hurt at all. They do not have hereditary diseases specific to the breed. From this point of view, representatives of the breed are quite protected.

In addition to femoral dysplasia, some dogs have skin allergies to some products, in particular, soybeans. Allergies – the body of the body to environmental allergens and food. It can cause dermatological reactions, from the appearance of pimples to more serious conditions. As for dysplasia, the problem is solved using the examination, which is carried out before the standard confirmation in order to obtain pedigree individuals with a good genealogy. Animals that have not received the status A or B, according to the official classification, do not undergo confirmation.

Ottites happen in the surf, this is due to their long closed ears. Common sense suggests that they need to be kept in proper purity. Most often, cleaning is carried out twice a week, using tools intended specifically for dogs.

Like all dogs with a deep and narrow chest, these dogs can experience gastric torsion (dowsing syndrome). This condition requires immediate veterinary attention. After giving first aid, it is important to fix the stomach in its anatomically normal position so as to avoid problems in the future. Often the intervention is carried out in two stages.

Returning from the hunt, it is important to carefully examine the skin of the dog where there are folds. The fact is that with the beginning of the hunting season, foreign particles of plants, for example, thorns, can get stuck in these places. As for hunting, individuals who have reached a sexually mature state, that is, the end of the growth period, are allowed to take part in the event. This will help to avoid bone and joint problems.

Maintenance and care


An indisputable plus of the Hungarian pointer is its ability to adapt to different living conditions of the owner. Vizsla can live both in a city apartment and in a rural area. And if in the first case it will be a good companion, then in the second, thanks to endurance and instinct, the dog can be used as a watchman. Vizsla easily tolerates the road, so family road trips to the sea or mountains will be only a joy for your dog.

The Hounding Pointer is undemanding in care. The Hungarian Shorthaired Pointing Dog breed, unlike the Wirehaired, does not even require combing. It is enough to brush the coat with a brush once a week. Bathing the dog – also no more than once a week. For those who like to give their dogs the very best, a piece of advice: get special coat sprays and use them before every walk. Sprays based on lanolin or wax have water-repellent properties – the wool of the vizsla during street walks will get less dirty, but at the same time it will shine beautifully.

Since the Vizsla is a friendly dog, she does not like to stay at home by herself. In confirmation of this, the dog may defiantly gnaw on your shoes. Buy rubber toys for your dog and give her a clear place in the house. Vizsla is easily accustomed to order, so she will always lie only in her rightful place. +

Be prepared for the fact that, due to its mobility, after walking, the dog will often have small wounds and cuts. Every time you return home, carefully examine the body of the pet. If you find wounds, rinse them with warm water and treat with ordinary peroxide. You will also need peroxide to care for your ears. Inspect your ears daily and wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide.

The Hungarian Shorthaired Hound, as well as the Wirehaired Hound, tolerates water procedures very easily. Therefore, he actively participates in games in the water. And if you have the opportunity, then in the spring and summer, be sure to take your dog to the river. After bathing, comb the vyzhla with a brush and let the hair dry on its own. The Hungarian pointer requires outdoor games, so swimming in a river or pond will only benefit the development and strengthening of its muscles. Remember that an active way of life is essential. Otherwise, the dog will quickly gain weight, become passive and unbearable.

What to feed?

A thoroughbred dog will not eat everything that you put in a bowl, so it’s worth figuring out what to feed the pointer, and what kind of food you shouldn’t use so as not to harm the pet’s health.

Best dog food for Vizsla puppy review sensitive animal, sensitively reacting

Best dog food for vizsla puppy review


animal sensitively reacting

You should immediately understand that the puppy’s initial diet is not determined by you, but by the one who sold it to you. Yes, in the first 2-3 weeks you should feed him the same food that the seller fed, so at the time of purchase, you should definitely find out what the puppy ate. As for the number of feedings, in the first 2 months, the survivor needs to be fed 5-6 times, while the food needs to be renewed each time.

What I feed My Vizsla puppy

If the puppy does not eat, then you need to wait 10 minutes and remove the food, leaving an empty bowl. Additional foods are not carried out to discipline the dog. From the 2nd to the 4th months, you need to feed 3-4 times according to the scheme described above. Remember that a cop is always hungry, but that doesn’t mean you have to fatten a hog that can’t move.

This “hungry” state is normal for this breed. Pas at the 7th-8th month is fed no more than 2 times a day. After a year, you can also feed 2 times.

As for feed, only the most expensive options can be used. Cheap dry or canned jelly-like options are not allowed. If you still want to try your luck, then be prepared for the fact that cheap food will cause allergies or digestive problems in the puppy, and its growth will slow down significantly, since such food is deprived of the nutrients that are necessary for the dog.

If you decide to feed with dry dog food, then at the initial stage you need to soak it with a small amount of warm water so that the puppy can use it normally, and did not scratch the oral cavity. This is not to say that dry dog food is the best option, so consult with breed lovers and veterinarians, the better to feed the puppy so that it has good health and sufficient energy.

An adult dog


As in the case of puppies, an adult dog can normally live a whole life on a dry stern, but you will have to buy an exclusively premium version that costs a lot of money.

You can feed the surgeon not only with dry dog food, but also using the following products:

  • Low-fat meat (beef, turkey);
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Milk;
  • Liver;
  • Eggs;
  • Carrot;
  • Low-fat sea fish;
  • Bananas, apricots, pears.

As you might notice, the amount of fats in the diet should be minimal, but the protein should come in large quantities so that the muscle system of the dog can develop and receive the necessary “building material”. As for cereals, their number should be minimal. The fact is that porridge is digested and clogging the stomach for a very long time.

At the same time, they supply a lot of carbohydrates and a minimum of proteins to the animal’s body, due to which such a product cannot be used for daily feeding.

Education and training of the Hungarian surge


Squeezed is not the dog that will blindly perform the task, it is important for her to understand that the team is really worthwhile. While still puppies, the dogs of this breed undergoes special testing using a fishing rod to which the wing of a feathered game is tied to the rope. Of course, such a check does not allow how to find out how successful it will be in the hunt, but shows whether the pet rises in the rack, at the sight of potential production.

For six months, you can take a puppy by hunting so that by the year he “knew” most of the game and is well “trained”. The cop needs mandatory practice. But most hunters let out of sight of this feature and wait until 1. 5 years old when the pet matches. However, the grown dog becomes a little disoriented.

I survived perfectly in water, finding a wounded bird, which is possible thanks to a sensitive sense of smell. It can be aking from both water and land. Representatives of this breed are not heated and even in excitement do not lose touch with the ownerch a pet is easy to control during the search, and training in any area does not cause difficulties.

Squeezed – a sensitive animal, sensitively reacting even to a change in intonation, which means that rigid, rude methods of education and training are not suitable for it. The dog is difficult to endure physical impact. Yes, you can’t lick and indulge during training, it is important to show firmness and adamance. But the owner must be fair, patient and understand his four-legged friend.

The price of the issue

Here are some tips to those who wanted to purchase the Hungarian Square puppy and think about the question of how much it costs and where it is better to buy it.

The Hungarian surgery is quite popular today, respectively, there are many nurseries for their breeding. The dog should be purchased in such a specialized place – the price here can be slightly higher than that of private traders, but you will receive documents for a pet as a guarantee of its purification.

The price ranges from 100 – 700 dollars per puppy. It should be of medium size, mobile and active, without visible defects. < Span> Survated – a sensitive animal, sensitively reacting even to a change in intonation, which means that rigid, rude methods of education and training are not suitable for it. The dog is difficult to endure physical impact. Yes, you can’t lick and indulge during training, it is important to show firmness and adamance. But the owner must be fair, patient and understand his four-legged friend.


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